Я попытался выполнить преобразование chromati c , но я не могу сказать, верен ли результат.
Обратите внимание, что адаптация цветности c корректирует цветность, но не свечение (только цвет, но не осветляет).
Преобразование адаптации Chromati c используется для балансировки цвета (баланс белого), и я не знаю, подходит ли это вашему делу.
Я повторно использовал реализацию MATLAB (я не искал Python примеров).
Даже если вы не знаете MATLAB, а решение не в том, что вы ищете, вы можете извлечь из него уроки (например, линеаризовать значение RGB).
Вот код :
T = imread('image.png'); % Load input image (two images side by side).
image1 = T(:, 1:end/2, :); % Left side
image2 = T(:, end/2+1:end, :); % Right side
I = image1; % Source image is named I
% Use color components in range [0, 1] (colors were found by manual picking).
src_sRGB = [205, 232, 32]/255; %Triangle sRGB color from image 1 "source image"
dst_sRGB = [13, 133, 38]/255; %Triangle sRGB color from image 2 "destination image"
%Linearize gamma-corrected RGB values (image values are in sRGB color space, we need to Linearize them).
srcRGB = rgb2lin(src_sRGB)';
dstRGB = rgb2lin(dst_sRGB)';
linI = rgb2lin(double(I)/255); % I in linear RGB color space.
% Color correction by Chromatic Adaptation:
% http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_RGB_XYZ_Matrix.html
% Convert from XYZ D65 color space to Linear sRGB color space.
XYZD65_to_sRGB = [ 3.2404542 -1.5371385 -0.4985314
-0.9692660 1.8760108 0.0415560
0.0556434 -0.2040259 1.0572252];
% Convert from Linear sRGB color space to XYZ D65 color space.
sRGBtoXYZD65 = [0.4124564 0.3575761 0.1804375; ...
0.2126729 0.7151522 0.0721750; ...
0.0193339 0.1191920 0.9503041];
% Convert srcRGB and dstRGB to XYZ color space
srcXYZ = sRGBtoXYZD65 * srcRGB;
dstXYZ = sRGBtoXYZD65 * dstRGB;
% Convert srcXYZ and dstXYZ to xyY color space (get only xy out of xyY - xy applies chromaticity).
xySrc = XYZ2xy(srcXYZ);
xyDst = XYZ2xy(dstXYZ);
xyzSrc = xy2XYZ(xySrc, 1); %normalize Y to 1 so D65 luminance comparable
xyzDst = xy2XYZ(xyDst, 1); %normalize Y to 1 so D65 luminance comparable
% Chromatic adaptation transform
catType = 'bradford'; %Bradford transformation is recommended by Bruce Lindbloom http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_ChromAdapt.html
estMAT = cbCAT(xyzSrc, xyzDst, catType);
% Ascale estMAT by XYZD65_to_sRGB before apply color correction
M = estMAT * XYZD65_to_sRGB;
linI = cbreshape(linI);
% Destination image - apply color correction be multiplying by correction matrix M
linJ = M*linI;
linJ = cbunshape(linJ, size(I));
% Convet J from Linear to sRGB
J = lin2rgb(linJ);
% Convert from double to uint8 (multiply by 255).
J = im2uint8(J);
% Display result
figure;imshow(J);title('Corrected image1');impixelinfo
% Save result
imwrite(image2, 'image2.png');
imwrite(J, 'J.png');
function xy = XYZ2xy(xyz)
%xy = XYZ2xy(xyz)
% Converts CIE XYZ to xy chromaticity.
X = xyz(1, :);
Y = xyz(2, :);
s = sum(xyz);
xy = [X./s; Y./s];
function XYZ = xy2XYZ(xy,Y)
%XYZ = xy2XYZ(xy,Y)
% Converts xyY chromaticity to CIE XYZ.
x = xy(1); y = xy(2);
XYZ = [Y/y*x; Y; Y/y*(1-x-y)];
function outMat = cbCAT(xyz_src, xyz_dst, type)
%M = cbCAT(xyz_src, xyz_dst, type)
% Chromatic adaptation transform via von Kries's method.
