Вы можете просто использовать функцию карты es6 для создания экземпляра вашего массива и извлечения полей данных.
export class SomeComponent implements Oninit{
someData =
[{"model": "products.productstable", "pk": 1, "fields": {"company": "STANDARD", "description": "CHAKKARS BIG ", "type": "Chakkars", "productcase": 1, "quantity": 100, "units": "PKT", "rate": 150.0, "retension": 3.0, "newrate": 154.5, "myretension": 30.0, "finalrate": 200.85, "retailrate": 401.7, "remarks": "ABC"}}, {"model": "products.productstable", "pk": 2, "fields": {"company": "STANDARD", "description": "SMALL", "type": "Sparkler", "productcase": 1, "quantity": 100, "units": "PKY", "rate": 100.0, "retension": 3.0, "newrate": 103.0, "myretension": 25.0, "finalrate": 128.75, "retailrate": 257.5, "remarks": "SCDC"}}]
// create a function within your class like
const fields = this.someData.map((data) => console.log(data.fields));
return fields;
// Call the showfield() function to perform the task
Демо: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-tpxp1j