Я написал служебный апплет для монтирования / демонтажа EFI, а go, который использует NSAlert со списком, чтобы попытаться избежать смерти в диалоге, типичном для AppleScripts. Из этого сценария я извлек сценарий и добавил имена дисков в начальный диалог - благодаря предупреждениям он немного длиннее вашего фрагмента, но там должно быть что-то, что вы можете использовать:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
property alertHeader : " --- CAUTION ---" & return & "This utility works with EFI boot partitions -" & return & "Administrator authorization will be required."
property resources : "/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/"
property leadText : " "
property identifiers : missing value -- this will be a list of the EFI partition identifiers, e.g. {disk0s1}
on run -- example can be run as app and from Script Editor
if current application's NSThread's isMainThread() as boolean then
my performSelectorOnMainThread:"doStuff" withObject:(missing value) waitUntilDone:true
end if
end run
on doStuff() -- the main stuff
set theDisks to setup() -- set up properties and get disks with EFI partitions, e.g. {/dev/disk0}
set reply to {button:missing value, answer:""} -- preset a previous empty dialog result
repeat -- forever
set theAnswer to answer of reply -- use previous
set reply to (showAlert given settings:{title:"EFI [un]Mounter", message:alertHeader, information:"EFI partitions have been found on the following disks:" & return & return & theDisks & return & "The EFI partition of the specified disk will be [un]mounted." & return & "Enter the disk identifier or select one from the menu:", answer:theAnswer, icon:(resources & "AlertCautionIcon.icns"), buttons:{"Cancel", "Mount", "Unmount", "More Info"}})
if button of reply is "Cancel" then error number -128
set diskID to checkID(answer of reply)
if diskID is not missing value then -- found it
if button of reply is "More Info" then
set reply to moreInfo(answer of reply) -- result of the moreInfo dialog
if button of reply is not "Change" then exit repeat
exit repeat
end if
else -- try again
set answer of reply to ""
end if
end repeat
processEFI(button of reply, diskID)
end doStuff
to processEFI(command, diskID) -- mount or unmount the specified disk - admin authorization will be needed
log diskID
set command to (do shell script "echo " & command & " | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]")
if command is not in {"mount", "unmount"} then error "The processEFI handler received an invalid command."
set theResult to (do shell script "diskutil " & command & " /dev/" & diskID with administrator privileges)
if command is "mount" then tell application "Finder" -- show it
make new Finder window to ("/Volumes/EFI" as POSIX file)
end tell
display notification theResult
delay 2
on error errmess
log errmess
showAlert given settings:{title:"EFI [un]Mounter", message:return & "There was an error processing the partition.", information:errmess, icon:(resources & "AlertCautionIcon.icns")}
end try
end processEFI
on moreInfo(diskID) -- get more information about the specified disk identifier
set infoText to ""
set diskName to (do shell script "diskutil info " & diskID & " | grep 'Media Name' | awk '{print substr($0,index($0,$5))}'")
if diskName is "" then
set diskName to "the following disk"
set diskName to "disk " & quoted form of diskName
end if
repeat with aParagraph in paragraphs of (do shell script "diskutil list " & diskID)
if aParagraph starts with leadText then -- trim information text
if (paragraph -2 of infoText does not start with leadText) then set infoText to infoText & leadText & trimWhitespace(text 1 thru -1 of contents of aParagraph) & return
else if aParagraph does not start with " #:" then -- don't include header text
if length of aParagraph is less than 56 then
set infoText to infoText & aParagraph & return
else -- trim description text
set infoText to infoText & space & space & space & text 1 thru 6 of aParagraph & tab & trimWhitespace(text 7 thru 56 of aParagraph)
set infoText to infoText & return
end if
end if
end repeat
set reply to (showAlert given settings:{title:"EFI [un]Mounter", message:alertHeader, information:"The EFI partition of " & diskName & " will be [un]mounted:" & return & return & infoText, icon:(resources & "AlertCautionIcon.icns"), buttons:{"Cancel", "Mount", "Unmount", "Change"}})
if button of reply is "Cancel" then error number -128
return {button:button of reply, answer:diskID}
end moreInfo
to showAlert given settings:arguments -- show a custom alert
set arguments to arguments & {title:"", message:"Alert", information:"", answer:missing value, icon:"", buttons:{"OK"}} -- a record is used for input parameters, unspecified keys will use default values
tell current application's NSAlert's alloc's init()
