Я пытался обойти это и придумал компонент, который его создает. Это может быть сделано не на сто процентов, но оно также получит график с эффектом перехода. Переход не так уж велик, но он делает работу для меня. Я создал два компонента для этого. Первый компонент - это просто базовый компонент, который отображает основной график ( BubbleScatter ), а также год, который можно прокручивать, чтобы иметь влияние изменений в пузырьках в разные годы.
Родитель Компонент - DateSelector :
import React from "react";
import BubbleScatterPlot from "./InteractiveScatterPlot";
class DateSelector extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
year: 1800,
changeTime: false,
textInput: ""
enableChange = e => {
this.setState({ changeTime: true });
disableChange = () => {
this.setState({ changeTime: false });
// Update data on scrolling over date text
scrollDate = (e, d) => {
const dateInterval = 1; // As data increases every 20 years
const startDate = 1800;
const endDate = 2008;
const total_year_count =
Math.ceil((endDate - startDate) / dateInterval) + 1; // 2008 - 1800 / 20
const diff = this.state.textInput.offsetWidth / total_year_count;
let { changeTime } = this.state;
let currX = e.pageX - this.state.textInput.offsetLeft;
let currentDate = startDate + dateInterval * Math.floor(currX / diff);
if (changeTime && currentDate !== this.state.year) {
this.setState((prevState, props) => ({
year: Math.min(currentDate, 2008) // Set the date
render() {
return (
<div className="WealthOfNations">
ref={textInput => {
this.state.textInput = textInput;
position: "relative",
width: "fit-content",
color: "#9e9e9e63",
background: "#e8e8e842",
textAlign: "center",
cursor: "ew-resize",
fontSize: "6em",
marginLeft: "80%"
export default DateSelector;
Фактический BubbleScatterPlot
import { max as d3Max, extent as d3ArrayExtent } from "d3-array";
import React from "react";
import { scaleLinear, scaleLog } from "d3-scale";
import {
axisBottom as d3AxisBottom,
axisRight as d3AxisRight,
axisTop as d3AxisTop,
axisLeft as d3AxisLeft
} from "d3-axis";
import * as d3 from "d3";
import { select as d3Select } from "d3-selection";
import Data from "./nations.json"; // External file containing data
import { Motion, spring } from "react-motion";
import { interpolateValues } from "./Interpolate";
const calculateRange = (data, subFieldName) => {
let min, max;
data.forEach(item => {
let currentRange = d3ArrayExtent(item[subFieldName], item => {
return item[1];
if (min === undefined || currentRange[0] < min) min = currentRange[0];
if (max === undefined || currentRange[1] > max) max = currentRange[1];
if (min === 0) return [1, max];
return [min, max];
//Helper function to extract value corresponding to year for every country item
const getYearData = (data, subFieldName, year) => {
let result = data[subFieldName].find(values => {
return values[0] == year;
return result ? result[1] : interpolateValues(data, subFieldName, year);
//Helper function to calculate radius
const calcRadius = value => {
return Math.sqrt(value);
// Main component
const BubbleScatterPlot = props => {
let xScale = scaleLog()
.domain(calculateRange(Data, "income"))
.range([0, props.width * 1.1]);
let yScale = scaleLinear()
.domain(calculateRange(Data, "lifeExpectancy"))
.range([props.height * 1.1, 0])
// Radius scale calculations based on population field
let rRange = calculateRange(Data, "population");
let rScale = scaleLinear()
.domain([calcRadius(rRange[0]), calcRadius(rRange[1])])
.range([0, 80]);
let color = d3
Data.map(d => d.region),
return (
width={props.width + props.margin}
height={props.height + props.margin}
style={{ overflow: "visible" }}
style={{ transform: `translate(${props.margin}px, ${props.margin}px)` }}
<Axis h="y-left" {...props} data={Data} Scale={yScale} />
<g className="scatter">
{Data.map(circlePoint => (
// Get income and scale it for x-axis for all items for 2006
x: spring(getYearData(circlePoint, "income", props.year), {
stiffness: 200,
damping: 50
// Get lifeExpectancy and scale it for y-axis for all items for 2006
y: spring(
getYearData(circlePoint, "lifeExpectancy", props.year),
stiffness: 200,
damping: 50
// Get radius and scale it for x-axis for all items for 2006
r: spring(getYearData(circlePoint, "population", props.year), {
stiffness: 150,
damping: 50
{({ x, y, r }) =>
// Due to nature of log Scale !== 1, we dont render these items
(x !== 1 || y !== 1) && (
style={{ opacity: "0.7" }}
// Basic Axis unit
const AxisUnit = props => {
let axis = props
.ticks(props.numberOfTicks || props.data.length / 2)
.tickFormat(item => {
return item;
return (
className={"Axis "}
ref={node => d3Select(node).call(axis)}
transform: `translate(${props.translateX || 0}px,${props.translateY ||
const xAxis = "x",
yAxis = "y",
bottom = "bottom",
top = "top",
left = "left",
right = "right";
const Axes = function axisHOC(WrapperComponent) {
return class AxisHOC extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
getOrientation = () => {
switch (this.props.h) {
case xAxis + "-" + bottom:
return {
orientation: d3AxisBottom,
className: xAxis + "-" + bottom,
translateY: this.props.translateY || this.props.height
case yAxis + "-" + left:
return {
orientation: d3AxisLeft,
className: yAxis + "-" + left,
transform: -90
case xAxis + "-" + top:
return {
orientation: d3AxisTop,
className: xAxis + "-" + top,
translateY: this.props.translateY || this.props.height
case yAxis + "-" + right:
return {
orientation: d3AxisRight,
className: yAxis + "-" + right,
transform: 90
return { orientation: d3AxisLeft, className: yAxis + "-" + left };
render() {
const newProps = this.getOrientation();
return <WrapperComponent {...this.props} {...newProps} />;
const Axis = Axes(AxisUnit);
export default BubbleScatterPlot;
Кроме того, чтобы иметь плавный переход и интерполировать пропущенные числа, добавьте также эту функцию интерполяции:
import _ from "lodash";
export const interpolateValues = (data, subFieldName, year) => {
// Get value of the last available year
let prevVal = _.findLast(data[subFieldName], item => item[0] < year);
// Get value of next available year
let nextVal = data[subFieldName].find(item => item[0] > year);
// Interpolation
if (!prevVal && !nextVal) {
return 1;
} //In case country field is empty
else if (!prevVal) {
return nextVal[1];
} //In case there is no available prior date
else if (!nextVal) {
return prevVal[1];
} //In case there is no available next date
else {
let totalSteps = nextVal[0] - prevVal[0];
let yearDistance = year - prevVal[0];
//Linear interpolation
return prevVal[1] + ((nextVal[1] - prevVal[1]) / totalSteps) * yearDistance;