Нумерация страниц иногда бывает сложной, но на этой странице все просто. Я также исправил некоторые другие проблемы. Пожалуйста, прочитайте комментарии в коде:
Sub BrowseSiteTableObjectX()
Dim IE As New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Dim Docm As MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim nodePagiantionNext As Object 'I do those things always by late binding
Dim iRow As Long
Dim lastPage As Boolean
With IE
'Set the following line to 'False' to make IE invisible
'You can also set IE to full screen, scroll to the page
'count and watch it advance. I give each page 5 seconds
'to load. From what I have seen, this is partly necessary
.Visible = True
.navigate "https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/screener"
Do While .Busy Or .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
End With
'The page loads data after the IE says he's ready. So you need a manual break for a few seconds
'Application.Wait (Now + TimeSerial(pause_hours, pause_minutes, pause_seconds))
Application.Wait (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 5))
Set Docm = IE.document
'You need a loop to go through all pages
'(The IE is a diva. It can be you must start him every loop round. But for the given url it
'works for 312 pages with the 5 second break)
'If you click the 'next' link here, you are on the second page before you read out any data
'You must do the click after reading data from the first page
'Give some seconds after the click to load the new page
Application.Wait (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 5))
Set Docm = IE.document
Set HTMLAtab = Docm.getElementsByClassName("symbol-screener__table")(0)
For Each HTMLArow In HTMLAtab.getElementsByClassName("symbol-screener__row")
iRow = iRow + 1
Cells(iRow, 1) = HTMLArow.getElementsByClassName("symbol-screener__cell symbol-screener__cell--ticker")(0).innerText
Cells(iRow, 2) = HTMLArow.getElementsByClassName("symbol-screener__cell symbol-screener__cell--company")(0).innerText
'DoEvents 'Why?
Next HTMLArow
'You can't click the li tag. You must click the link which is the first child of the li tag
'But you must also know when the last page is reached. Thats when the CSS class changes to "next disabled"
Set nodePagiantionNext = Docm.getElementsByClassName("symbol-screener__pagination")(0).getElementsByClassName("next")(0)
'Check if the CSS class has been changed to "disabled".
'Short explanation, because we ask for "next" first, and if this should work,
'"next" must also match "next disabled". This is true. "next" is the first
'part of "next disabled". All CSS class names with the same beginning fit for
'a node collection to be created
If nodePagiantionNext.getAttribute("class") = "next disabled" Then
'If last page end loop
lastPage = True
'If not the last page, click for next page
End If
Loop Until lastPage
Set IE = Nothing
Set Docm = Nothing
End Sub