Когда я пытаюсь открыть мой .ipynb
, я получаю следующую ошибку. Другие записные книжки в том же каталоге работают нормально.
Ошибка интерфейса пользователя:
Close without saving?
File "cloner.ipynb" has unsaved changes, close without saving?Close without saving?
File "cloner.ipynb" has unsaved changes, close without saving?
Ошибки консоли браузера:
serverconnection.js:192 GET http://localhost:8890/api/contents/cloner.ipynb?type=notebook&content=1&1586015957921 400 (Bad Request)
handleRequest @ serverconnection.js:192
makeRequest @ serverconnection.js:76
get @ index.js:477
get @ index.js:170
(anonymous) @ context.js:498
Promise.then (async)
_revert @ context.js:497
initialize @ context.js:190
(anonymous) @ manager.js:445
Promise.then (async)
_createOrOpenDocument @ manager.js:445
open @ manager.js:274
openOrReveal @ manager.js:298
_handleOpen @ listing.js:824
_evtDblClick @ listing.js:900
handleEvent @ listing.js:543
context.js:582 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to execute 'text' on 'Response': body stream is locked
at Context._handleError (context.js:582)
at context.js:540
_handleError @ context.js:582
(anonymous) @ context.js:540
async function (async)
_handleError @ context.js:582
(anonymous) @ context.js:540
async function (async)
(anonymous) @ context.js:536
Promise.catch (async)
_revert @ context.js:533
initialize @ context.js:190
(anonymous) @ manager.js:445
Promise.then (async)
_createOrOpenDocument @ manager.js:445
open @ manager.js:274
openOrReveal @ manager.js:298
_handleOpen @ listing.js:824
_evtDblClick @ listing.js:900
handleEvent @ listing.js:543
Версии пакета, управляемого Pip:
Name: jupyter
Version: 1.0.0
Summary: Jupyter metapackage. Install all the Jupyter components in one go.
Name: jupyterlab
Version: 2.0.1
Summary: The JupyterLab notebook server extension.
Я попытался удалить папку .ipynb_checkpoints
, и отслеживаю все это в git.
Глядя на журналы Jupyter, я вижу, что эта ошибка возникает, потому что база данных nbsignatures.db
заблокирована. https://www.onooks.com/jupyter-fails-to-open-notebook-with-error-file-xx-has-unsaved-changes-close-without-saving/