Я реализовал алгоритм стабильного сопоставления, но кажется, что реализация соответствует наименее предпочтительным кандидатам. Я прошу пересмотреть код:
import options, sequtils
Person* = ref object
id: int
name: string
engagedTo: Option[Person]
preferences: seq[Person]
MatchPool* = object
husbands, wives: seq[Person]
proc newPerson*(nameofperson: string, isMale: bool = true, engagedTo: Option[
Person] = none(Person), preferences: openArray[Person] = []): Person =
nextMaleId = 1
nextFemaleId = -1
id: int
if isMale:
id = nextMaleId
inc nextMaleId
id = nextFemaleId
dec nextFemaleId
return Person(id: id, name: nameofperson, engagedTo: engagedTo,
preferences: preferences.toSeq())
proc addPreference*(self: var Person, preference: varargs[Person]) =
proc newMatchPool*(husbands, wives: openArray[Person]): Option[MatchPool] =
let dim = husbands.len()
if wives.len() == dim:
if husbands.allIt(it.preferences.len() == dim):
if wives.allIt(it.preferences.len() == dim):
result = some(MatchPool(husbands: husbands.toSeq(),
wives: wives.toSeq()))
proc isSingle(self: Person): bool = self.engagedTo.isNone()
proc isEngaged(self: Person): bool = not self.isSingle()
proc disengage(person: var Person) =
if person.engagedTo.isSome():
person.engagedTo.get().engagedTo = none(Person)
person.engagedTo = none(Person)
proc engage(husband, wife: var Person) =
if husband.isEngaged():
if wife.isEngaged():
husband.engagedTo = some(wife)
wife.engagedTo = some(husband)
proc prefersMoreThanCurrent(self, other: Person): Option[bool] =
if self.isSingle():
result = some(true)
for personRef in self.preferences:
if personRef.id == self.engagedTo.get().id:
result = some(false)
elif personRef.id == other.id:
result = some(true)
proc solve*(self: var MatchPool): Option[string] =
for husband in self.husbands.mitems():
for wife in husband.preferences.mitems():
let prefers = wife.prefersMoreThanCurrent(husband)
if prefers.isNone():
result = some("Found a spouse that does not prefer another spouse")
elif prefers.get():
engage(husband, wife)
result = none(string)
proc print*(self: MatchPool) =
for husband in self.husbands:
echo(husband.name, " is engaged to ", husband.engagedTo.get().name)
echo "and"
for wife in self.wives:
echo(wife.name, " is engaged to ", wife.engagedTo.get().name)
import unittest
import options
import cdsan/stable_matching
test "stable_matching":
rose = newPerson("Rose", false)
alexis = newPerson("Alexis", false)
alicia = newPerson("Alicia", false)
samantha = newPerson("Samantha", false)
ads = newPerson("Ads")
bruce = newPerson("Bruce")
zab = newPerson("Zab")
eddy = newPerson("Eddy")
rose.addPreference(ads, zab, eddy, bruce)
alexis.addPreference(bruce, zab, eddy, ads)
alicia.addPreference(eddy, zab, bruce, ads)
samantha.addPreference(bruce, eddy, zab, ads)
ads.addPreference(rose, alicia, alexis, samantha)
bruce.addPreference(samantha, alicia, rose, alexis)
zab.addPreference(alexis, rose, alicia, samantha)
eddy.addPreference(samantha, rose, alicia, alexis)
var mp = newMatchPool(wives = [rose, alexis, alicia, samantha], husbands = [
ads, bruce, zab, eddy])
assert mp.isSome()
var pool = mp.get()
assert pool.solve().isNone()
Ads is engaged to Samantha
Bruce is engaged to Alexis
Zab is engaged to Alicia
Eddy is engaged to Rose
Rose is engaged to Eddy
Alexis is engaged to Bruce
Alicia is engaged to Zab
Samantha is engaged to Ads
Как видите, Ads and Samantha нравится каждому другие меньше всего. Саманте нравится Брюс. Розы и реклама предпочитают друг друга.
Что вызывает это?