У меня есть этот большой фрейм данных, и я хочу построить индекс качества воздуха для pm2.5 и pm10 для каждого дня этого фрейма. Как сделать даты, отображаемые в виде аннотаций, более заметными, а тепловую карту - более привлекательной? Кроме того, размеры тепловой карты должны быть настраиваемыми в зависимости от размера информационного кадра. Код выполнен в python с сюжетом:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import plotly
import json
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
data = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iulianastroia/csv_data/master/final_dataframe.csv')
def calculate_aqi(pollutant_name, pollutant_concentration):
c = pollutant_concentration
if pollutant_name == 'pm25':
# 24 h average
if 0 <= pollutant_concentration <= 12:
c_low = 0
c_high = 12
i_low = 0
i_high = 50
if 12.1 <= pollutant_concentration <= 35.4:
c_low = 12.1
c_high = 35.4
i_low = 51
i_high = 100
if 35.5 <= pollutant_concentration <= 55.4:
c_low = 35.5
c_high = 55.4
i_low = 101
i_high = 150
if 55.5 <= pollutant_concentration <= 150.4:
c_low = 55.5
c_high = 150.4
i_low = 151
i_high = 200
if 150.5 <= pollutant_concentration <= 250.4:
c_low = 150.5
c_high = 250.4
i_low = 201
i_high = 300
if 250.5 <= pollutant_concentration <= 350.4:
c_low = 250.5
c_high = 350.4
i_low = 301
i_high = 400
if 350.5 <= pollutant_concentration <= 500.4:
c_low = 350.5
c_high = 500.4
i_low = 401
i_high = 500
if pollutant_name == 'pm10':
# 24 h average
if 0 <= pollutant_concentration <= 54:
c_low = 0
c_high = 54
i_low = 0
i_high = 50
if 55 <= pollutant_concentration <= 154:
c_low = 55
c_high = 154
i_low = 51
i_high = 100
if 155 <= pollutant_concentration <= 254:
c_low = 155
c_high = 254
i_low = 101
i_high = 150
if 255 <= pollutant_concentration <= 354:
c_low = 255
c_high = 354
i_low = 151
i_high = 200
if 355 <= pollutant_concentration <= 424:
c_low = 355
c_high = 424
i_low = 201
i_high = 300
if 425 <= pollutant_concentration <= 504:
c_low = 425
c_high = 504
i_low = 301
i_high = 400
if 505 <= pollutant_concentration <= 604:
c_low = 505
c_high = 604
i_low = 401
i_high = 500
# calculate AQI
i = (i_high - i_low) / (c_high - c_low) * (c - c_low) + i_low
return round(i)
print("Exceeded Range")
def modify_df(data, sensor_name):
data['day'] = pd.to_datetime(data['day'], dayfirst=True) # convert to date format
data = data.sort_values(by=['day']) # sort dates by day
print("sorted days", data.day)
grp_date = data.groupby('day')
average_df = pd.DataFrame(grp_date.mean())
df_column_sensor = "AQI_" + sensor_name
aqi_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[df_column_sensor])
for i in range(len(average_df)):
aqi_df = aqi_df.append({df_column_sensor: calculate_aqi(sensor_name, average_df[sensor_name][i])},
data = data.drop_duplicates(subset='day', keep='first')
data = data.reset_index(drop=True)
data['day'] = [datetime.date(d) for d in data['day']]
z_text = [[data.day[2 * i] for i in range(int(len(data) / 2))],
[data.day[2 * i + 1] for i in range(int(len(data) / 2))]]
z_values = [[aqi_df['AQI_' + str(sensor_name)][2 * i] for i in range(int(len(data) / 2))],
[aqi_df['AQI_' + str(sensor_name)][2 * i + 1] for i in range(int(len(data) / 2))]]
return create_heatmap("AQI for " + str(sensor_name), z_values, z_text)
# source: https://plot.ly/~empet/15229/heatmap-with-a-discrete-colorscale/#/
def discrete_colorscale(interval_values, color_codes):
bvals - list of values bounding intervals/ranges of interest
colors - list of rgb or hex colorcodes for values in [bvals[k], bvals[k+1]],0<=k < len(bvals)-1
returns the plotly discrete colorscale
if len(interval_values) != len(color_codes) + 1:
raise ValueError('len(boundary values) should be equal to len(colors)+1')
interval_values = sorted(interval_values)
nvals = [(v - interval_values[0]) / (interval_values[-1] - interval_values[0]) for v in
interval_values] # normalized values
color_scale = [] # discrete colorscale
for k in range(len(color_codes)):
color_scale.extend([[nvals[k], color_codes[k]], [nvals[k + 1], color_codes[k]]])
return color_scale
# interval values for AQI
interval_values = [2, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 500]
# color codes for AQI
color_codes = ['#0e7a04', '#ffbf00', '#df8719', '#df8719', '#641b6d', '#810808']
color_scale = discrete_colorscale(interval_values, color_codes)
def create_heatmap(title_name, z_values, z_text):
font_colors = ['black']
aqi_figure = ff.create_annotated_heatmap(z=z_values,
annotation_text=z_text, colorscale=color_scale, zmin=0, zmax=500,
for i in range(len(aqi_figure.layout.annotations)):
aqi_figure.layout.annotations[i].font.size =5
# show colorbar
aqi_figure['data'][0]['showscale'] = True
data = pd.read_csv(
modify_df(data, "pm10")