Я довольно новичок в Python и программировании в целом и столкнулся с ситуацией, которую я не могу понять.
Я строю систему управления сотрудниками, в которую пользователь может добавлять нового сотрудника, просмотрите всех сотрудников, найдите сотрудника по SSN и замените предыдущую информацию сотрудника, выполнив поиск SSN и повторно введя требуемые данные. Последняя часть, где я терплю неудачу. Я считаю, что могу выполнять поиск по SSN, но не могу понять, как заставить пользователя заменить предыдущую информацию из этого подсписка. Может ли кто-нибудь помочь мне понять это? Я также включил сообщение об ошибке, которое я получаю ниже сценария.
employee_info = [ ]
while True: # While loop created to make the script constantly run
counter = len(employee_info) # Counter created so that the user will know how many entries there are
print('There are', '(', (int(counter)), ')', 'employees in the system.\n')
add_new = input('Would you like to add a new employee to the system, find an employee\'s record by SSN, change an employee\'s information or view all employee entries in the system?\
To add an employee, type: "ADD". To view all employees currently in the system, type: "VIEW ALL EMPLOYEES." To find an employee, type: "SEARCH EMPLOYEE BY SSN." To change employee info, type: "CHANGE."\n'\
) #Added option to add an employee, find an employee by SSN, change information or to view all employees currently the system
if add_new == 'ADD':
while True: # Loop created to input employees with option to quit
employee_index = [input('Employee Name\n'), input('Employee SSN\n'), \
input('Employee Telephone Number ***Entered as (555)555-5555*** \n'), input('Employee Email\n'), input('Employee Salary ***Entered as $xxxx***\n')]
more_employees = input('Would you like to add another employee? Y or N.\n')
if more_employees == 'Y':
elif more_employees == 'N':
elif add_new == 'VIEW':
for employee_index in employee_info:
print(' -----------------', employee_index[0], '-----------------\n')
print('SSN:', employee_index[1], '\n')
print('Phone:', '(' + employee_index[2][0] + employee_index[2][1] + employee_index[2][2] + ')' + employee_index[2][3] + employee_index[2][4] + employee_index[2][
5] + '-' + employee_index[2][6] + employee_index[2][7] + employee_index[2][8] + employee_index[2][9], '\n')
print('Email:', employee_index[3], '\n')
print('Salary:', '$' + str(employee_index[4]), '\n')
print(' ----------------------------------------------------')
elif add_new == "SEARCH":
find_emp = input('Please enter the employee SSN in the following format: 333221111.\n')
found = False
for employee in employee_info:
if employee[1] == find_emp:
print(' -----------------', employee[0], '-----------------\n')
print('SSN:', employee[1], '\n')
print('Phone:', '(' + employee[2][0] + employee[2][1] + employee[2][2] + ')' + employee[2][3] + employee[2][4] + employee[2][
5] + '-' + employee[2][6] + employee[2][7] + employee[2][8] + employee[2][9], '\n')
print('Email:', employee[3], '\n')
print('Salary:', '$' + str(employee[4]), '\n')
print(' ----------------------------------------------------')
found = True
if found == False:
print("Employee not found!")
elif add_new == "CHANGE":
find_emp = input('Please enter the employee SSN in the following format: 333221111.\n')
found = False
for employee in employee_info:
if employee[1] == find_emp:
changeName = input(employee.replace(employee[0], 'Please enter new name.\n'))
changeSSN = input(employee.replace(employee[1], 'Please enter new SSN.\n'))
changePhone = input(employee.replace(employee[2], 'Please enter new phone number.\n'))
changeEmail = input(employee.replace(employee[3], 'Please enter new email.\n'))
changeSalary = input(employee.replace(employee[4], 'Please enter new salary.\n'))
found = True
if found == False:
print("Employee not found!")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\jmcra\Desktop\CPT200\Employment Management System - Functionality (4).py", line 54, in <module>
changeName = input(employee.replace(employee[0], 'Please enter new name.\n'))
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'replace'