% type chooses the LMS-like space to apply scaling in, valid options:
% 'vonKries', 'bradford', 'sharp', 'cmccat2000', 'cat02', 'xyz'
% See http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_ChromAdapt.html
xyz_src = makecol(xyz_src);
xyz_dst = makecol(xyz_dst);
% the following are mostly taken from S. Bianco. "Two New von Kries Based
% Chromatic Adaptation Transforms Found by Numerical Optimization."
if strcmpi(type,'vonKries') %Hunt-Pointer-Estevez normalized to D65
Ma = [0.40024 0.7076 -0.08081; -0.2263 1.16532 0.0457; 0 0 0.91822];
elseif strcmpi(type,'bradford')
Ma = [0.8951 0.2664 -0.1614; -0.7502 1.7135 0.0367; 0.0389 -0.0685 1.0296];
elseif strcmpi(type,'sharp')
Ma = [1.2694 -0.0988 -0.1706; -0.8364 1.8006 0.0357; 0.0297 -0.0315 1.0018];
elseif strcmpi(type,'cmccat2000')
Ma = [0.7982 0.3389 -0.1371; -0.5918 1.5512 0.0406; 0.0008 0.239 0.9753];
elseif strcmpi(type,'cat02')
Ma = [0.7328 0.4296 -0.1624; -0.7036 1.6975 0.0061; 0.0030 0.0136 0.9834];
Ma = eye(3);
%Chromatic Adaptation Transforms:
%1. Transform from XYZ into a cone response domain (ro, gamma, beta)
%2. Scale the vector components by factors dependent upon both the source and destination reference whites.
%3. Transform from (ro, gamma, beta) back to XYZ using the inverse transform of step 1.
%D is diagonal matrix marked as inv(Ma)*diag(roD/roS, gammaD/gammaS, betaD/betaS)*Ma.
%Matrix D applies ratios in "cone response domain".
D = diag((Ma*xyz_dst)./(Ma*xyz_src));
%Transform back to XYZ domain:
M = Ma\D*Ma;
sRGBtoXYZ = [0.4124564 0.3575761 0.1804375; ...
0.2126729 0.7151522 0.0721750; ...
0.0193339 0.1191920 0.9503041];
outMat = sRGBtoXYZ\M*sRGBtoXYZ;
function x = makecol(x)
%x = makecol(x)
% returns x as a column vector
s = size(x);
if (length(s) == 2) && (s(1) < s(2))
x = x.';
function out = cbreshape(im)
%out = cbreshape(im)
% Takes a width x height x 3 RGB image and returns a matrix where each column is an RGB
% pixel.
if (size(im, 3) == 3)
out = reshape(permute(im, [3, 1, 2]), [3, numel(im)/3, 1]);
out = (im(:))';
function out = cbunshape(mat,s)
%out = cbunshape(im,[height, width])
% Takes a 3xn matrix of RGB pixels and returns a height x width x 3 RGB
% image
height = s(1); width = s(2);
if (size(mat,1) == 3)
%In case mat is 3 rows, convert to 3D matrix
out = reshape(mat,[3,height,width]);
out = permute(out,[2 3 1]);
%In case mat is 1 row, convert to 2D matrix
out = reshape(mat, [height, width]);
То же решение с регулировкой свечения:
Если вам нужно откорректировать свечение, добавьте следующий код перед «Коррекция цвета с помощью Chromati c Адаптация»:
% Scale the input so the mean of the triangle in image1 and image2 will be the same.
% The scaling is eqivalent to adjusting the exposure level of the camera.
rgb_scale = mean(dstRGB) / mean(srcRGB);
srcRGB = srcRGB*rgb_scale;
linI = linI*rgb_scale;