не синхронизируется для одновременного доступа и освобождения объектов в пул и из него. но если вам нужен пул с синхронизацией, singleton_pool
от boost - тот. Есть несколько ограничений на то, как начать использовать singleton_pool
, но они довольно справедливы и применимы для всех приложений. Пожалуйста, смотрите примечания к загрузочной документации от здесь и здесь .
Object Usage vs. Singleton Usage
Object Usage is the method where each Pool is an object that may be created and destroyed. Destroying a Pool implicitly frees all chunks that have been allocated from it.
Singleton Usage is the method where each Pool is an object with static duration; that is, it will not be destroyed until program exit. Pool objects with Singleton Usage may be shared; thus, Singleton Usage implies thread-safety as well. System memory allocated by Pool objects with Singleton Usage may be freed through release_memory or purge_memory.
ограничения по использованию
The underlying pool p referenced by the static functions in singleton_pool is actually declared in a way that it is:
Thread-safe if there is only one thread running before main() begins and after main() ends -- all of the static functions of singleton_pool synchronize their access to p.
Guaranteed to be constructed before it is used -- thus, the simple static object in the synopsis above would actually be an incorrect implementation. The actual implementation to guarantee this is considerably more complicated.
Note that a different underlying pool p exists for each different set of template parameters, including implementation-specific ones.