Следуя примеру AWS здесь и ссылаясь на пример balena.io , я пытаюсь получить «вещь» (в настоящее время это скрипт на моей Ma c) обновить тень вещи на AWS.
Я уже близко. До сих пор я могу успешно зарегистрировать интерес к тени вещи (UPDATE: подписаться и опубликовать sh на MQTT topi c, получая обновления). Тем не менее, я получаю тайм-аут при попытке обновить тень. Первоначально я сталкивался с таймаутом при регистрации процентов из-за отсутствия политики в сертификате вещи, которая сейчас является базовой c. В настоящее время я думаю, что, возможно, мне нужно использовать другой сертификат root CA (в настоящее время используется CA1) или, возможно, что-то не так с моими строками сертификатов base64, закодированными с помощью:
openssl base64 -in some-cert.pem -out some-cert.txt
#gets copied to clipboard and pasted in UI env field
pbcopy < some-cert.txt
Вот что я до сих пор. Пожалуйста, обратите внимание на примечания TODO, так как это незавершенное производство.
Политика (пока что чрезмерно допустимая):
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iot:*",
"Resource": "*"
устранение неполадок. T
// application endpoint
const AWS_ENDPOINT = "my-endpoint.iot.us-east-1.amazonaws.com";
// thing private key encoded in base64
const AWS_PRIVATE_CERT = "gets set in balena.io UI as base64 string";
// aws root CA1 certificate encoded in base64
const AWS_ROOT_CERT = "gets set in balena.io UI as base64 string";
// thing certificate
const AWS_THING_CERT = "gets set in balena.io UI as base64 string";
const AWS_REGION = 'us-east-1';
import { DataUploader } from './data-uploader';
import { DataUploaderOptions } from './model/data-uploader-options';
const dataUploaderOptions: DataUploaderOptions = {
awsEndpoint: AWS_ENDPOINT,
awsPrivateCert: AWS_PRIVATE_CERT,
awsThingCert: AWS_THING_CERT,
awsRegion: AWS_REGION
const dataUploader = new DataUploader(dataUploaderOptions);
* Upload image and meta data to AWS as an AWS IoT thing.
import { thingShadow, ThingShadowOptions } from 'aws-iot-device-sdk';
import { DataUploaderOptions } from './model/data-uploader-options';
import { get } from 'lodash';
export class DataUploader {
// Provided options via constructor parameter
protected readonly options: DataUploaderOptions;
// AWS IoT thing shadows
protected thingShadows: thingShadow;
protected thingName = 'TwinTigerSecurityCamera';
protected currentTimeout: NodeJS.Timer;
// TODO: Typescript wants MqttClient type, better than 'any', check if it makes sense to import here just for type reference.
protected clientToken: string | void | any;
// TEMP: Move to class options:
protected operationTimeout = 10000;
protected operationTimeoutRetry = 1000;
constructor(options: DataUploaderOptions) {
// Set options based on input or defaults if not provided.
this.options = {
awsEndpoint: get(options, 'awsEndpoint', ''), // empty will throw an error
awsPrivateCert: get(options, 'awsPrivateCert', ''), // empty will throw an error
awsCaCert: get(options, 'awsCaCert', ''), // empty will throw an error
awsThingCert: get(options, 'awsThingCert', ''), // empty will throw an error
awsRegion: get(options, 'awsRegion', ''), // empty will throw an error
awsMqttClientId: get(options, 'awsMqttClientId', this.createUniqueClientId())
// Proceed no further if AWS options are not set properly.
if (!this.options.awsEndpoint ||
!this.options.awsPrivateCert ||
!this.options.awsCaCert ||
!this.options.awsThingCert ||
!this.options.awsRegion) {
throw new Error('DataUploader constructor: AWS IoT options are required.');
// setup thingShadow and events
protected initThingShadow = () => {
// create thing shadow: extends IoT 'device' with extra status that can be
// set/received online or offline (can sync when online)
const thingShadowOptions: ThingShadowOptions = {
// TODO: revise 'ca' to 'rootCa1' to help clarify
clientCert: Buffer.from(this.options.awsThingCert, 'base64'),
caCert: Buffer.from(this.options.awsCaCert, 'base64'),
privateKey: Buffer.from(this.options.awsPrivateCert, 'base64'),
clientId: this.options.awsMqttClientId,
host: this.options.awsEndpoint,
region: this.options.awsRegion
this.thingShadows = new thingShadow(thingShadowOptions);
this.thingShadows.on('connect', () => {
// Report the status of update(), get(), and delete() calls.
