У меня есть несколько ползунков, как показано на рисунке ниже. На этой картинке вы можете видеть один Default Slider
. Этот ползунок должен установить то же значение для всех других ползунков, а также другие ползунки могут устанавливать свои собственные значения независимо от Default slider
my_ratings: Array<JSON> = [];
ngOnInit() {
getMyRatings() {
this.my_ratings = this.my_ratings || [];
// show owner rating
if (this.question.answer) {
if (this.question.answer._user == this.userService.getValue()['_id']) {
if (this.question.answer.all_ratings.owner.ratings.length > 0) {
this.my_ratings = this.question.answer.all_ratings.owner.ratings;
this.rating_factors.forEach((f, i) => f['my_rating'] = this.my_ratings[i]['score']);
// get and set experts ratings in the interface
else {
if (this.userService.getValue()['type'] == 'admin' && this.userService.getValue()['evaluator']) {
let ei = this.question.answer.all_ratings.experts.map(e => e._user).indexOf(this.userService.getValue()['_id']);
if (ei > -1) {
this.my_ratings = this.question.answer.all_ratings.experts[ei].ratings;
this.rating_factors.forEach((f, i) => f['my_rating'] =
// get and set others ratings in the interface
else {
let oi = this.question.answer.all_ratings.others.map(o => o._user).indexOf(this.userService.getValue()['_id']);
if (oi > -1) {
this.my_ratings = this.question.answer.all_ratings.others[oi].ratings;
this.rating_factors.forEach((f, i) => f['my_rating'] = this.my_ratings[i]['score']);
if (!this.norelated)
resetRatings() {
this.rating_factors['rater'] = 'me';
this.rating_factors.forEach((f, i) => f['my_rating'] = 0);
<div class="factor animated slide">
<div class="factor-name">
<img [src]="factor?.icon_url" style="height:30px;width:30px;">
<label class="factor-label">Default Slider</label>
<div class="tooltip" style="display: inline;">
<i class="fa fa-question" style="width: 15px;
height: 15px;
padding: 2px 0 0 4px;opacity:0.7;
float: right;color:white;background-color: var(--primarycolor);border-radius: 50%;"></i>
<span class="tooltiptext">Set all other values</span>
<div class="wrapper" id="wrapper">
<div class="wrap">
<input name="range" type="range" class="range-slider__range" [(ngModel)]="masterRangeslider"
[ngStyle]="{ 'background': 'linear-gradient(90deg, hsl('+ (10 * masterRangeslider) +', 90%, 50%) '+ (10 * masterRangeslider) +'%, #d7dcdf 0%)' }"
min="0" max="10">
<div class="rating" [ngStyle]="{ 'left': ((10 * masterRangeslider) - 3) + '%' }">{{masterRangeslider}}</div>
<b>{{masterRangeslider || 0}}/10</b>
<div *ngFor="let factor of rating_factors; let i = index" class="factor animated slide">
<div class="factor-name">
<img [src]="factor?.icon_url" style="height:30px;width:30px;">
<label class="factor-label">{{ factor.name }}</label>
<div class="tooltip" style="display: inline;">
<i class="fa fa-question" style="width: 15px;
height: 15px;
padding: 2px 0 0 4px;opacity:0.7;
float: right;color:white;background-color: var(--primarycolor);border-radius: 50%;"></i>
<span class="tooltiptext">{{ factor.about }}</span>
<div class="wrapper" id="wrapper">
<div class="wrap">
<input name="range" type="range" class="range-slider__range" [(ngModel)]="factor['my_rating']"
[ngStyle]="{ 'background': 'linear-gradient(90deg, hsl('+ (10 * factor['my_rating']) +', 90%, 50%) '+ (10 * factor['my_rating']) +'%, #d7dcdf 0%)' }"
min="0" max="10">
<div class="rating" [ngStyle]="{ 'left': ((10 * factor['my_rating']) - 3) + '%' }">{{factor['my_rating']}}</div>
<b>{{factor['my_rating'] || 0}}/10</b>