Я пытаюсь использовать модель SoundAnalyisis, которая принимает audioSamples (Float32 15600) и возвращает vggishFeature (MultiArray (Float32 12288), однако я получаю эту ошибку:
-01-22 10:45:43.404715+0000 SRTester[25654:891998] [DSPGraph] throwing DSPGraph::Exception with backtrace:
0 0x7fff2bdc0df9 DSPGraph::Graph::processMultiple(DSPGraph::GraphIOData*, DSPGraph::GraphIOData*) + 249
1 0x7fff2bd2223d SoundAnalysis::primeGraph(DSPGraph::Graph&, int) + 542
2 0x7fff2bcfbaae -[SNSoundClassifier primeGraph] + 134
3 0x7fff2bd052c2 -[SNAnalyzerHost primeAnalyzerGraph] + 88
4 0x7fff2bd0f268 -[SNAudioStreamAnalyzer configureAnalysisTreeWithFormat:] + 263
5 0x7fff2bd0f74b -[SNAudioStreamAnalyzer _analyzeAudioBuffer:atAudioFramePosition:] + 303
6 0x10af1cd48 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
7 0x10af2b9bf _dispatch_lane_barrier_sync_invoke_and_complete + 132
8 0x7fff2bd0f5d8 -[SNAudioStreamAnalyzer analyzeAudioBuffer:atAudioFramePosition:] + 121
9 0x10abb3116 $s8SRTester18homeViewControllerC16startAudioEngine33_CDAAA73F093090436FCAC2E152DEFC64LLyyFySo16AVAudioPCMBufferC_So0M4TimeCtcfU_yycfU_ + 326
10 0x10abb315d $sIeg_IeyB_TR + 45
11 0x10af1bdd4 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12
12 0x10af1cd48 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
13 0x10af235ef _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 788
14 0x10af2417f _dispatch_lane_invoke + 422
15 0x10af2fa4e _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 719
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type DSPGraph::Exception
Код выдает ошибку в эта строка:
self.analyzer.analyze(buffer, atAudioFramePosition: time.sampleTime)
, которая принадлежит этому блоку кода:
/// Starts the audio engine
private func startAudioEngine() {
self.isLisitingForInferance = true
//requests to use the engine
do {
let request = try SNClassifySoundRequest(mlModel: soundClassifier.model)
try analyzer.add(request, withObserver: resultsObserver) // sets the results observator
} catch {
print("Unable to prepare request: \(error.localizedDescription)")
//starts a async task for the analyser
audioEngine.inputNode.installTap(onBus: 0, bufferSize: 16000, format: inputFormat) { buffer, time in
self.analysisQueue.async {
self.analyzer.analyze(buffer, atAudioFramePosition: time.sampleTime) //this line recives a SIGABRT
try audioEngine.start()
}catch( _){
print("error in starting the Audio Engine")
Вот абсивация класса (хотя она даже не срабатывает:
class ResultsObserver: NSObject, SNResultsObserving {
var delegate: iPhoneSpeakerRecongitionDelegate?
func request(_ request: SNRequest, didProduce result: SNResult) {
guard let result = result as? SNClassificationResult,
let classification = result.classifications.first else { return }
let confidence = classification.confidence * 100.0
if confidence > 60 {
delegate?.displayPredictionResult(identifier: classification.identifier, confidence: confidence)