this.thingShadows.on('status', (thingName, stat, clientToken, stateObject) => {
const tmpObj = JSON.stringify(stateObject);
console.log(`received ${stat} on ${thingName}: ${tmpObj}`);
this.thingShadows.on('message', (topic, message) => {
const tmpObj = JSON.stringify(message);
console.log(`message received for ${topic}: ${tmpObj}`);
this.thingShadows.on('foreignStateChange', (thingName, operation, stateObject) => {
const tmpObj = JSON.stringify(stateObject);
console.log(`foreignStateChange happened for ${thingName}, ${operation}: ${tmpObj}`);
this.thingShadows.on('delta', (thingName, stateObject) => {
const tmpObj = JSON.stringify(stateObject);
console.log(`received delta on ${thingName}: ${tmpObj}`);
this.thingShadows.on('timeout', (thingName, clientToken) => {
console.log(`timeout for ${thingName}: ${clientToken}`);
protected setInitialThingShadowState = (): void => {
// TODO: consider making interface for this
const cameraState = JSON.stringify({
state: {
desired: {
signedUrlRequests: 10,
signedUrls: [],
startedAt: new Date(),
uploadCount: 0,
uploadSpeed: 0
this.thingShadowOperation('update', cameraState);
protected registerThingShadowInterest = () => {
this.thingShadows.register(this.thingName, {
ignoreDeltas: true
(err, failedTopics) => {
if (!err && !failedTopics) {
console.log(`${this.thingName} interest is registered.`);
} else {
// TODO: What do we do now? Throw an error?
const failedString = JSON.stringify(failedTopics);
console.error(`registerThingShadowInterest error occurred: ${err.message}, failed topics: ${failedString}`);
* Thanks: https://github.com/aws/aws-iot-device-sdk-js/blob/master/examples/thing-example.js
protected thingShadowOperation = (operation: string, state: Object) => {
// TODO: Check if there's a better way to do this. We want to accept operation
// parameter as string only (no any), then ensure it's a key of the thingShadow
// class. It works in TypeScipt, however calling class methods dynamically seems
// like one of the few cases when the developer wants to ditch TypeScript.
const operationKey: ('register' | 'unregister' | 'update' | 'get' | 'delete' | 'publish' | 'subscribe' | 'unsubscribe') = <any>operation;
const clientToken = this.thingShadows[operationKey](this.thingName, state);
if (clientToken === null) {
// The thing shadow operation can't be performed because another one
// is pending. If no other operation is pending, reschedule it after an
// interval which is greater than the thing shadow operation timeout.
if (this.currentTimeout !== null) {
console.log('Operation in progress, scheduling retry...');
this.currentTimeout = setTimeout(
function() {
this.thingShadowOperation(operation, state);
this.operationTimeout + this.operationTimeoutRetry);
} else {
// Save the client token so that we know when the operation completes.
this.clientToken = clientToken;
* Generate a unique MQTT client id so not to collide with other ids in use.
createUniqueClientId = (): string => {
return 'temporaryClientIdWillBeMoreUniqueInTheFuture';
model / data-uploader-options.ts
// DataUploader options
export interface DataUploaderOptions {
// AWS IoT endpoint found in IoT settings in management console
awsEndpoint: string;
// AWS IoT private certificate for single device
awsPrivateCert: string;
// AWS IoT CA certificate
awsCaCert: string;
// AWS IoT thing certificate for single device
awsThingCert: string;
// AWS IoT region where thing settings live
awsRegion: string;
// an MQTT client id that needs to be unique amongst all other client ids
awsMqttClientId?: string;
Что мне не хватает, чтобы обновить тень вещи?
Когда я использую сертификаты напрямую, а не в строковых версиях base64, я получаю одинаковые результаты тайм-аута. Пример:
const thingShadowOptions = {
keyPath: '/Users/me/Downloads/private-key-aaaaaaaaaa-private.pem.key',
certPath: '/Users/me/Downloads/thing-aaaaaa-certificate.pem.crt',
caPath: '/Users/me/Downloads/ca-AmazonRootCA1.pem',
clientId: this.options.awsMqttClientId,
host: this.options.awsEndpoint,
region: this.options.awsRegion
Также я могу подписаться на MQTT topi c и publi sh на него:
this.thingShadows.on('connect', () => {
// this.registerThingShadowInterest();
this.thingShadows.publish('topic_1', JSON.stringify({ test_data: 1}));
message received for topic_1: {"type":"Buffer","data":[123,34,116,101,115,116,95,100,97,116,97,34,58,49,125]}