невозможно войти как вторичный пользовательский менеджер пользователя в wso2 IS 5.9 - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 18 февраля 2020

в WSO2 IS 5.9, а) я создал CustomeruserStoreManager и поместил его в раскрывающиеся окна и вместе с mysql драйвером в папку lib lib, б) я могу видеть пользователей из моей настраиваемой пользовательской таблицы, создал внутренний и дал все разрешения и назначил 2 пользователей test.com/dinuka и test.com.malinda для новой созданной роли. c) На странице входа я могу войти как admin / admin, но не могу войти как test.com/dinuka-dinuka, я получаю ошибку как

[2020-02-18 11:03:36,781] [cf46aae7-eb2b-4eeb-9683-e7adbbba5c1f] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.core.services.authentication.AuthenticationAdmin} - System error while Authenticating/Authorizing User : Error when handling event : PRE_AUTHENTICATION

Я также отключил заявки, , </p> <pre>public class CustomUserStoreConstants { //Properties for Read Active Directory User Store Manager public static final ArrayList<Property> CUSTOM_UM_MANDATORY_PROPERTIES = new ArrayList<Property>(); public static final ArrayList<Property> CUSTOM_UM_OPTIONAL_PROPERTIES = new ArrayList<Property>(); public static final ArrayList<Property> CUSTOM_UM_ADVANCED_PROPERTIES = new ArrayList<Property>(); static { setMandatoryProperty(JDBCRealmConstants.DRIVER_NAME, "Driver Name", "", "Full qualified driver name"); setMandatoryProperty(JDBCRealmConstants.URL,"Connection URL", "", "URL of the user store database"); setMandatoryProperty(JDBCRealmConstants.USER_NAME, "User Name","", "Username for the database"); setMandatoryProperty(JDBCRealmConstants.PASSWORD, "Password","", "Password for the database"); setProperty(UserStoreConfigConstants.disabled,"Disabled", "false", UserStoreConfigConstants.disabledDescription); setProperty("ReadOnly","Read Only", "true", "Indicates whether the user store of this realm operates in the user read only mode or not"); setProperty(UserStoreConfigConstants.SCIMEnabled,"SCIM Enabled", "false", UserStoreConfigConstants.SCIMEnabledDescription); //Advanced Properties (No descriptions added for each property) setAdvancedProperty("SelectUserSQL","Select User SQL", "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER_DATA WHERE CUSTOMER_NAME=?", ""); setAdvancedProperty("UserFilterSQL","User Filter SQL", "SELECT CUSTOMER_NAME FROM CUSTOMER_DATA WHERE CUSTOMER_NAME LIKE ? ORDER BY CUSTOMER_ID", ""); setAdvancedProperty("ClaimOperationsSupported","Claim Operations Supported","false",""); } private static void setProperty(String name, String displayName, String value, String description) { Property property = new Property(name, value, displayName + "#" +description, null); CUSTOM_UM_OPTIONAL_PROPERTIES.add(property); } private static void setMandatoryProperty(String name, String displayName, String value, String description) { Property property = new Property(name, value, displayName + "#" +description, null); CUSTOM_UM_MANDATORY_PROPERTIES.add(property); } private static void setAdvancedProperty(String name, String displayName, String value, String description) { Property property = new Property(name, value, displayName + "#" +description, null); CUSTOM_UM_ADVANCED_PROPERTIES.add(property); } } public class CustomUserStoreManager extends JDBCUserStoreManager { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CustomUserStoreManager.class); public CustomUserStoreManager() { } public CustomUserStoreManager(org.wso2.carbon.user.api.RealmConfiguration realmConfig, Map<String, Object> properties, ClaimManager claimManager, ProfileConfigurationManager profileManager, UserRealm realm, Integer tenantId) throws UserStoreException { super(realmConfig, properties, claimManager, profileManager, realm, tenantId, false); } @Override public boolean doAuthenticate(String userName, Object credential) throws UserStoreException { System.out.println("TRYING TO LOGIN HERE "); if (CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME.equals(userName)) { log.error("Anonymous user trying to login"); return false; } Connection dbConnection = null; ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; String sqlstmt = null; String password = (String) credential; boolean isAuthed = false; try { dbConnection = getDBConnection(); dbConnection.setAutoCommit(false); //paring the SELECT_USER_SQL from user_mgt.xml sqlstmt = realmConfig.getUserStoreProperty(JDBCRealmConstants.SELECT_USER); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(sqlstmt); } prepStmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(sqlstmt); prepStmt.setString(1, userName); rs = prepStmt.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { String storedPassword = rs.getString(2); if ((storedPassword != null) && (storedPassword.trim().equals(password))) { isAuthed = true; } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UserStoreException("Authentication Failure. Using sql :" + sqlstmt); } finally { DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(dbConnection, rs, prepStmt); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("User " + userName + " login attempt. Login success :: " + isAuthed); } return isAuthed; } @Override public Date getPasswordExpirationTime(String userName) throws UserStoreException { return null; } protected boolean isValueExisting(String sqlStmt, Connection dbConnection, Object... params) throws UserStoreException { PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean isExisting = false; boolean doClose = false; try { if (dbConnection == null) { dbConnection = getDBConnection(); doClose = true; //because we created it } if (DatabaseUtil.getStringValuesFromDatabase(dbConnection, sqlStmt, params).length > 0) { isExisting = true; } return isExisting; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); log.error("Using sql : " + sqlStmt); throw new UserStoreException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (doClose) { DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(dbConnection, rs, prepStmt); } } } public String[] getUserListFromProperties(String property, String value, String profileName) throws UserStoreException { return new String[0]; } /*@Override public