Добавить строку "сейчас" в расчет продолжительности - PullRequest
5 голосов
/ 12 марта 2020

У меня есть запрос, который рассчитывает продолжительность инцидента. Однако, это не включает текущее время для все еще «открытых» инцидентов. Я пытаюсь найти способ добавить это к ниже. Это работает на Azure SQL 12.0.2000.8. Согласно примеру, Инциденты 18 и 19 закрыты (последняя запись имеет StatusID <> 1), поэтому мой текущий расчет верен. Однако инцидент 20 продолжается (последняя запись имеет StatusId = 1), и ему необходимо рассчитать время между последним обновлением и текущим временем.


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[IncidentActions](
    [Id] [INT] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [IncidentId] [INT] NOT NULL,
    [ActionDate] [DATETIMEOFFSET](7) NOT NULL,
    [Description] [NVARCHAR](MAX) NOT NULL,
    [StatusId] [INT] NOT NULL
INSERT INTO [dbo].[IncidentActions] VALUES
( 51, 18, N'2020-03-10T13:39:27.8621563+00:00', N'This is a demo of the app ops incident management portal', 1 ), 
( 52, 18, N'2020-03-10T13:41:42.4306254+00:00', N'Superfast update we''re on it', 1 ), 
( 53, 18, N'2020-03-10T13:42:19.0766735+00:00', N'Found a workaround', 1 ), 
( 55, 18, N'2020-03-10T13:44:05.7958553+00:00', N'Suspending for now', 2 ), 
( 56, 18, N'2020-03-10T13:44:49.732564+00:00', N'No longer suspended', 1 ), 
( 57, 18, N'2020-03-10T13:45:09.8056202+00:00', N'All sorted', 3 ), 
( 58, 19, N'2020-03-11T14:47:05.6968653+00:00', N'This is just a test', 1 ), 
( 59, 19, N'2020-03-11T14:51:20.4522014+00:00', N'Found workaround and root cause, not yet fixed', 1 ), 
( 60, 19, N'2020-03-11T14:52:34.857061+00:00', N'Networking issues, updates suspended', 2 ), 
( 61, 19, N'2020-03-11T14:54:48.2262037+00:00', N'Network issue resolved, full functionality restored', 3 ), 
( 62, 20, N'2020-03-12T10:49:11.5595048+00:00', N'There is an ongoing issue', 1 ), 
( 63, 20, N'2020-03-12T11:29:37.9376805+00:00', N'This incident is ongoing....', 1 )
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[IncidentStatuses](
    [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [Description] [nvarchar](500) NOT NULL
INSERT INTO [dbo].[IncidentStatuses] VALUES
( 1, N'OPEN' ), ( 2, N'SUSPENDED' ), ( 3, N'CLOSED' )


WITH allActions
AS (SELECT IncidentId,
           ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY IncidentId ORDER BY ActionDate) AS rowNum
    FROM IncidentActions
    INNER JOIN dbo.IncidentStatuses ON IncidentStatuses.Id = IncidentActions.StatusId
AS (SELECT firstAction.IncidentId,
          firstAction.Description StartStatus,
          secondAction.Description EndStatus,
          DATEDIFF(SECOND, firstAction.ActionDate, secondAction.ActionDate) SecondsElapsed
    FROM allActions firstAction
    INNER JOIN allActions secondAction ON firstAction.rowNum +1 = secondAction.rowNum --the next action
                                AND firstAction.IncidentId = secondAction.IncidentId --for the same incident
    SUM(CASE WHEN actionPeriods.StartStatus = 'OPEN' THEN actionPeriods.SecondsElapsed ELSE 0 END) SecondsActive,
    SUM(CASE WHEN actionPeriods.StartStatus <> 'OPEN' THEN actionPeriods.SecondsElapsed ELSE 0 END) SecondsInactive,
    SUM(actionPeriods.SecondsElapsed) SecondsElapsed
FROM actionPeriods
GROUP BY actionPeriods.IncidentId

Ответы [ 3 ]

1 голос
/ 12 марта 2020

Использование CTE - это избыточное убийство. Вы можете использовать t sql оконные функции. В этом случае функции отставания и / или опережения. Я добавил пример кода на основе ваших таблиц.

