Мне нужно вернуть json моему интерфейсу со структурой, подобной этой
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"Country": "China",
"ShipCountry": "CN",
"ShipCity": "Tieba",
"ShipName": "Collins, Dibbert and Hoeger",
"ShipAddress": "746 Pine View Junction",
"CompanyEmail": "nsailor0@livejournal.com",
"CompanyAgent": "Nixie Sailor",
"CompanyName": "Gleichner, Ziemann and Gutkowski",
"Currency": "CNY",
"Notes": "imperdiet nullam orci pede venenatis non sodales sed tincidunt eu felis fusce posuere felis sed lacus morbi",
"Department": "Outdoors",
"Website": "irs.gov",
"Latitude": 35.0032213,
"Longitude": 102.913526,
"ShipDate": "2/12/2018",
"PaymentDate": "2016-04-27 23:53:15",
"TimeZone": "Asia/Chongqing",
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"Status": 3,
"Type": 2,
"Actions": null
"RecordID": 2,
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"ShipCity": "Cihaur",
"ShipName": "Prosacco-Breitenberg",
"ShipAddress": "01652 Fulton Trail",
"CompanyEmail": "egiraldez1@seattletimes.com",
"CompanyAgent": "Emelita Giraldez",
"CompanyName": "Rosenbaum-Reichel",
"Currency": "IDR",
"Notes": "adipiscing elit proin risus praesent lectus vestibulum quam sapien varius ut blandit non interdum",
"Department": "Toys",
"Website": "ameblo.jp",
"Latitude": -7.1221059,
"Longitude": 106.5701927,
"ShipDate": "8/6/2017",
"PaymentDate": "2017-11-13 14:37:22",
"TimeZone": "Asia/Jakarta",
"TotalPayment": "$795849.41",
"Status": 6,
"Type": 3,
"Actions": null
Я использую сериализатор с библиотекой Netflix json. Я знаю, как вернуть коллекцию:
render json: ContentSerializer.new(@contents).serializable_hash
Верните мне коллекцию данных, но я не могу понять, как я могу добавить атрибут 'meta