Map<String, String> doGetUserClaimValues(String userName, String[] claims, String domainName) throws UserStoreException { return new HashMap<String, String>(); }*/ /*@Override public String doGetUserClaimValue(String userName, String claim, String profileName) throws UserStoreException { return null; }*/ @Override public boolean isReadOnly() throws UserStoreException { return true; } @Override public void doAddUser(String userName, Object credential, String[] roleList, Map<String, String> claims, String profileName, boolean requirePasswordChange) throws UserStoreException { throw new UserStoreException( "User store is operating in read only mode. Cannot write into the user store."); } public void doAddRole(String roleName, String[] userList, org.wso2.carbon.user.api.Permission[] permissions) throws UserStoreException { throw new UserStoreException( "User store is operating in read only mode. Cannot write into the user store."); } @Override public void doDeleteRole(String roleName) throws UserStoreException { throw new UserStoreException( "User store is operating in read only mode. Cannot write into the user store."); } @Override public void doDeleteUser(String userName) throws UserStoreException { throw new UserStoreException( "User store is operating in read only mode. Cannot write into the user store."); } @Override public boolean isBulkImportSupported() { return false; } @Override public void doUpdateRoleName(String roleName, String newRoleName) throws UserStoreException { throw new UserStoreException( "User store is operating in read only mode. Cannot write into the user store."); } @Override public void doUpdateUserListOfRole(String roleName, String[] deletedUsers, String[] newUsers) throws UserStoreException { throw new UserStoreException( "User store is operating in read only mode. Cannot write into the user store."); } @Override public void doUpdateRoleListOfUser(String userName, String[] deletedRoles, String[] newRoles) throws UserStoreException { throw new UserStoreException( "User store is operating in read only mode. Cannot write into the user store."); } @Override public void doSetUserClaimValue(String userName, String claimURI, String claimValue, String profileName) throws UserStoreException { throw new UserStoreException( "User store is operating in read only mode. Cannot write into the user store."); } @Override public void doSetUserClaimValues(String userName, Map<String, String> claims, String profileName) throws UserStoreException { throw new UserStoreException( "User store is operating in read only mode. Cannot write into the user store."); } @Override public void doDeleteUserClaimValue(String userName, String claimURI, String profileName) throws UserStoreException { throw new UserStoreException( "User store is operating in read only mode. Cannot write into the user store."); } @Override public void doDeleteUserClaimValues(String userName, String[] claims, String profileName) throws UserStoreException { throw new UserStoreException( "User store is operating in read only mode. Cannot write into the user store."); } @Override public void doUpdateCredential(String userName, Object newCredential, Object oldCredential) throws UserStoreException { throw new UserStoreException( "User store is operating in read only mode. Cannot write into the user store."); } @Override public void doUpdateCredentialByAdmin(String userName, Object newCredential) throws UserStoreException { throw new UserStoreException( "User store is operating in read only mode. Cannot write into the user store."); } public String[] getExternalRoleListOfUser(String userName) throws UserStoreException { /*informix user store manager is supposed to be read only and users in the custom user store users in the custom user store are only assigned to internal roles. Therefore this method returns an empty string. */ return new String[0]; } @Override public String[] doGetRoleNames(String filter, int maxItemLimit) throws UserStoreException { return new String[0]; } @Override public boolean doCheckExistingRole(String roleName) throws UserStoreException { return false; } @Override public boolean doCheckExistingUser(String userName) throws UserStoreException { return true; } @Override public org.wso2.carbon.user.api.Properties getDefaultUserStoreProperties(){ Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setMandatoryProperties(CustomUserStoreConstants.CUSTOM_UM_MANDATORY_PROPERTIES.toArray (new Property[CustomUserStoreConstants.CUSTOM_UM_MANDATORY_PROPERTIES.size()])); properties.setOptionalProperties(CustomUserStoreConstants.CUSTOM_UM_OPTIONAL_PROPERTIES.toArray (new Property[CustomUserStoreConstants.CUSTOM_UM_OPTIONAL_PROPERTIES.size()])); properties.setAdvancedProperties(CustomUserStoreConstants.CUSTOM_UM_ADVANCED_PROPERTIES.toArray (new Property[CustomUserStoreConstants.CUSTOM_UM_ADVANCED_PROPERTIES.size()])); return properties; } } @Component( name = "com.wso2.carbon.custom.user.store.manager", immediate = true ) public class CustomUserStoreMgtDSComponent { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CustomUserStoreMgtDSComponent.class); private static RealmService realmService; @Activate protected void activate(ComponentContext ctxt) { try { CustomUserStoreManager customUserStoreManager = new CustomUserStoreManager(); ctxt.getBundleContext().registerService(UserStoreManager.class.getName(), customUserStoreManager, null); log.info("CustomUserStoreManager bundle activated successfully.."); } catch (Throwable storeError) { log.error("ERROR when activating Custom User Store", storeError); } } @Deactivate protected void deactivate(ComponentContext ctxt) { System.out.println(" !!! DEACTIVATE COMP !!!"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Custom User Store Manager is deactivated "); } } @Reference( name = "RealmService", service = org.wso2.carbon.user.core.service.RealmService.class, cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY, policy = ReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC, unbind = "unsetRealmService") protected void setRealmService(RealmService realmService) { realmService = realmService; } protected void unsetRealmService(RealmService realmService) { realmService = null; } }
