Боке, как построить несколько гистограмм на одной странице HTML, используя flask WebApp - PullRequest
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/ 18 февраля 2020

Я могу создать одну гистограмму в моем flask WebApp, используя этот учебник: https://www.fullstackpython.com/blog/responsive-bar-charts-bokeh-flask-python-3.html

Я бы хотел видеть несколько гистограмм на та же страница HTML, но не одна.

Я пробовал следующее:

def chart(quiz_name):
    quizQuestions = Metrics.retrieveQuestionsByQuizName(quiz_name) #Returns Json with a list of questions
    allQuestions = quizQuestions["questions"] #stores the list of questions

    data = {"choices": [], "responseCount": []} #this is the data I want to plot with Bokeh
    plots = [] #will store all of the plots -- one plot represents one bar chart

    if not (allQuestions is None):
        for question in allQuestions:
            questionChoicesList = question["choices"]
            responsesList = question["responses"]

            for i in range(0, len(questionChoicesList)):
                responseCount = aggregateResponseCountForAnswerChoice(questionChoicesList[i], responsesList) #This returns the correct counts to be graphed using Bokeh
                data["choices"] = questionChoicesList #will be the X-axis labels
                hover = create_hover_tool()

            questionPrompt = question['prompt']
            plot = create_bar_chart(data, questionPrompt, "choices",
                                        "responseCount", hover) #here is where the plot (representing the bar chart and its data) are created
            script, div = components(plot)

    print('plots is of size: {}'.format(len(plots)))
    script, div = components(plots)
    return render_template("chart.html", quiz_name=quiz_name,
            the_div=div, the_script=script)
def create_bar_chart(data, title, x_name, y_name, hover_tool=None,
                     width=1200, height=300):
    """Creates a bar chart plot with the exact styling for the centcom
       dashboard. Pass in data as a dictionary, desired plot title,
       name of x axis, y axis and the hover tool HTML.
    source = ColumnDataSource(data)
    xdr = FactorRange(factors=data[x_name])
    ydr = Range1d(start=0,end=max(data[y_name])*1.5)

    tools = []
    if hover_tool:
        tools = [hover_tool,]

    plot = figure(title=title, x_range=xdr, y_range=ydr, plot_width=width,
                  plot_height=height, h_symmetry=False, v_symmetry=False,
                  min_border=0, toolbar_location="above", tools=tools,
                  responsive=True, outline_line_color="#666666")

    glyph = VBar(x=x_name, top=y_name, bottom=0, width=.8,
    plot.add_glyph(source, glyph)

    xaxis = LinearAxis()
    yaxis = LinearAxis()

    plot.add_layout(Grid(dimension=0, ticker=xaxis.ticker))
    plot.add_layout(Grid(dimension=1, ticker=yaxis.ticker))
    plot.toolbar.logo = None
    plot.min_border_top = 0
    plot.xgrid.grid_line_color = None
    plot.ygrid.grid_line_color = "#999999"
    plot.yaxis.axis_label = "Student Answer Counts"
    plot.ygrid.grid_line_alpha = 0.1
    plot.xaxis.axis_label = "Question Answer Choices"
    plot.xaxis.major_label_orientation = 1
    return plot

Гистограмма отображается очень хорошо, когда я отображаю только одну гистограмму. Количество и метки идеально соответствуют данным. Но когда я добавляю вторую диаграмму, отсчеты уже не точны. Как правильно добавить второй, третий, четвертый график?

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