ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ: Вот Pastebin кода JSON. Если кто-нибудь может сказать мне, почему MySQL отказывается читать это как переменную TEXT и как ее обойти, я был бы признателен: https://pastebin.com/ju8xPPsV
ТАК У меня есть странный здесь. Запуск 8.0.18 на Windows. Все мое окружение - utf8mb4 и utf8mb4_unicode_ci.
Проблема в том, что MySQL отказывается читать вложенный текст JSON в поле TEXT, независимо от того, что определено в CHARACTER SET, всегда выдает следующую ошибку при попытке установите для переменной TEXT код:
ОШИБКА 1366 (HY000): Неверное значение строки: '\ x96 2019 ...' для столбца 'json_text' в строке 1
Очевидно, что в тексте есть символ MySQL, ему не нравится, но какой символ, где и как я могу «почистить» этот текст, чтобы он был принят?
Это происходит в строке, которая пытается присвоить JSON текстовому значению:
set json_text= JSON_EXTRACT((injason), CONCAT('$.', 'in_JSON'));
Вот полный код:
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`
PROCEDURE `sp_jason`(
IN parameterName VARCHAR(10)
COMMENT 'schema_version_applied_to: v1.0.0'
DECLARE json_text text CHARACTER SET latin1;
@errno = MYSQL_ERRNO, @text = MESSAGE_TEXT;
SET @full_error = CONCAT("ERROR ", @errno, " (", @sqlstate, "): ", @text);
SELECT @full_error;
SET @hugeJason='
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"data_value": {
"name": "Wesley Snell",
"about": "Over 15 years of R&D development on over 30 products in various categories (automotive, medical, telecom, mobil devices, navigation, security, industrial automation, consumer products, CAD, hospitality solutions, kiosk, point of sale ...",
"email": "wesley@qualcomm.com",
"articles": [
"linkURL": "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/invitation-part-state-ai-ml-december-2019-january-2020-kiran-gunnam"
"nameLast": "Snell",
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"degreeName": "Master\'s degree",
"schoolName": "University of California, San Diego - Jacobs School of Engineering",
"description": "The next step in the wireless revolution is the connection of everyday devices through wireless technology. Embedded wireless technology is today exploding in nearly every market sector from personal electronics and medical devices, to the transportation infrastructure and manufacturing. ...",
"fieldOfStudy": "Wireless Embedded Systems",
"schoolImageURL": "https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D0BAQHEc15VMuDaGg/company-logo_100_100/0?e=1589414400&v=beta&t=VA3iTzTB4ZBq-iYp_Fd4FYbCG-4YV7gDL47JCXaMPk4",
"activitiesAndSocieties": "Minor study in Digital Hardware Engineering and Business Management",
"datesAttendedOrGraduationString": "2017 – 2019"
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"imageURL": "https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D0BAQGUxHv2MadZ9w/company-logo_100_100/0?e=1589414400&v=beta&t=t6v_lnhbQYiUjdGSiPBSQ89PpTMges1JsxsBQHtSfSY",
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"nameFirst": "Wesley",
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"jobTitle": "Senior Staff Engineer - Machine Learning , Computer Vision & IOT (R&D Division)",
"location": null,
"currentRole": true,
"jobDescription": "Working on machine learning based computer vision based projects on embedded platforms. Heavy use of programming in C. Modern C++, Python and MATLAB. Heavy interaction in hardware, schematic review and inter process communications.",
"employmentDuration": {
"datesEmployedEnd": "Present",
"datesEmployedStart": "2019",
"datesEmployedString": "2019 – Present",
"employmentDurationYears": 1,
"employmentDurationString": "1 yr"
"jobType": "full-time",
"jobTitle": "Senior Staff Engineer - Android Team & Wireless Communications (Wireless R&D Division)",
"location": null,
"currentRole": true,
"jobDescription": "A year plus of Android software development for mobile applications with coding in Java and c++ with the NDK. ...",
"employmentDuration": {
"datesEmployedEnd": "Present",
"datesEmployedStart": "2019",
"datesEmployedString": "",
"employmentDurationYears": 1,
"employmentDurationString": "1 yr"
"jobType": null,
"jobTitle": "Senior Staff Engineer - R&D Division (Platform & Tools Lead)",
"location": "San Diego",
"currentRole": false,
"jobDescription": "Working on new Research and Developments projects, for state of the art products. ...",
"employmentDuration": {
"datesEmployedEnd": "Present",
"datesEmployedStart": "Apr 2016",
"datesEmployedString": "Apr 2016 – Present",
"employmentDurationYears": 3,
"employmentDurationMonths": 11,
"employmentDurationString": "3 yrs 11 mos"
"currentJob": true,
"companyName": "Qualcomm",
"employmentDurationYears": 14,
"employmentDurationString": "14 yrs 7 mos"
"roles": [
"jobType": null,
"jobTitle": "President/Founder",
"location": "San Diego",
"currentRole": false,
"jobDescription": "Many projects in the following areas. - Internet Applications (JavaScript/ HTML/ SQL). ...",
"employmentDuration": {
"datesEmployedEnd": "Feb 2008",
"datesEmployedStart": "Jan 1998",
"datesEmployedString": "Jan 1998 – Feb 2008",
"employmentDurationYears": 10,
"employmentDurationString": "10 yrs 2 mos"
