Python Реализация алгоритма Дейкстры не работает со всеми типами графов - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 05 апреля 2020

Ниже приведен код, который я написал для реализации, и он отлично работает с графом с именем 'graph', инициализированным перед функцией. Но он продолжает сталкиваться с ошибками с 'graph2'.

The graphs below will be used to test the directed and
undirected capabilities of my algorithm.

graph = {"A": {"B": 2, "C" : 4},
         "B" : {"C" : 5, "D" : 6},
         "C" : {"D" : 2}

graph2 = {"A" : {"B" : 4, "C" : 2, "D" : 8},
          "B" : {"A" : 4, "C" : 1, "D" : 3},
          "C" : {"A" : 2, "B" : 1, "D" : 4},
          "D" : {"A" : 8, "B" : 3, "C" : 4}

infinity = float("inf")

start = "A"
end = "D"

def DijkstrasAlgorithm(grid, sourceNode, endNode):
    # "allnodes" is used to contain all nodes present in the grid inputted into the function.
    # "visitedNodes" is used to store nodes that have been visited.
    # "distances" stores edges (connections between 2 nodes) and their weights (the magnitude of their distance).
    # "parents" is a dictionary used to form the basis with which the shortest path can be outputted, by interlinking the 
    # the parents of each class from the start to the end.
    currentNode, allNodes, visitedNodes = sourceNode, set(), set()
    distances, parents, paths = [], dict(), []

    # This for loop adds all individual nodes to the set, which becomes a list, called 'allNodes'
    for i in grid:
        for j in grid[i]:
    allNodes = sorted(list(allNodes))

    #This for loop sets all distances between all nodes equal to infinity
    for i in grid:
        for j in grid[i]:
            distances.append([i, j, infinity])                  

    #This for loop sets the initial parent node of all nodes equal to None

    for node in allNodes:
        parents[node] = None

    # This for loops sets the distances for all nodes that can be set   
    for i in grid:
        for j in grid[i]:
                distances.append([i, j, grid[i][j]])
                distances.remove([i, j, infinity])
            except KeyError:
                print("Error occurred during edge weight update.")

    # This while  loop is the actual part of the code that accounts for Dijkstras algorithm
    # it continues to iterate choosing the node of minimum distance until the length of the 'allNodes' set is equal to zero

    while len(allNodes) > 0:
        # This if-statement ends the loop once the destination has been reached
        if currentNode == endNode:

        # These 2 statements remove the current node from the 'allNodes' set and add them to
        # the visited nodes set
        comparisonRange = []
        # This for loop chooses the closes nodes to the comparison node to compare
        # and select the node of minimum distance
        for edge in distances:
            if (edge[0] == currentNode) and (edge[1] not in visitedNodes):
        comparisonRange = sorted(comparisonRange, key = lambda x: x[2])
        parents[comparisonRange[0][1]] = currentNode
        currentNode = comparisonRange[0][1]
        # The above code is the 'greedy' part of the algorithm selecting the node of minimum distance
        # each time

    possiblePath = []

    # The for loop below appends the nodes in order of visitation
    # Its starts with the node whose parent is still None, which can only be the start node
    # and all nodes that branch from it and so on so forth are appended to the possiblePath list.
    # This ensures possible path holds the nodes in order of visitation.
    for node in parents.keys():
        if parents[node] == None:

        if parents[node] in possiblePath:

    # This code adds one possible path to the group of possible paths named 'paths'


    # This for loop creates other possible paths spanning from the first one
    # simply by deleting a previous choice
    for i in range(len(paths[0]) - 1):
        alternatePath = [element for element in paths[i]]
        if len(alternatePath) == 2:

    # This list holds zero for the initial length of each possible path
    pathLengths =[[0] for item in paths]

    # This for loop is used to calculate the lengths of possible paths from
    # items contained within each possible path. This is done by passing those 
    # items into the 'graph' dictionary and calculating the length between them
    for path in paths:
        length = 0
        for index in path:  
                for secondKey in grid[index]:
                    if secondKey == path[path.index(index)+1]:
                            length += grid[index][secondKey]
                        except KeyError:
                    pathLengths[paths.index(path)] = length
            except KeyError:

    # The minimum path variable below chooses the minimum length in pathLengths
    # and uses that index to find the path that it corresponds to in the list
    # paths 
    minimumPath = paths[pathLengths.index(min(pathLengths))]

    return minimumPath

DijkstrasAlgorithm(graph, start, end)

Я также думал об использовании классов, но я не знаю, как их реализовать.

Пожалуйста, скажите мне, что вы думаете, дайте мои предложения о том, как улучшить код и мои навыки программирования в целом, и не могли бы вы также сообщить мне о любых методах, которые я мог бы использовать, чтобы моя реализация могла работать с любым графом, введенным в него.

1 Ответ

1 голос
/ 05 апреля 2020

Если вы можете использовать матрицу смежности ( в алгоритмах графа, потому что она быстрее, как в
