Я новичок в кодировании. Я создал форму с тремя полями - два с типом «число» и одно с выбором переключателя. Я пытаюсь использовать «try catch throw» для проверки этих полей и отображения сообщений об ошибках на экране (не как предупреждение). Я знаю, что здесь много кода, но я действительно потерян с этим. Вот мои HTML и js:
<label for="hshld" class="formhdr">Total number of people in your household:</label>
<input type="number" id="hshld" name="hshld" min="1">
<label for="hrrisk" class="formhdr">Number of high-risk people in your household:</label>
<input type="number" id="hrrisk" name="hrrisk" min="0">
<legend class="formhdr">Number of weeks in isolation:</legend>
<input type="radio" id="countone" name="headcount">
<label for="countone" class="numweeks">1</label>
<input type="radio" id="counttwo" name="headcount">
<label for="counttwo" class="numweeks">2</label>
<input type="radio" id="countthree" name="headcount">
<label for="countthree" class="numweeks">3</label>
<input type="radio" id="countfour" name="headcount">
<label for="countfour" class="numweeks">4+</label>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" id="submit">
и мои. js:
//Global variables
var hshld = document.getElementById("hshld");
var mysubmit = document.getElementById("submit");
var radioError = document.getElementById("radioError");
var weekCount;
//this function checks to see if the user entered a number into the field
function validatehshld() {
try {
if (hshld.value == "") {
throw "Enter a number!";
hshld.style.outline = "none";
// clear input box
catch (hshldError) {
hshld.style.outline = "2.5px dashed red";
hshld.placeholder = hshldError;
return false;
// makes sure that the radio button is selected. If not, throws an error message into the "radioError" paragraph at under the form.
function validatewkCount() {
try {
if (weekCount == 0) {
throw document.getElementById('radioError').innerHTML = "Select a number!";
// clear input box
hshld.style.outline = "none";
catch (weekCountError) {
radioError.style.outline = "2.5px dashed red";
radioError.placeholder = radioError;
return false;
// stop the form from submitting if a field needs attention
function endEvent() {
return event.preventDefault();
function validateSubmit() {
if(validatehshld() === false && validatewkCount() === false) {
// EventListeners, includes IE8 compatibility
if (hshld.addEventListener) {
hshld.addEventListener("focusout", validatehshld, false);
} else if (hshld.attachEvent) {
hshld.attachEvent("onclick", validatehshld);
// runs validateSubmit() function when the user clicks the submit button
if (mysubmit.addEventListener) {
mysubmit.addEventListener("click", validateSubmit, false);
} else if (mysubmit.attachEvent) {
mysubmit.attachEvent("onclick", validateSubmit);
if (mysubmit.addEventListener) {
mysubmit.addEventListener("click", numBottles, false);
} else if (mysubmit.attachEvent) {
mysubmit.attachEvent("onclick", numBottles);
// this function gets called via the onclick attribute (line 44)
function numBottles() {
// takes the current value of the input field from id "hshld"
var people = document.getElementById("hshld").value;
var hrrisk = document.getElementById("hrrisk").value;
// this variable represents the number of gallons a single person should have for one week of isolation- 1 gallon per day
var weekWater = 7;
// this variable will hold the number of weeks selected from the radio buttons
var weekCount;
// this code determines which radio button is selected and assigns a value to the variable depending on which radio button is selected
if (document.getElementById('countone').checked) {
var weekCount = 1;
} else if (document.getElementById('counttwo').checked) {
var weekCount = 2;
} else if (document.getElementById('countthree').checked) {
var weekCount = 3;
} else if (document.getElementById('countfour').checked) {
var weekCount = 4;
} else if (isNaN(weekCount) === true) {
var weekCount = 0;
// echo out the calculation (people X weekWater) to the span object with id=bottles
document.getElementById("bottles").innerHTML = (people * weekWater * weekCount) + (hrrisk * weekCount);