Hyperledger Fabri c 2.0.1: Ошибка: не удалось подключиться до истечения срока на Discoverer- имя: - PullRequest
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/ 25 апреля 2020

Я думаю, что Fabri c пытается обнаружить пиров и заказчиков, как только они осознают, что они существуют, но не соответствуют IP-адресу машины. Есть ли способ указать переопределение IP-адреса компьютера для связи с поддержкой TLS?

Это полный журнал

2020-04-25T02:52:32.615Z - error: [ServiceEndpoint]: Error: Failed to connect before the deadline on Committer- name: orderer.xxxx.com:7050, url:grpcs://orderer.xxxx.com:7050
2020-04-25T02:52:32.616Z - error: [ServiceEndpoint]: waitForReady - Failed to connect to remote gRPC server orderer.xxxx.com:7050 url:grpcs://orderer.xxxx.com:7050 timeout:3000
2020-04-25T02:52:32.616Z - error: [DiscoveryService]: _buildOrderer[evm] - Unable to connect to the discovered orderer orderer.xxxx.com:7050 due to Error: Failed to connect before the deadline on Committer- name: orderer.xxxx.com:7050, url:grpcs://orderer.xxxx.com:7050
2020-04-25T02:52:35.624Z - error: [ServiceEndpoint]: Error: Failed to connect before the deadline on Endorser- name: peer0.org1.xxxx.com:7051, url:grpcs://peer0.org1.xxxx.com:7051
2020-04-25T02:52:35.624Z - error: [ServiceEndpoint]: waitForReady - Failed to connect to remote gRPC server peer0.org1.xxxx.com:7051 url:grpcs://peer0.org1.xxxx.com:7051 timeout:3000
2020-04-25T02:52:35.624Z - error: [DiscoveryService]: _buildPeer[evm] - Unable to connect to the discovered peer peer0.org1.xxxx.com:7051 due to Error: Failed to connect before the deadline on Endorser- name: peer0.org1.xxxx.com:7051, url:grpcs://peer0.org1.xxxx.com:7051
2020-04-25T02:52:38.626Z - error: [ServiceEndpoint]: Error: Failed to connect before the deadline on Endorser- name: peer1.org1.xxxx.com:8051, url:grpcs://peer1.org1.xxxx.com:8051
2020-04-25T02:52:38.627Z - error: [ServiceEndpoint]: waitForReady - Failed to connect to remote gRPC server peer1.org1.xxxx.com:8051 url:grpcs://peer1.org1.xxxx.com:8051 timeout:3000
2020-04-25T02:52:38.627Z - error: [DiscoveryService]: _buildPeer[evm] - Unable to connect to the discovered peer peer1.org1.xxxx.com:8051 due to Error: Failed to connect before the deadline on Endorser- name: peer1.org1.xxxx.com:8051, url:grpcs://peer1.org1.xxxx.com:8051
2020-04-25T02:52:41.630Z - error: [ServiceEndpoint]: Error: Failed to connect before the deadline on Endorser- name: peer0.org2.xxxx.com:9051, url:grpcs://peer0.org2.xxxx.com:9051
2020-04-25T02:52:41.630Z - error: [ServiceEndpoint]: waitForReady - Failed to connect to remote gRPC server peer0.org2.xxxx.com:9051 url:grpcs://peer0.org2.xxxx.com:9051 timeout:3000
2020-04-25T02:52:41.630Z - error: [DiscoveryService]: _buildPeer[evm] - Unable to connect to the discovered peer peer0.org2.xxxx.com:9051 due to Error: Failed to connect before the deadline on Endorser- name: peer0.org2.xxxx.com:9051, url:grpcs://peer0.org2.xxxx.com:9051
2020-04-25T02:52:44.631Z - error: [ServiceEndpoint]: Error: Failed to connect before the deadline on Endorser- name: peer1.org2.xxxx.com:10051, url:grpcs://peer1.org2.xxxx.com:10051
2020-04-25T02:52:44.631Z - error: [ServiceEndpoint]: waitForReady - Failed to connect to remote gRPC server peer1.org2.xxxx.com:10051 url:grpcs://peer1.org2.xxxx.com:10051 timeout:3000
2020-04-25T02:52:44.631Z - error: [DiscoveryService]: _buildPeer[evm] - Unable to connect to the discovered peer peer1.org2.xxxx.com:10051 due to Error: Failed to connect before the deadline on Endorser- name: peer1.org2.xxxx.com:10051, url:grpcs://peer1.org2.xxxx.com:10051
2020-04-25T02:52:44.647Z - error: [SingleQueryHandler]: evaluate: message=Query failed. Errors: [], stack=FabricError: Query failed. Errors: []
    at SingleQueryHandler.evaluate (/home/ubuntu/application-layer/node_modules/fabric-network/lib/impl/query/singlequeryhandler.js:45:23)
    at Transaction.evaluate (/home/ubuntu/application-layer/node_modules/fabric-network/lib/transaction.js:287:49)
    at Contract.evaluateTransaction (/home/ubuntu/application-layer/node_modules/fabric-network/lib/contract.js:115:45)
    at main (/home/ubuntu/application-layer/query.js:52:39)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5), name=FabricError
Failed to evaluate transaction: FabricError: Query failed. Errors: []

Это то, что я использую для подключения:

 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

'use strict';

const { Gateway, Wallets } = require('fabric-network');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');

async function main() {
    try {
        // load the network configuration
        const ccpPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'first-network', 'connection-org1.json');
        const ccp = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(ccpPath, 'utf8'));