"currentJob": false,
"companyName": "Creative Logic",
"employmentDurationYears": 10,
"employmentDurationString": "10 yrs 2 mos"
"roles": [
"jobType": null,
"jobTitle": "Principal R&D Engine",
"location": null,
"currentRole": false,
"jobDescription": null,
"employmentDuration": {
"datesEmployedEnd": "Dec 1999",
"datesEmployedStart": "Jan 1998",
"datesEmployedString": "Jan 1998 – Dec 1999 2 yrs",
"employmentDurationYears": 2,
"employmentDurationString": "2 yrs"
"currentJob": false,
"companyName": "Infogation",
"employmentDurationYears": 10,
"employmentDurationString": "Jan 1998 – Dec 1999"
"nameMiddle": "",
"profileURL": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/wesleysnell",
"currentCompany": {
"name": "123",
"imageURL": "https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E0BAQFIzy7XU945xg/company-logo_100_100/0?e=1589414400&v=beta&t=eIPPusNFhCPBHri11dcijhuyiSsYWJUehf_KUOFCvXQ"
"accomplishments": [
"projects": [
"data": "Jun 2017",
"title": "Data Scientist Competition winner",
"issuer": "DataCamp",
"subTitle": "Jun 2017 DataCamp",
"description": "Data Scientist with Python Career Track on DataCamp"
"data": "Jun 2017",
"title": "Data Scientist Competition winner",
"issuer": "DataCamp",
"subTitle": "Jun 2017 DataCamp",
"description": "Data Scientist with Python Career Track on DataCamp"
"honorAndAwards": [
"data": "Jun 2017",
"title": "Data Scientist Competition winner",
"issuer": "DataCamp",
"subTitle": "Jun 2017 DataCamp",
"description": "Data Scientist with Python Career Track on DataCamp"
"data": "Jun 2017",
"title": "Data Scientist Competition winner",
"issuer": "DataCamp",
"subTitle": "Jun 2017 DataCamp",
"description": "Data Scientist with Python Career Track on DataCamp"
"currentJobTitle": "Senior Staff Engineer - Machine Learning , Computer Vision & IOT (R&D Division) at Qualcomm",
"currentLocation": "San Diego, California",
"profileImageURL": "https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D03AQGoa2edXG6hWA/profile-displayphoto-shrink_200_200/0?e=1586390400&v=beta&t=f-Rv8pyCxIAuDRfK8g6AxkNHf-t3MGbZRfCvcOFghoY",
"recommendations": {
"given": [
"recommender": {
"name": "Steve Jobs",
"headline": "Founder Apple Inc.",
"relation": "October 22, 2010, Steve managed Wesley directly"
"recommendation": "Wes is one of the sharpest engineers I have worked with. His biggest assets are his technical versatility and engineering creativity ..."
"recommender": {
"name": "Bill Gates",
"headline": "Founder Windows Inc.",
"relation": "October 22, 2015, Bill was senior to Wesley but didn\'t manage"
"recommendation": "Wes is one of the sharpest engineers I have worked with. His biggest assets are his technical versatility and engineering creativity ..."
"received": [
"recommender": {
"name": "Steve Jobs",
"headline": "Founder Apple Inc.",
"relation": "October 22, 2010, Steve managed Wesley directly"
"recommendation": "Wes is one of the sharpest engineers I have worked with. His biggest assets are his technical versatility and engineering creativity ..."
"recommender": {
"name": "Bill Gates",
"headline": "Founder Windows Inc.",
"relation": "October 22, 2015, Bill was senior to Wesley but didn\'t manage"
"recommendation": "Wes is one of the sharpest engineers I have worked with. His biggest assets are his technical versatility and engineering creativity ..."
"givenCount": 7,
"receivedCount": 15
"connectionDegree": 3,
"numberOfConnections": 500,
"volunteerExperience": [
"cause": "Environment",
"companyName": "Pacific Ridge Community",
"description": "Community board planning member for everything in the Sorrento Valley Community. ...",
"designation": "Board Member (past Treasurer)",
"volunteerDuration": "16 yrs 2 mos",
"datesVolunteeredString": "Jan 2004 – Present"
"connectionDateString": "June 14, 2014",
"skillsAndEndorsements": {
"topSkills": [
"skillName": "Embedded Systems",
"eliteEndorsers": [
"name": "Sean Liming",
"headline": "Owner of AnnaBooks, LLC."
"name": "Franz Fisher",
"headline": "Director of NASA"
"endorsementCount": 79,
"colleagueEndorsers": [
"name": "Sean Liming",
"headline": "Owner of AnnaBooks, LLC."
"name": "Franz Fisher",
"headline": "Director of NASA"
"skillName": "Wireless",
"endorsementCount": 78
"otherSkills": [
"skillName": "Hardware",
"endorsementCount": 2
"skillName": "USB",
"endorsementCount": 6
"industrySkills": [
"skillName": "Mobile Devices",
"endorsementCount": 50
"skillName": "Wireless",
"endorsementCount": 78
"toolsAndTechnologies": [
"skillName": "C++",
"endorsementCount": 15
"skillName": "Andriod",
"endorsementCount": 9
"licensesAndCertifications": [
"issuedDate": "Nov 2019",
"Issuing authority": "Udemy",
"certificationName": "Certified Computer Professional (CCP)",
"certificationLinkURL": "https://www.udemy.com/certificate/UC-8U59W6QZ",
"credentialIdentifier": "Credential ID UC-8U59W6QZ"
"data_state_c": 1
"in_JSON_value": "data_value",
"in_sql_insert_1": "data_state_c,",
"in_sql_insert_2": "1,"
set injason = cast(@hugeJason as json);
set json_text= JSON_EXTRACT((injason), CONCAT('$.', 'in_JSON'));
select json_text;
END master_block//
call sp_jason(1);
Кто-нибудь знает, что является причиной проблемы? @Ник! Ты там? :)