Это может работать:
* Force GFORM Scripts inline next to Form Output
* force the script tags inline next to the form. This allows
* us to regex them out each time the form is rendered.
* see strip_inline_gform_scripts() function below
* which implements the required regex
add_filter("gform_init_scripts_footer", "__return_false");
* Strip out GForm Script tags
* note: this diables post and pre render hooks which are triggered
* when the form renders so if you need these then it's important
* to manually re-add them in your compiled JS source code
add_filter("gform_get_form_filter", function( $form_string, $form ) {
return $form_string = preg_replace('#<script(.*?)>(.*?)</script>#is', '', $form_string);
}, 10, 2);