Я сохраняю набор алгоритмов в виде Python сценария и выявляю некоторые предупреждения при тестировании сценария. Разработка прошла нормально из указанной Python среды, которую я создал для своего проекта Data Science; однако, когда я запустил сценарий из командной строки, применяются библиотеки по умолчанию anaconda, и эти предупреждения отображаются. Я попытался запустить обновление conda - все при установке Anaconda, но те же предупреждения отображаются при запуске скрипта.
Есть ли способ обновить пакеты Anaconda3, чтобы избавиться от предупреждения? Вот список предупреждений:
C:\>python retention_model.py unseen_employee_data.csv predictions.csv final_model.pkl True True
Код работает и файл прогноза создан; однако я не уверен, что эти предупреждения являются хорошей идеей, когда я начинаю вызывать этот скрипт для больших наборов данных.
Вот что я получаю:
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\utils\deprecation.py:144: FutureWarning: The sklearn.preprocessing.data module is deprecated in version 0.22 and will be removed in version 0.24. The corresponding classes / functions should instead be imported from sklearn.preprocessing. Anything that cannot be imported from sklearn.preprocessing is now part of the private API.
warnings.warn(message, FutureWarning)
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\base.py:318: UserWarning: Trying to unpickle estimator StandardScaler from version 0.21.3 when using version 0.22.1. This might lead to breaking code or invalid results. Use at your own risk.
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\utils\deprecation.py:144: FutureWarning: The sklearn.ensemble.forest module is deprecated in version 0.22 and will be removed in version 0.24. The corresponding classes / functions should instead be imported from sklearn.ensemble. Anything that cannot be imported from sklearn.ensemble is now part of the private API.
warnings.warn(message, FutureWarning)
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\utils\deprecation.py:144: FutureWarning: The sklearn.tree.tree module is deprecated in version 0.22 and will be removed in version 0.24. The corresponding classes / functions should instead be imported from sklearn.tree. Anything that cannot be imported from sklearn.tree is now part of the private API.
warnings.warn(message, FutureWarning)
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\base.py:318: UserWarning: Trying to unpickle estimator DecisionTreeClassifier from version 0.21.3 when using version 0.22.1. This might lead to breaking code or invalid results. Use at your own risk.
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\base.py:318: UserWarning: Trying to unpickle estimator RandomForestClassifier from version 0.21.3 when using version 0.22.1. This might lead to breaking code or invalid results. Use at your own risk.
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\base.py:318: UserWarning: Trying to unpickle estimator Pipeline from version 0.21.3 when using version 0.22.1. This might lead to breaking code or invalid results. Use at your own risk.
I:\DataScience\Elite Data Science\Corner Stone#4 - Chief People Officer>python retention_model.py unseen_employee_data.csv predictions.csv final_model.pkl True True
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\utils\deprecation.py:144: FutureWarning: The sklearn.preprocessing.data module is deprecated in version 0.22 and will be removed in version 0.24. The corresponding classes / functions should instead be imported from sklearn.preprocessing. Anything that cannot be imported from sklearn.preprocessing is now part of the private API.
warnings.warn(message, FutureWarning)
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\base.py:318: UserWarning: Trying to unpickle estimator StandardScaler from version 0.21.3 when using version 0.22.1. This might lead to breaking code or invalid results. Use at your own risk.
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\utils\deprecation.py:144: FutureWarning: The sklearn.ensemble.forest module is deprecated in version 0.22 and will be removed in version 0.24. The corresponding classes / functions should instead be imported from sklearn.ensemble. Anything that cannot be imported from sklearn.ensemble is now part of the private API.
warnings.warn(message, FutureWarning)
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\utils\deprecation.py:144: FutureWarning: The sklearn.tree.tree module is deprecated in version 0.22 and will be removed in version 0.24. The corresponding classes / functions should instead be imported from sklearn.tree. Anything that cannot be imported from sklearn.tree is now part of the private API.
warnings.warn(message, FutureWarning)
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\base.py:318: UserWarning: Trying to unpickle estimator DecisionTreeClassifier from version 0.21.3 when using version 0.22.1. This might lead to breaking code or invalid results. Use at your own risk.
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\base.py:318: UserWarning: Trying to unpickle estimator RandomForestClassifier from version 0.21.3 when using version 0.22.1. This might lead to breaking code or invalid results. Use at your own risk.
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\base.py:318: UserWarning: Trying to unpickle estimator Pipeline from version 0.21.3 when using version 0.22.1. This might lead to breaking code or invalid results. Use at your own risk.