Итак, насколько я понимаю, вам нужно следующее:
- Открыть модал на основе строки запроса.
- Не открывать модал, если он уже открыт.
Допустим, URL-адрес www.mysite.com/payment?paymentStatus=success&paymentId=111
import { withRouter, Link } from 'react-router';
import queryString from 'query-string';
import Cookies from 'universal-cookie';// Haven't tried it but probably works from the repo
import Modal from 'some-modal-library';
const cookies = new Cookies();
const PaymentHandler = (props) => {
const {paymentStatus, paymentId} = queryString.parse(props.location.search) || {};
console.log(params); // {paymentStatus: 'success', paymentId: '111'}
const openModal = paymentStatus && paymentStatus === 'success' ? true : false;
if (openModal) {
// Check if stored in cookies based on the paymentId previously
const paymentStatusFromCookie = cookies.get(paymentId);
if (paymentStatusFromCookie && paymentStatusFromCookie === 'success') {
// This means we've already set it. Just return null or react fragment
// This will not render the modal on the DOM
return <></>;
// Else set the cookie and allow the modal render
cookies.set(paymentId, paymentStatus, { path: '/' });
return (
<h2>Your payment was successful</h2>
{/*Reroute to another page once close to even avoid refresh in the first place*/}
<Link to="/" />Close</Link>
export default withRouter(PaymentHandler);