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REGEXP_REPLACE(description, r'<.*?>', '') description_without_formatting
FROM `project.dataset.person`
Вы можете проверить, поиграть с выше, используя фиктивные данные из вашего вопроса, как в примере ниже
WITH `project.dataset.person` AS (
SELECT 1 id, '<p class="position-body__description" data-section="pastPositions">• Lorem Ipsum dorem posum <br>This is my test html regex.<br> • Provided general HR support of multiple team members’ development, technical and certification training.<br>• Demonstrated experience in an administrative support role managing multiple requests simultaneously.</p>' description
REGEXP_REPLACE(description, r'<.*?>', '') description_without_formatting
FROM `project.dataset.person`
с результатом
Row id description_without_formatting
1 1 • Lorem Ipsum dorem posum This is my test html regex. • Provided general HR support of multiple team members’ development, technical and certification training.• Demonstrated experience in an administrative support role managing multiple requests simultaneously.