Не удалось найти атрибут с указанным именем [phoneNumber] в этом ManagedType [io.chetan.model.Owner] - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 23 апреля 2020

У меня есть следующие классы publi c абстрактный класс User {

//@Pattern(regexp="(^[a-zA-Z]+$)",message="Name should contain only letters")
@NotEmpty(message="FirstName is mandatory")
@Pattern(regexp="(^[a-zA-Z]{1,16})",message="First Name should contain only letters & can have maximum of 16 letters")
protected String firstName;

@Pattern(regexp="(^[a-zA-Z]{0,16})",message="Name should contain only letters")
protected String lastName ;

@Column(name = "phone")
@NotEmpty(message="Phone number is mandatory")
@Pattern(regexp="(^[0-9]{10})",message="Invalid Phone number")
protected String phoneNumber ;

protected String aadhaarNumber ;

protected Address address;

@Past(message="You can not become a owner since you are not yet born")
protected Date dob ;

@NotEmpty(message="If you do not wish to set password then how you will login in future?")
protected String password;

@NotEmpty(message="Cant you remember the password you just entered above ? Please enter same password.")
protected transient String repeatPassword ;

@Email(message="Not at all a email id")
protected String emailId ;


и его подкласс следующим образом @Entity publi c class Владелец расширяет User {

private long pgOwnerId;

@ OneToMany (mappedBy = "myOwner", fetch = FetchType.EAGER) private Set myPGs;

+ геттеры и сеттеры

в слое dao , созданный интерфейс publi c интерфейс OwnerDao расширяет CrudRepository {

public List<Owner> findByPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber);


и сервисный уровень @Service publi c класса OwnerService {

private OwnerDao ownerDao;

public Owner createOwner(Owner owner)
    return ownerDao.save(owner);

public Iterable<Owner>  findAllOwners()
    return  ownerDao.findAll();

public List<Owner> findByPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber)
    return ownerDao.findByPhoneNumber(phoneNumber);


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