Итак, я нашел способ реализовать скриншоты. Я создал метод, который сделает снимок экрана. Я попытался обойти свой тестовый код, поймать исключение и вызвать метод, чтобы сделать скриншот.
public class TestClass extends classHelper//has BrowserSetup(); and CloseBrowser(); {`
public ScreenshotTestRule my = new ScreenshotTestRule();
public void BeforeTest()
BrowserSetup();// launches chromedriver browser
public void ViewAssetPage()
//My test code here//And want to take screenshot on failure
catch(Exception e)
//print e
public void AfterTest() throws InterruptedException
CloseBrowser();//closes the browser after test passes or fails
////////////////// //////////////////////////
void takeScreenShot()
int num = 0;
String fileName = "SS"+NAME.getMethodName()+".png";//name of file/s you wish to create
String dir = "src/test/screenshot";//directory where screenshots live
new File(dir).mkdirs();//makes new directory if does not exist
File myFile = new File(dir,fileName);//creates file in a directory n specified name
while (myFile.exists())//if file name exists increment name with +1
fileName = "SS"+NAME.getMethodName()+(num++)+".png";
myFile = new File(dir,fileName);
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(myFile);//creates an output for the created file
out.write(((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES));//Takes screenshot and writes the screenshot data to the created file
//FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("target/surefire-reports/" + fileName);
out.close();//closes the outputstream for the file
catch (Exception e)
// No need to crash the tests if the screenshot fails