У меня есть динамическая c сборка таблицы данных с использованием Angular Материал, в котором я использую API для предоставления таблицы данными в настоящее время.
Я пытаюсь добавить возможность удаления, где я Я могу выбрать строку и удалить всю строку.
Я хочу использовать mat-checkbox для выбора строки и использовать кнопку удаления в заголовке, чтобы удалить выбранную строку.
Прямо сейчас, флажок добавлен на каждый элемент ячейки в строке, где я бы предпочел выделить всю строку.
Как / можно добавить или исправить эту функциональность?
HTML Компонент
<mat-card *ngIf="!loading">
<mat-card-header class="mat-card-header view-title" style="background-color: lightblue;
padding: 11px 0px 0px 0px;
margin: 0px 0px 8px 0px;
box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 6px 15px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19)">
<span class="fill-nav-bar"></span>
<button style="padding-right: 80px;" mat-icon-button>
<div class="view-container mat-elevation-z8">
<table mat-table [dataSource]="dataSource" matSort>
<ng-container [matColumnDef]="column" *ngFor="let column of displayedColumns">
<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef mat-sort-header>
{{ column }}
<mat-icon aria-hidden="false" aria-label="filter icon">more_horiz</mat-icon>
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let action">{{ action[column] }}
<tr mat-header-row *matHeaderRowDef="displayedColumns; sticky: true"></tr>
<tr mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: displayedColumns"></tr>
<mat-paginator [pageSizeOptions]="pageSizeOptions" showFirstLastButtons></mat-paginator>
Компонент TS
templateUrl: 'view.component.html',
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
export class ViewComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
// User Fields
currentUser: User;
users: User[] = [];
currentUserSubscription: Subscription;
loading : boolean;
// Action Fields
viewData: any;
viewName: string;
refNumber: number;
currentActionSubscription: Subscription;
displayedColumns: string[] = [];
dataSource: any = new MatTableDataSource([]);
pageSizeOptions: number[] = [10, 20, 50];
@ViewChild(MatSort) sort: MatSort;
@ViewChild(MatPaginator) paginator: MatPaginator;
defaultSort: MatSortable = {
id: 'defColumnName',
start: 'asc',
disableClear: true
defaultPaginator: MatPaginator;
private iconRegistry: MatIconRegistry,
private sanitizer: DomSanitizer,
private actionService: ActionService
) {
this.loading = false;
loadAction(action: any) {
this.loading = true;
// If there is already data loaded into the View, cache it in the service.
if (this.viewData) {
if (this.sort) {
// If there is sorting cached, load it into the View.
if (action.sortable) {
// If the action was cached, we should hit this block.
} else {
// Else apply the defaultSort.
if (this.paginator) {
// If we've stored a pageIndex and/or pageSize, retrieve accordingly.
if (action.pageIndex) {
this.paginator.pageIndex = action.pageIndex;
} else { // Apply default pageIndex.
this.paginator.pageIndex = 0;
if (action.pageSize) {
this.paginator.pageSize = action.pageSize;
} else { // Apply default pageSize.
this.paginator.pageSize = 10;
// Apply the sort & paginator to the View data.
setTimeout(() => this.dataSource.sort = this.sort, 4000);
setTimeout(() => this.dataSource.paginator = this.paginator, 4000);
// Load the new action's data into the View:
this.viewData = action.action;
this.viewName = action.action.ActionName;
this.refNumber = action.refNumber;
// TODO: add uniquifiers/ids and use these as the sort for table
const displayedColumns = this.viewData.Columns.map((c: { Name: any; }) => c.Name);
displayedColumns[2] = 'Folder1';
this.displayedColumns = displayedColumns;
// tslint:disable-next-line: max-line-length
const fetchedData = this.viewData.DataRows.map((r: { slice: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => { forEach: (arg0: (d: any, i: string | number) => any) => void; }; }) => {
const row = {};
r.slice(0, 9).forEach((d: any, i: string | number) => (row[this.displayedColumns[i]] = d));
return row;
this.dataSource = new MatTableDataSource(fetchedData);
this.loading = false;
// Stores the current Action, sort, and paginator in an ActionState object to be held in the action service's stateMap.
cacheAction() {
let actionState = new ActionState(this.viewData);
// Determine the sort direction to store.
let cachedStart: SortDirection;
if (this.sort.direction == "desc") {
cachedStart = 'desc';
} else {
cachedStart = 'asc';
// Create a Sortable so that we can re-apply this sort.
actionState.sortable = {
id: this.sort.active,
start: cachedStart,
disableClear: this.sort.disableClear
// Store the current pageIndex and pageSize.
actionState.pageIndex = this.paginator.pageIndex;
actionState.pageSize = this.paginator.pageSize;
// Store the refNumber in the actionState for later retrieval.
actionState.refNumber = this.refNumber;
ngOnInit() {
// Subscribes to the action service's currentAction, populating this component with View data.
this.actionService.currentAction.subscribe(action => this.loadAction(action));