ВНИМАНИЕ! Впереди уродливый код!
Добро пожаловать на борт, RichD. Я думаю, что этот код может помочь вам:
Сначала определите эти переменные в области действия модуля:
Private InlineTags As Variant
Private InlineClosingTags As Variant
Затем мы можем использовать эту функцию:
Function ReadableHTML(HTML As String) As String
Dim a As String, i As Long, TabsNo As Long, tabs As String, l As Long, tag As String
'add here tags that you want to keep on the same line of their parent
InlineTags = Array("!--", "a", "i", "b", "sup", "sub") 'never followed by a line break
InlineClosingTags = Array("li", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4") 'always followed by a line break
a = CleanOf(HTML)
TabsNo = -1
i = 1
l = Len(a)
Do While i < l
If Mid(a, i, 2) = "</" Then
tag = Mid(a, i + 2, InStr(i + 2, a, ">") - i - 2)
If Not IsInArray(tag, InlineClosingTags) Or Mid(a, i - 1, 1) = ">" Then
tabs = Chr(10) & Filler(TabsNo, Chr(9))
a = Left(a, i - 1) & tabs & Right(a, Len(a) - i + 1)
l = Len(a)
i = i + Len(tabs)
End If
TabsNo = TabsNo - 1
Select Case Mid(a, i, 1)
Case "<"
tag = Mid(a, i + 1, InStr(i + 1, a, ">"))
If Not IsInArray(tag, InlineTags) Then
TabsNo = TabsNo + 1
tabs = Chr(10) & Filler(TabsNo, Chr(9))
a = Left(a, i - 1) & tabs & Right(a, Len(a) - i + 1)
l = Len(a)
i = i + Len(tabs)
End If
Case Chr(10)
If Mid(a, i + 1, 1) <> Chr(9) And Mid(a, i + 1, 1) <> "<" Then
tabs = Chr(10) & Filler(TabsNo + 1, Chr(9))
a = Left(a, i) & tabs & Right(a, Len(a) - i)
l = Len(a)
i = i + Len(tabs)
End If
End Select
End If
i = i + 1
ReadableHTML = treatInlineTags(a, False)
End Function
Который использует эти вспомогательные функции:
Function treatInlineTags(a As String, HideFlag As Boolean)
'Hides/unhides inline tags from CleanOf
If HideFlag Then
For i = LBound(InlineTags) To UBound(InlineTags)
a = Replace(a, "<" & InlineTags(i) & " ", "|" & InlineTags(i) & "¦")
a = Replace(a, "<" & InlineTags(i) & ">", "|" & InlineTags(i) & "|")
a = Replace(a, "</" & InlineTags(i) & ">", "|/" & InlineTags(i) & "|")
Next i
For i = LBound(InlineTags) To UBound(InlineTags)
a = Replace(a, "|" & InlineTags(i) & "¦", "<" & InlineTags(i) & " ")
a = Replace(a, "|" & InlineTags(i) & "|", "<" & InlineTags(i) & ">")
a = Replace(a, "|/" & InlineTags(i) & "|", "</" & InlineTags(i) & ">")
Next i
End If
treatInlineTags = a
End Function
Function IsInArray(a As String, Arr As Variant) As Boolean
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
If a = Arr(i) Then
IsInArray = True
Exit Function
End If
Next i
End Function
Function CleanOf(a As String) As String
'Removes unwanted spaces between tags
Dim i As Long, b As Boolean, l As Long
a = Replace(a, Chr(13), "")
a = Replace(a, Chr(10), "")
a = treatInlineTags(a, True)
For i = 1 To Len(a)
Select Case Mid(a, i, 1)
Case ">", "<"
If i - l > 1 And l > 0 Then a = Left(a, l) & Right(a, Len(a) - i + 1)
If i > 1 Then l = i
If l > 0 Then b = True
Case Is <> " "
b = False
l = 0
End Select
Next i
CleanOf = a
End Function
Function Filler(n As Long, Optional Str As String = "0") As String
If n > 0 Then Filler = Replace(Space$(n), " ", Str)
End Function
Чтобы проверить это:
Sub test()
Dim a As String, b As String
a = "<div class=""myclass""> " & Chr(13) & _
"<ul><li>A</li> " & Chr(13) & _
"<li>B</li><li>C</li> " & _
"</ul></div> <!-- just a comment -->" & _
"<h2 class=""mytitle"">a title: inline and " & _
"followed by a line break</h2>" & _
"<div><ul><li><i class=""myitalic"">italic " & _
"content: inline and NOT followed by a line break</i>" & _
b = "<li><i class=""mylist""></i>a list <ul>" & _
"<li>element 1</li><li>element 2</li><li>element 3</li></ul> " & _
"</li><li>This <b>is bold</b> in an element list " & _
"<a href=""#mydestination"">""with an href"" " & _
Debug.Print Chr(10) & "Test1 - input:" & Chr(10) & a
Debug.Print Chr(10) & "Test1 - output:" & Chr(10) & ReadableHTML(a)
Debug.Print Chr(10) & "Test2 - input:" & Chr(10) & b
Debug.Print Chr(10) & "Test2 - output:" & Chr(10) & ReadableHTML(b)
End Sub