Включите сплайны cubi c для создания контроллера пути для робота в python - PullRequest
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/ 23 апреля 2020

У меня проблемы с функцией интерполяции. Я не могу разрешить

TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of 'list' and 'int'

Мой код не будет работать для всей длины функций. Комментарии с TODO были частями, которые мне нужно было добавить для запуска кода.

Код SplinedPath:

import math
import numpy as np

def tridiag( x, y ):
    n = len( x )
    f = np.zeros( n - 2 )
    g = np.zeros( n - 3 )
    r = np.zeros( n - 2 )
    e = np.zeros( n - 3 )
    f[ 0 ] = 2 * (x[ 2 ] - x[ 0 ])
    g[ 0 ] = (x[ 2 ] - x[ 1 ])
    r[ 0 ] = (6 / (x[ 2 ] - x[ 1 ])) * (y[ 2 ] - y[ 1 ])
    r[ 0 ] = r[ 0 ] + (6 / (x[ 1 ] - x[ 0 ])) * (y[ 0 ] - y[ 1 ])
    for i in range( 1, n - 2 ):
        e[ i - 1 ] = x[ i + 1 ] - x[ i ]
        f[ i ] = 2 * (x[ i + 2 ] - x[ i ])
        g[ i - 1 ] = (x[ i + 1 ] - x[ i ])
        r[ i ] = (6 / (x[ i + 2 ] - x[ i + 1 ])) * (y[ i + 2 ] - y[ i + 1 ])
        r[ i ] = r[ i ] + (6 / (x[ i + 1 ] - x[ i ])) * (y[ i ] - y[ i + 1 ])
    return e, f, g, r
    return e, f, g, r

def interpolate( x, y, d2x, xu ):
    n = len( x )
    for i in range( 1, n ):
        if xu >= x[ i - 1 ] and xu < x[ i ]:
            d2xp = d2x[ i - 1 ]
            d2xn = d2x[ i ] if i < n - 1 else 0
            dx = x[ i ] - x[ i - 1 ]
            c1 = d2xp / 6 / dx
            c2 = d2xn / 6 / dx
            c3 = y[ i - 1 ] / dx - d2xp * dx / 6
            c4 = y[ i ] / dx - d2xn * dx / 6
            t1 = c1 * (x[ i ] - xu) ** 3
            t2 = c2 * (xu - x[ i - 1 ]) ** 3
            t3 = c3 * (x[ i ] - xu)
            t4 = c4 * (xu - x[ i - 1 ])
            yu = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4
            t1 = -3 * c1 * (x[ i ] - xu) ** 2
            t2 = 3 * c2 * (xu - x[ i - 1 ]) ** 2
            t3 = -c3
            t4 = c4
            dy = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4
            t1 = 6 * c1 * (x[ i ] - xu)
            t2 = 6 * c2 * (xu - x[ i - 1 ])
            d2y = t1 + t2
            return (yu, dy, d2y)
        return (0, 0, 0)

def cubic_spline( x, y ):
    n = len( x )
    e, f, g, r = tridiag( x, y )
    A = [ [ 0 for i in range( n - 2 ) ] for i in range( n - 2 ) ]
    for i in range( n - 2 ):
        A[ i ][ i ] = f[ i ]
        if i < n - 3:
            A[ i + 1 ][ i ] = e[ i ]
            A[ i ][ i + 1 ] = g[ i ]
    d2x = np.linalg.solve( A, r )
    d2x = [ 0 ] + d2x.tolist() + [ 0 ]
    return d2x

def unwrap(dq):
  return ((dq+math.pi)%(2*math.pi))-math.pi

class SplinedPath:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.currentseg = 1;
        self.x = x;
        self.y = y;
        self.s = [0]; # Not really path length but something related to it.
        for ii in range(1,len(x)):
            dx = x[ii] - x[ii-1]
            dy = y[ii] - y[ii-1]
            self.s.append(self.s[-1] + math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy))
        self.d2sx = cubic_spline(self.s, self.x) #TODO Get the second derivative of the cubic spline x(s) at each knot (remember first and last should be zero)
        self.d2sy = cubic_spline(self.s, self.y) #TODO Get the second derivative of the cubic spline y(s) at each knot (remember first and last should be zero)

