Я отлаживаю чужое программное обеспечение, и похоже, что код в Sub Main()
не срабатывает.
Как проверить, что код в main () действительно запущен?
Main ():
Sub Main()
Dim tMon As TaskMonitoring.TaskMonitorIface = Nothing
Dim tMonTask As TaskMonitoring.LogTask = Nothing
If Command() = "admin" Then
End If
ReadSettingsINI(My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "\DB.INI") 'Reading the database
Console.WriteLine("First Line Example")
'### This gets the last time the TaskMonitorEmail ran.
'### This is so I can check if any errors occured between the last start date and now.
Dim TaskMonStartDateTime As String
TaskMonStartDateTime = GetTMDateTime()
Call CheckAndCreateTaskLoggingTables(Dif.GetDBDetails)
'### This logs every time the software runs.
tMon = New TaskMonitorInterface.TaskMonitoring.TaskMonitorIface(Dif.GetDBDetails) 'catching ?
tMonTask = tMon.CreateTask(My.Application.Info.ProductName)
Catch ex As Exception
tMon = Nothing
tMonTask = Nothing
End Try