Предполагая, что вопрос связан с ЗДЕСЬ Android Mobile SDK, который предоставляет функции навигации, необходимо создать маршрут с использованием класса CoreRouter. Если существует файл Geo JSON, его необходимо будет проанализировать и преобразовать, по крайней мере, в GeoCoordinates, которые затем можно будет передать в функцию CoreRouter -> executeRoute.
public void calculateRoute(java.util.List<GeoCoordinate> routePoints,
RouteOptions routeOptions,
Router.Listener<java.util.List<RouteResult>,RoutingError> listener)
Invokes an asynchronous route calculation. Upon completion of the request, the Listener will be invoked regardless if the request is completed successfully or not.
routePoints - The list of GeoCoordinate that is used for calculate a route. The list must have at least two items.
routeOptions - The RouteOptions is used for route calculation between points and for route recalculation during navigation mode.
listener - A Listener for the CoreRouter This method returns RoutingError.INVALID_PARAMETERS and a route will not be calculated if calculating a route with RouteOptions.TransportMode.PUBLIC_TRANSPORT This method returns RoutingError.INVALID_PARAMETERS and a route will not be calculated if calculating a route with RouteOptions.TransportMode.TRUCK and routePlan uses any Type other than FASTEST.