В конце концов я решил проблему:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
UL = 1.5 # Lower limit of the acceptance range
LL = 1.0 # Upper limit of the acceptance range
df = pd.DataFrame({'Results':['Sample']*10,'Data':[1.1,1.13,1.26,1.05,1.37,1.2,1.14,1.22,1.09,1.30]}) # Sample results
Acc_c= pd.DataFrame({'Results':['Sample','Sample'],'Limit':[UL,LL]})
ax=sns.stripplot(x="Results", y='Data', data=df,size=10,jitter=0.000012)
sns.pointplot(x="Results", y="Limit", data=Acc_c, capsize=0.00007, join=False, scale = 0,color='black')