    def nearest(self,botx,boty,botyaw):
        en = 0  # Normal error (perpendicular distance from botx,boty to the nearest point on the cubic spline path)
        eh = 0  # Heading error (angular distance from the robots heading (botyaw) to the path heading)
        kff = 0 # Curvature of the cubic splined path (we'll also call it the feedforward curvature kff)
        length_remaining = 0
        Ltot = self.s[-1] # Total path length (roughly)
        for jj in range(self.currentseg,len(self.x)-1):
            # Vector from jjth knot and (jj+1)th knot
            segv = [self.x[jj+1] - self.x[jj], self.y[jj+1] - self.y[jj]]
            # Vector from jjth knot to the robot
            botv = [botx         - self.x[jj], boty         - self.y[jj]]
            # What percent of the way between the jjth and (jj+1)th knot is the robot?
            prcnt = (segv[0]*botv[0]+botv[1]*segv[1])/(segv[0]*segv[0]+segv[1]*segv[1]);
            if prcnt < 1: # If it is less than 1 then we assume we are on this segment
                self.currentseg = jj # Set the current segment to jj so we never look again at segments we've already passed
                # Finally, we can get the value of the independent parameter "s" that represents the nearest point to the robot
                ss = self.s[jj] + prcnt*(self.s[jj+1]-self.s[jj])
                # How much "length" is left on the path?
                length_remaining = Ltot - ss;
                if prcnt > 0: #TODO make sure ss is in range if it is then
                    x = self.s #TODO Get x(ss), dxds(ss), d2xds2(ss)
                    xs, dxds, d2xds2 = interpolate(self.s, self.x, self.d2sx, ss)
                    y = self.x #TODO, get the path heading HINT: all you need are dxds and dyds
                    ys, dyds, d2yds2 = interpolate(self.s, self.y, self.d2sy, y) 
                    #TODO Get y(ss), dyds(ss), d2yds2(ss)
                    q = math.atan2(dyds,dxds)
                    qp = q-math.pi/2 # This is going to point perpendicularly to the right of the direction of travel along the path
                    en = (botx - x)*math.cos(qp) + (boty - y)*math.sin(qp) # TODO Normal error ==> (botx-x(ss))*math.cos(qp) + (boty-y(ss))*math.sin(qp)
                    eh = unwrap(q - botyaw) # TODO unwrap(q-botyaw) <== unwrap to between -pi and pi
                    kff = (dxds*d2yds2-dyds*d2xds2)/(((dxds**2)+(dyds**2))**(3/2)) # Curvature of the path. You will find the formula for this under the
                          # sub-topic "In terms of a general parameterization" at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curvature
                          # You will need dxds(ss), d2xds2(ss), dyds(ss), and d2yds2(ss)
        return (en,eh,kff,length_remaining)

Драйвер робота используется для запуска кода:

import math def unwrap(dq):   return ((dq+math.pi)%(2*math.pi))-math.pi

def rk4(x,y,h,derivs,params):   n = len(y)   k1 = derivs(x, y, params) ym = [y[ii] + k1[ii]*h/2 for ii in range(n)]   k2 = derivs(x+h/2, ym, params)   ym = [y[ii] + k2[ii]*h/2 for ii in range(n)]   k3 = derivs(x+h/2, ym, params)   ye = [y[ii] + k3[ii]*h for ii in range(n)] k4 = derivs(x+h, ye, params)   return [y[ii] + ((k1[ii] + 2*(k2[ii]+k3[ii]) + k4[ii])/6)*h for ii in range(n)]

def getstate(bot):   s = bot["state"]   return [s["x"], s["y"], s["yaw"], s["vx"], s["vy"]]