StatusId,actiondate , 
lag(actiondate) over (partition by incidentid order by incidentid, actiondate) as previousrow,
lead(actiondate) over (partition by incidentid order by incidentid, actiondate),
    when (max(actiondate) over (partition by incidentid order by incidentid) = actiondate) and (statusid = 3) then actiondate 
    when (max(actiondate) over (partition by incidentid order by incidentid) = actiondate) and (statusid = 1) then convert([DATETIMEOFFSET](7),getdate())
) as nextrow
order by 
    IncidentId, ActionDate 
1 голос
/ 12 марта 2020

Применение LEAD вместо самостоятельного объединения на основе Row_number:

WITH allPeriods AS
   SELECT IncidentId,
      Lead(ActionDate)     Over (PARTITION BY IncidentId ORDER BY ActionDate DESC) AS ActionDate,
      Lead(st.Description) Over (PARTITION BY IncidentId ORDER BY ActionDate DESC) AS StartStatus,
      st.Description AS EndStatus,

      CASE -- return NOW if the last row is "open" 
         WHEN Row_Number() Over (PARTITION BY IncidentId ORDER BY ActionDate DESC) = 1
          AND StatusId = 1
         THEN getdate() 
         ELSE ActionDate
      END AS nextDate
   FROM IncidentActions AS act
   JOIN dbo.IncidentStatuses AS st
     ON st.Id = act.StatusId
elapsed AS
 ( SELECT *,
      DATEDIFF(SECOND, ActionDate, nextDate) AS SecondsElapsed
   FROM allPeriods
    Sum(CASE WHEN StartStatus =  'OPEN' THEN SecondsElapsed ELSE 0 END) SecondsActive,
    Sum(CASE WHEN StartStatus <> 'OPEN' THEN SecondsElapsed ELSE 0 END) SecondsInactive,
    Sum(SecondsElapsed) SecondsElapsed
FROM elapsed
GROUP BY IncidentId

См. fiddle

0 голосов
/ 12 марта 2020

Для любопытных, финальная версия, любезно предоставлена ​​ Ремко

WITH actionPeriods /* This one determines the elapsed time between actions */
AS (SELECT IncidentId,
       IncidentStatuses.Description StatusDesc,
       /* LAG(ActionDate) OVER (PARTITION BY IncidentId ORDER BY IncidentId, ActionDate) AS previousrow, */
        COALESCE(LEAD(ActionDate) OVER (PARTITION BY IncidentId ORDER BY IncidentId, ActionDate), /* Lead gets the next action */
                CASE /* If the next aciton is NULL, then get either the current time for active, or the original time for closed */
                    WHEN (MAX(ActionDate) OVER (PARTITION BY IncidentId ORDER BY IncidentId) = ActionDate) AND (StatusId = (SELECT Id FROM dbo.IncidentStatuses WHERE Description = 'CLOSED')) THEN ActionDate
                    WHEN (MAX(ActionDate) OVER (PARTITION BY IncidentId ORDER BY IncidentId) = ActionDate) AND (StatusId <> (SELECT Id FROM dbo.IncidentStatuses WHERE Description = 'CLOSED')) THEN GETUTCDATE()
        ) SecondsElapsed
    FROM dbo.IncidentActions
    INNER JOIN dbo.IncidentStatuses ON IncidentStatuses.Id = IncidentActions.StatusId
    SUM(CASE WHEN actionPeriods.StatusDesc = 'OPEN' THEN actionPeriods.SecondsElapsed ELSE 0 END) SecondsActive, /* This counts periods that are active */
    SUM(CASE WHEN actionPeriods.StatusDesc = 'SUSPENDED' THEN actionPeriods.SecondsElapsed ELSE 0 END) SecondsInactive, /* This count periods that are inactive */
    SUM(CASE WHEN actionPeriods.StatusDesc IN ('OPEN','SUSPENDED') THEN actionPeriods.SecondsElapsed ELSE 0 END) SecondsElapsed /* We don't want periods that were CLOSED, as the ticket was not elapsing during that time */
FROM actionPeriods
GROUP BY actionPeriods.IncidentId