test case are failing when I'm trying to access the form define in component.It is failing with error.
TypeError: Невозможно прочитать свойство 'форма' из неопределенного в at UserContext. (http://localhost: 9876 / _karma_webpack_ / src / app / modules / advanced-search / advanced-search-component.spe c .ts: 153: 22 * 1004 *) в ZoneDelegate.invoke ( http://localhost: 9876 / _karma_webpack_ / node_modules / zone.js / dist / zone. js: 396: 1 ) в ProxyZoneSpe c .onInvoke (http://localhost: 9876 / _karma_webpack_ / node_modules / zone.js / dist / zone-testing. js: 305: 1 ) в ZoneDelegate.invoke (http://localhost: 9876 / _karma_webpack_ / node_modules / zone.js / dist / zone. js : 395: 1 ) в Zone.run (http://localhost: 9876 / _karma_webpack_ / node_modules / zone.js / dist / zone. js: 153: 1 ) в runInTestZone (http://localhost: 9876 / _karma_webpack_ / node_modules / zone.js / dist / zone-testing. js: 554: 1 ) в UserContext. (http://localhost: 9876 / _karma_webpack_ / node_modules / zone.js / dist / zone-testing. js: 569: 1 ) в
export class AdvancedSearchComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { public searchClicked: boolean = false; public mf: ModelForm; public searchContext: AdvancedSearchModelForm; public searchSubject: Subject<void> = new Subject(); public get searchTerm() { return this.searchContext.searchTerm(); } public get canSearch() { return this.mf.form && this.mf.form.valid; } /** * Constructor */ constructor( private injector: Injector ) { } ngOnInit(): void { this.mf = new ModelForm(this.injector, new AdvancedSearchModelForm()); console.log("init",this.mf); this.mf.form.setValidators(this.atLeastOneValidator()); } ngOnDestroy(): void { } private atLeastOneValidator = () => { console.log("validator"); return (group: FormGroup) => { const val = group.value; if ((val.labelSearch.labels && val.labelSearch.labels.length !== 0) || (val.objectTypes && val.objectTypes.length !== 0) || val.searchName) { return null; } else { return { message: 'Please input at least one value' }; } }; } public onSearchClick(): void { this.searchContext = this.mf.toObject(); this.searchClicked = true; this.searchSubject.next(); } } Coming to test cases beforeEach(() => { fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AdvancedSearchComponent); component = fixture.componentInstance; }); it("should create", () => { expect(component).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should set the mf property on load', () => { component.ngOnInit(); expect(component.mf).toBeDefined(); }); it('should disable the "Search" button when the form is invalid', () => { spyOnProperty(component.mf.form, 'valid').and.returnValue(false); const button = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button[title="Search"]')); expect(button.nativeElement.disabled).toBe(true); expect(component.canSearch).toBe(false); });
, если я включаю fixture.detectChanges () в beforEach (), он завершается с ошибкой: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: Выражение изменилось после его проверки. Предыдущее значение: 'null:'. Текущее значение: 'null:'.