Like чувствителен к регистру, поэтому вам нужно вводить названия лекарств в верхнем регистре, чтобы они соответствовали вашим блокам текста в верхнем регистре.
If Mid(Txt, Position - 1, Len(W) + 2) Like "[!A-Z0-9]" & UCase(W) & "[!A-Z0-9]" Then
Использование Like
становится немного неуклюжим, поэтому вот RegExp подход на основе:
EDIT - добавлена рабочая версия Like / InStr ...
Sub ColorWords()
Dim Cell As Range, W, Words, matches As Collection, m
With Sheets("Settings")
Words = Application.Transpose(.Range(.Range("A4"), _
.Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)))
End With
For Each Cell In ActiveSheet.Columns("D").SpecialCells(xlConstants)
For Each W In Words
'Set matches = AllMatchesRegEx(Cell.Text, W) 'windows only
Set matches = AllMatchesInStr(Cell.Text, W) 'windows+mac
For Each m In matches
Debug.Print Cell.Address, W, m
With Cell.Characters(m, Len(W)).Font
.Bold = True
.Color = vbMagenta
End With
Next m
End Sub
Function AllMatchesInStr(ByVal textToSearch As String, searchTerm)
Const OUT As String = "[!A-Z0-9]"
Dim rv As New Collection, pos As Long, start As Long
Dim next2 As String, next1 As String
textToSearch = UCase(" " & textToSearch & " ")
start = 1
pos = InStr(start, textToSearch, searchTerm, vbTextCompare)
Do While pos > 0
If Mid(textToSearch, pos - 1, 1) Like OUT Then
next2 = Mid(textToSearch, pos + Len(searchTerm), 2)
next1 = Left(next2, 1)
'Handle possible s at end of search term
If next1 Like OUT Or (next2 Like "S" & OUT) Then
rv.Add pos - 1
End If
End If
start = pos + 1
pos = InStr(start, textToSearch, searchTerm, vbTextCompare)
Set AllMatchesInStr = rv
End Function
Function AllMatchesRegEx(textToSearch As String, searchTerm)
Dim rv As New Collection, matches, m
Static reg As Object
If reg Is Nothing Then
Set reg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
reg.Global = True
reg.IgnoreCase = True
End If
reg.Pattern = "\b" & searchTerm & "s?\b" 'Allow for simple plural form,
'flank with word boundaries
Set matches = reg.Execute(textToSearch)
For Each m In matches
rv.Add m.firstindex + 1 'firstindex is zero-based
Next m
Set AllMatchesRegEx = rv
End Function