        // Create a new file system based wallet for managing identities.
        const walletPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'wallet');
        const wallet = await Wallets.newFileSystemWallet(walletPath);
        console.log(`Wallet path: ${walletPath}`);

        // Check to see if we've already enrolled the user.
        const identity = await wallet.get('appUser');
        if (!identity) {
            console.log('An identity for the user "appUser" does not exist in the wallet');
            console.log('Run the registerUser.js application before retrying');

        // Create a new gateway for connecting to our peer node.
        const gateway = new Gateway();
        await gateway.connect(ccp, { wallet: wallet, identity: 'appUser', discovery: { enabled: true, asLocalhost: false } });

        // Get the network (channel) our contract is deployed to.
        const network = await gateway.getNetwork('evm');

        // Get the contract from the network.
        const contract = network.getContract('evmxxx');

        // Evaluate the specified transaction.
        const result = await contract.submitTransaction('getEVMAddress');
        console.log(`Transaction has been evaluated, result is: ${result.toString()}`);

    } catch (error) {
        console.error(`Failed to evaluate transaction: ${error}`);


Это соединение-org1. json содержимое файла

    "name": "first-network-org1",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "client": {
        "organization": "Org1",
        "connection": {
            "timeout": {
                "peer": {
                    "endorser": "300"
    "organizations": {
        "Org1": {
            "mspid": "Org1MSP",
            "peers": [
            "certificateAuthorities": [
    "peers": {
        "peer0.org1.xxxx.com": {
            "url": "grpcs://xxx.xx.xx.x:7051",
            "tlsCACerts": {
                "pem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----xxxx-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
            "grpcOptions": {
                "ssl-target-name-override": "peer0.org1.xxxx.com",
                "hostnameOverride": "peer0.org1.xxxx.com",

        "grpc-max-send-message-length": -1,
        "grpc.keepalive_time_ms": 600000,
        "grpc.http2.min_time_between_pings_ms": 120000,
        "grpc.http2.max_pings_without_data": 0,
        "grpc.keepalive_permit_without_calls": 1

        "peer1.org1.xxxx.com": {
            "url": "grpcs://xxx.xx.xx.x:8051",
            "tlsCACerts": {
                "pem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----xxxx-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
            "grpcOptions": {
                "ssl-target-name-override": "peer1.org1.xxxx.com",
                "hostnameOverride": "peer1.org1.xxxx.com",
        "grpc-max-send-message-length": -1,
        "grpc.keepalive_time_ms": 600000,
        "grpc.http2.min_time_between_pings_ms": 120000,
        "grpc.http2.max_pings_without_data": 0,
        "grpc.keepalive_permit_without_calls": 1

    "certificateAuthorities": {
        "ca.org1.xxxx.com": {
            "url": "https://xxx.xx.xx.x:7054",
            "caName": "ca-org1",
            "tlsCACerts": {
                "pem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----xxxx-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
            "httpOptions": {
                "verify": false

Я не могу установить соединение, однако оно работает на той же машине Fabri c с использованием localhost вместо предоставленного примера IP-адрес в качестве URL-адреса grpcs и установки для параметров обнаружения asLocalHost значения true.

Заранее спасибо.


crypto-config.yaml выглядит как следует:

# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "OrdererOrgs" - Definition of organizations managing orderer nodes
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Orderer
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  - Name: Orderer
    Domain: example.com
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # "Specs" - See PeerOrgs below for complete description
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
      - Hostname: orderer
          - "xxx.xx.x.x"
      - Hostname: orderer2
          - "xxx.xx.x.x"
      - Hostname: orderer3
          - "xxx.xx.x.x"
      - Hostname: orderer4
          - "xxx.xx.x.x"
      - Hostname: orderer5
          - "xxx.xx.x.x"

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "PeerOrgs" - Definition of organizations managing peer nodes
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Org1
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  - Name: Org1
    Domain: Org1.example.com
    EnableNodeOUs: true
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # "Specs"
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Uncomment this section to enable the explicit definition of hosts in your
    # configuration.  Most users will want to use Template, below
    # Specs is an array of Spec entries.  Each Spec entry consists of two fields:
    #   - Hostname:   (Required) The desired hostname, sans the domain.
    #   - CommonName: (Optional) Specifies the template or explicit override for
    #                 the CN.  By default, this is the template:
    #                              "{{.Hostname}}.{{.Domain}}"
    #                 which obtains its values from the Spec.Hostname and
    #                 Org.Domain, respectively.
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Specs:
    #   - Hostname: foo # implicitly "foo.org1.example.com"
    #     CommonName: foo27.org5.example.com # overrides Hostname-based FQDN set above
    #   - Hostname: bar
    #   - Hostname: baz
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # "Template"
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Allows for the definition of 1 or more hosts that are created sequentially
    # from a template. By default, this looks like "peer%d" from 0 to Count-1.
    # You may override the number of nodes (Count), the starting index (Start)
    # or the template used to construct the name (Hostname).
    # Note: Template and Specs are not mutually exclusive.  You may define both
    # sections and the aggregate nodes will be created for you.  Take care with
    # name collisions
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Count: 2
        - "xxx.xx.x.x"
      # Start: 5
      # Hostname: {{.Prefix}}{{.Index}} # default
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # "Users"
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Count: The number of user accounts _in addition_ to Admin
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Count: 1
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Org2: See "Org1" for full specification
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  - Name: Org2
    Domain: Org2.example.com
    EnableNodeOUs: true
      Count: 2
        - "xxx.xx.x.x"
      Count: 1

С одинаковым IP для всех полей, связанных с SANS.

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