def setstate(bot,s):   bot["state"]["x"] = s[0]   bot["state"]["y"] = s[1]   bot["state"]["yaw"] = s[2]   bot["state"]["vx"] = s[3]   bot["state"]["vy"] = s[4]

def pathcontroller(bot):   (en,eh,kff,dl) = bot['path'].nearest( \
    bot['state']['x'], bot['state']['y'], bot['state']['yaw'])   kd = 0.2*en + 1*eh + kff;   sa = math.atan(kd*bot['wheel_base']);   bot['steer_angle'] = max(-0.55,min(0.55,sa));   cq = math.cos(bot['state']['yaw']);   sq = math.sin(bot['state']['yaw']);   body_frame_velocity = bot['state']['vx']*cq+bot['state']['vy']*sq;   if dl > 1:
    bot['wheel_torque'] = max(-2, min(2, dl - body_frame_velocity));   else:
    bot['wheel_torque'] = -0.5*body_frame_velocity;

def controller(bot,goalx,goaly):   dx = goalx - bot["state"]["x"]   dy
= goaly - bot["state"]["y"];   dq = unwrap(math.atan2(dy,dx) - bot["state"]["yaw"]);   dl = math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);   cq = math.cos(bot["state"]["yaw"]);   sq = math.sin(bot["state"]["yaw"]);   body_frame_velocity = bot["state"]["vx"]*cq + bot["state"]["vy"]*sq;   if dl > 1:
    bot["wheel_torque"] = max(-2,min(2,dl - body_frame_velocity));
    bot["steer_angle"] = max(-0.55,min(0.55,dq));   else:
    bot["wheel_torque"] = -body_frame_velocity;
    bot["steer_angle"] = 0;

def plant(t,z,bot):   setstate(bot,z)   speed = math.sqrt(bot["state"]["vx"]*bot["state"]["vx"] + bot["state"]["vy"]*bot["state"]["vy"])   cq = math.cos(bot["state"]["yaw"])   sq = math.sin(bot["state"]["yaw"])   body_frame_velocity = cq*bot["state"]["vx"] + sq*bot["state"]["vy"]   yaw_rate = body_frame_velocity*math.tan(bot["steer_angle"])/bot["wheel_base"];   Faero = -bot["drag_coefficient"]*speed*body_frame_velocity;   Fprop = bot["wheel_torque"]/bot["wheel_radius"];   acceleration = (Fprop + Faero)/bot["mass"];   ax = acceleration*cq - sq*body_frame_velocity*yaw_rate;   ay = acceleration*sq + cq*body_frame_velocity*yaw_rate;   return [bot["state"]["vx"], bot["state"]["vy"], yaw_rate, ax, ay];

def simulate(tstart, tend, h, bot, goal):   y = getstate(bot);   n = int((tend-tstart)/h)+1;   with open('out.txt','w') as w:
    for ii in range(n):
      t = tstart + ii*h
      y = rk4(t,y,h,plant,bot);
      controller(bot, goal["x"], goal["y"])
      v = math.sqrt(bot['state']['vx']*bot['state']['vx'] + bot['state']['vy']*bot['state']['vy'])
      w.write("{} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format(t,bot['state']['x'],bot['state']['y'],v,bot['wheel_torque'],bot['steer_angle']))

if __name__ == '__main__':   from SplinedPath import SplinedPath   n = 20   s = [5*ii/(n-1) for ii in range(n)]   y = [10*math.cos(si) - 10 for si in s]   x = [10*si + 4*math.sin(si) for si in s]   path = SplinedPath(x,y)

  bot = {"state":{"x":0,"y":0,"yaw":0,"vx":0,"vy":0},
    "mass":1, "wheel_base":1, "drag_coefficient":1, "wheel_radius":0.1,
    "wheel_torque":1, "steer_angle":0.1, "path":path}   goal = {"x":-40, "y":10}   simulate(0, 20, 0.1, bot, goal)
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