Я пытаюсь реализовать проблему производителя и потребителя с использованием циклической очереди, но получаю ошибку: Ошибка сегментации файла не найдена (ядро сброшено)
Не знаю ничего об Ubuntu и об этой ошибке, впервые работая с Ubuntu и C language
Пожалуйста, помогите мне решить эту ошибку Я использую C language Мой код:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#define NUM_ELEM 15 /* Number of elements in shared memory buffer */
#define SEM_MUTEX 0
#define SEM_EMPTY 1
#define SEM_FULL 2
FILE* fp;
int rc, semID, shmID, status, i, x;
char elem;
union semun
int val;
struct semid_ds *buf;
short *array;
} seminfo;
struct sembuf WaitMutex={SEM_MUTEX, -1, 0};
struct sembuf SignalMutex={SEM_MUTEX, 1, 0};
struct sembuf WaitEmpty={SEM_EMPTY, -1, 0};
struct sembuf SignalEmpty={SEM_EMPTY, 1, 0};
struct sembuf WaitFull={SEM_FULL, -1, 0};
struct sembuf SignalFull={SEM_FULL, 1, 0};
struct shmid_ds shminfo;
char *shmPtr;
void initialize();
void producer();
void consumer();
int main()
/* Initialize shared memory and semaphores */
/* Start a child process and proceed accordingly*/
if (fork()==0)
/* Child becomes the consumer */
/* Parent becomes the producer */
/* Wait for child to finish */
/* Remove shared memory */
shmctl(shmID, IPC_RMID, &shminfo);
/* Remove semaphores */
semctl(semID, SEM_MUTEX, IPC_RMID, seminfo);
/* Close file */
/* Parent is done cleaning up, so now quits */
return 0;
void initialize()
/* Init semaphores */
/* Three semaphores (Empty, Full, Mutex) are created in one set */
semID=semget(IPC_PRIVATE, 3, 0666 | IPC_CREAT);
/* Init Mutex to one, allowing access to critical section */
semctl(semID, SEM_MUTEX, SETVAL, seminfo);
/* Init Empty to number of elements in shared memory (circular buffer) */
semctl(semID, SEM_EMPTY, SETVAL, seminfo);
/* Init Full to zero, no elements are produced yet */
semctl(semID, SEM_FULL, SETVAL, seminfo);
/* Init Shared memory */
shmID=shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, NUM_ELEM, 0666 | IPC_CREAT);
if (shmID == -1)
perror("shmget failed");
void producer()
/* Open file */
fp= fopen("mytest.dat", "r");
if (fp == NULL)
printf("File not found!\n");
/* attach shared memory to process */
shmPtr=(char*)shmat(shmID, 0, SHM_W);
/* Check for error in shmptr assignment */
if (shmPtr == (void *)(-1))
perror("shmat failed in producer");
while((x = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)
/* Wait(Empty) - pause if no empty spots in circular buffer (i.e. all filled) */
semop(semID, &WaitEmpty, 1);
elem = x;
printf("Produced elem '%c'\n", elem);
/* Wait(Mutex) - don't touch shared memory while consumer is using it */
semop(semID, &WaitMutex, 1);
/* Put element into shared memory buffer (circular buffer) */
*(shmPtr + (i%NUM_ELEM))=elem;
/* Signal(Mutex) - allow consumer to access shared memory now */
semop(semID, &SignalMutex, 1);
/* Signal(Full) - record one more filled spot in circular buffer */
semop(semID, &SignalFull, 1);
void consumer()
/* attach shared memory to process */
shmPtr=(char*)shmat(shmID, 0, SHM_R) = 0;
while((x = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)
/* Wait(Full) - pause if no filled spots in circular buffer (i.e. all empty) */
semop(semID, &WaitFull, 1);
/* Wait(Mutex) - don't touch shared memory while producer is using it */
semop(semID, &WaitMutex, 1);
/* Get element from the shared memory buffer (circular buffer) */
elem=*(shmPtr + (i%NUM_ELEM));
/* Signal(Mutex) - allow producer to access shared memory now */
semop(semID, &SignalMutex, 1);
/* Display character */
printf("%c", (char)elem);
/* Signal(Empty) - record one more empty spot in circular buffer */
semop(semID, &SignalEmpty, 1);