У меня есть метод, который отправляет электронное письмо, и я хочу сделать параметризованный тест pytest, но когда я запускаю свой тест, он не запускается, и в журналах он показывает no tests ran
. Что не так с моим тестом?
сценарий pytest:
import pytest
import new_version
@pytest.mark.parametrize("email", ['my_email@gmail.com'])
def send_email(email):
метод, который отправляет электронную почту:
# Imports
import smtplib
import time
# Language
error_title = "ERROR"
send_error = "I'm waiting {idle} and I will try again."
send_error_mail = "Mail invalid"
send_error_char = "Invalid character"
send_error_connection_1_2 = "Connection problem..."
send_error_connection_2_2 = "Gmail server is down or internet connection is instabil."
login_browser = "Please log in via your web browser and then try again."
login_browser_info = "That browser and this software shood have same IP connection first time."
# Gmaild ID fro login
fromMail = "myemail@gmail.com"
fromPass = "pass"
# Some configurations
mailDelay = 15
exceptionDelay = 180
def send_mail(email, thisSubject="Just a subject",
thisMessage="This is just a simple message..."):
# To ho to send mails
mailTo = [
# If still have mails to send
while len(mailTo) != 0:
sendItTo = mailTo[0] # Memorise what mail will be send it (debug purpose)
# Connect to the server
server = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com:587")
# Sign In
server.login(fromMail, fromPass)
# Set the message
message = f"Subject: {thisSubject}\n{thisMessage}"
# Send one mail
server.sendmail(fromMail, mailTo.pop(0), message)
# Sign Out
# If is a problem
except Exception as e:
# Convert error in a string for som checks
e = str(e)
# Show me if...
if "The recipient address" in e and "is not a valid" in e:
print(f"\n>>> {send_error_mail} [//> {sendItTo}\n")
elif "'ascii'" in e and "code can't encode characters" in e:
print(f"\n>>> {send_error_char} [//> {sendItTo}\n")
elif "Please" in e and "log in via your web browser" in e:
print(f"\n>>> {login_browser}\n>>> - {login_browser_info}")
elif "[WinError 10060]" in e:
if "{idle}" in send_error:
se = send_error.split("{idle}");
seMsg = f"{se[0]}{exceptionDelay} sec.{se[1]}"
seMsg = send_error
print(f"\n>>> {send_error_connection_1_2}\n>>> {send_error_connection_2_2}")
print(f">>> {seMsg}\n")
# Wait 5 minutes
waitTime = exceptionDelay - mailDelay
if waitTime <= 0:
waitTime = exceptionDelay
if "{idle}" in send_error:
se = send_error.split("{idle}");
seMsg = f"{se[0]}{exceptionDelay} sec.{se[1]}"
seMsg = send_error
print(f">>> {error_title} <<<", e)
print(f">>> {seMsg}\n")
# Wait 5 minutes
# If are still mails wait before to send another one
if len(mailTo) != 0:
платформа darwin - Python 3.7.5, pytest-5.3.5, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 - / Users / nikolai / Documents / Python / gmail / venv / bin / python cachedir: .pytest_cache rootdir: / Users / nikolai / Documents / Python / gmail собрал 0 вещей