if (icon of arguments) as text is "Critical" then -- everything else is NSInformationalAlertStyle
set its alertStyle to current application's NSCriticalAlertStyle
else -- use the contents of an image file - informational icon will be used if no image or file (missing value)
set its icon to current application's NSImage's alloc's initByReferencingFile:((icon of arguments) as text)
end if
set its |window|'s title to (title of arguments) as text
set its messageText to (message of arguments) as text -- the bold text
set its informativeText to (information of arguments) as text -- the normal text
set buttonList to my (setButtons for it from (buttons of arguments))
if (answer of arguments) is not missing value then
set its |window|'s autorecalculatesKeyViewLoop to true
set accessory to my (makeComboAccessory for it)
set accessory's stringValue to answer of arguments
end if
activate me
set response to ((its runModal) as integer) - 999 -- get index - 1000 is rightmost button
end tell
if answer of arguments is not missing value then set answer of arguments to (accessory's stringValue) as text
return {button:item response of buttonList, answer:answer of arguments} -- returns a record: {button:(button title), answer:(text field value, or 'missing value' if not used)}
end showAlert
to setButtons for alert from buttons -- set buttons for the alert - filters for blanks and duplicates; returns a list of the button titles (left-to-right)
set {buttonList, theButton} to {{}, missing value}
repeat with aButton in reverse of (buttons as list) -- match dialog order
set aButton to aButton as text
if aButton is not in buttonList and aButton is not in {missing value, ""} then -- filter
set theButton to (alert's addButtonWithTitle:aButton)
set end of buttonList to aButton
end if
end repeat
if buttonList is {} then -- better have at least one
set theButton to alert's addButtonWithTitle:"OK"
set end of buttonList to "OK"
end if
set alert's |window|()'s initialFirstResponder to theButton -- the last (leftmost) one
return buttonList
end setButtons
to makeComboAccessory for alert -- make and return a comboBox accessory view for the alert
tell (current application's NSComboBox's alloc's initWithFrame:{{0, 0}, {288, 28}})
set its completes to true
set its hasVerticalScroller to true
set its placeholderString to "a disk identifier, for example disk0" -- arbitrary
repeat with anItem in identifiers -- populate the combo box with the disks with EFI partitions
set here to offset of "s" in (reverse of characters of anItem) as text
set anItem to text 1 thru -(here + 1) of anItem -- strip off partition
(its addItemWithObjectValue:anItem)
end repeat
set alert's accessoryView to it
return it
end tell
end makeComboAccessory
to checkID(diskID) -- check the disk identifier against the EFI partitions - returns the EFI partition, or missing value if not found
if diskID is not "" then repeat with anItem in identifiers
set anItem to anItem as text
set here to offset of "s" in (reverse of characters of anItem) as text -- partition index
if text 1 thru -(here + 1) of anItem is first word of diskID then return anItem
end repeat
return missing value
end checkID
to trimWhitespace(someText) -- trim whitespace characters from the beginning and end of a string
set someText to someText as text
if someText is "" then return ""
set whiteSpace to {space, tab, return, linefeed}
repeat until the first character of someText is not in whiteSpace
if (count someText) is 1 then return ""
set someText to text 2 thru -1 of someText
end repeat
repeat until the last character of someText is not in whiteSpace
if (count someText) is 1 then return ""
set someText to text 1 thru -2 of someText
end repeat
return someText
end trimWhitespace
to setup() -- set up properties and stuff
set {theDisks, identifiers} to {"", {}}
repeat with aPartition in paragraphs of (do shell script "diskutil list | grep 'EFI EFI' | grep -E -o 'disk[0-9]?[0-9]s[0-9]?[0-9]'") -- just EFI partitions named EFI
set aDisk to first paragraph of (do shell script "diskutil list " & aPartition)
if aDisk does not contain "disk image" then -- don't add disk images
set diskName to (do shell script "diskutil info " & text 1 thru -3 of aPartition & " | grep 'Media Name' | awk '{print substr($0,index($0,$5))}'")
if diskName is in {"", missing value} then
set diskName to ""
set diskName to "(" & diskName & ")"
end if
set theDisks to theDisks & tab & text 1 thru 11 of aDisk & space & diskName & return
set end of my identifiers to aPartition
end if
end repeat
if (count identifiers) < 1 then error "No EFI partitions were found."
return theDisks -- returns the disks found with EFI partitions (for the initial dialog)
on error errmess
log errmess
showAlert given settings:{title:"EFI [un]Mounter", message:return & errmess, icon:(resources & "AlertStopIcon.icns")}
error number -128
end try
end setup