Функции Firebase: функция вернула неопределенное, ожидаемое обещание или значение - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 26 апреля 2020

Вот мой файл .ts, я использую метод then и блок catch для обработки ошибок в последнем операторе возврата. Это фоновая функция, запускаемая Firestore, и в основном я делаю 3 вещи при создании документа. 1. Скопируйте данные в другой документ в Firestore. 2. Отправьте уведомление FCM. 3. Создайте объект JSON с именем «tificationObject »и добавьте его. к другому документу в Firestore

import * as functions from 'firebase-functions'
const admin = require('firebase-admin')

//When client followes a user, a firestore .onCreate() background function is triggered to
//1.add follower to the followee's followers sub collection
//2.an FCM notification to sent to the users
//3.A Notification doc is added to Notification Sub Collection
export const addTheNewFollower = functions.region('asia-east2').firestore.document
  ('Users/{followerUserId}/following/{followeeUserId}').onCreate((data, context) => {

  //get follower and followee Uids for identification
  const followeeUid = context.params.followeeUserId
  //for identification and notification payload data (Intent Extras for client)
  const followerUid = context.params.followerUserId

  //Get Follower user details that needs to be duplicated to the Followee's following Sub Coll
  //And also added to the notification Payload data
  admin.firestore().collection('Users').doc(followerUid).get().then((doc:{ exists: any; data: () =>         
any }) => {

//Extracting this separately as this need not be copied to the Followers sub-collection
const followerImageUrl = doc.data().DOWNLOAD_URL

//This data will be copied to the followers sub collection
const followerData = {
  name:  doc.data().name,
  uid: followerUid,
  userName: doc.data().userName,

  //get the notification token of the followee to identify & send notification to his device
    .doc('theNotificationToken').get().then((notificationTokenDoc:{ exists: any; data: () => any })     
=> {

  const followeeNotificationToken = notificationTokenDoc.data().notificationToken

  //Create the Notification Payload content
  const notificationPayload = {
    notification: {
  title: 'You have a new follower!',
  body: `${followerData.userName}`,
  clickAction: ".People.PersonProfileActivity",
  image: `${followerImageUrl}`
    data: {
  ACTIVITY_NAME: "PersonProfileActivity",
  //The below field name to be same as the one used in the client
  PERSON_NAME_INTENT_EXTRA: followerData.name,
  PERSON_USERNAME_INTENT_EXTRA: followerData.userName,
  //If the app is in the foreground then this channel will be used to trigger a notification and this     
//channel has to
  //be created at the client else, this will fail
  CHANNEL_ID: "Follow Update ID"

  //random 11 digital Notification Doc Id
  const randomNotificationDocId = (Math.random() * 100000000000).toString()

  const notificationObject = {
message:`${followerData.userName} started following you`,
receivedTime: Date.now(),
//This is needed for client to access this doc and update the wasClicked field
notificationDocId: randomNotificationDocId,
senderName: followerData.name,
senderUid: followerData.uid,
//this will be false by default, will turn true at client when clicked
wasClicked: false,
//this type has to be same as in the client
notificationChannelId: "Follow Updates",
intentToActivity: "PersonProfileActivity",
intentExtrasUid: followerData.uid,
intentExtrasName: followerData.name,
intentExtrasUserName: followerData.userName,

//Add the follower to the followee sub-collection


//Add the notification doc to the user's notification sub collection

//Send the notification to the user
return admin.messaging().sendToDevice(followeeNotificationToken,     
notificationPayload).then(function(response: any) {
  console.log("Successfully sent message:", response);
  .catch(function(error: any) {
  console.log("Error sending message:", error);




Функция завершена, как и ожидалось, но я получаю «Функция вернула неопределенное, ожидаемое обещание или значение» на консоли Firebase. Может кто-нибудь сказать мне, что я здесь делаю не так

Ответы [ 2 ]

1 голос
/ 26 апреля 2020


Return Promise.all([
    admin.messaging().sendToDevice(followeeNotificationToken, notificationPayload)

Если вы хотите обновить больше полей в Firestore или Realtime Database, поместите их в этот оператор return Promise.all([ ... ]).

0 голосов
/ 27 апреля 2020

Хорошо, у меня было 5 методов в этом файле. Мне пришлось связать 2 из них, используя метод then (), и добавить 3 метода внизу в массив, называемый promises, и вернуть их в качестве обещания с помощью команды Promise.all (promises).

Вот мой окончательный код

export const addTheNewFollower = functions.region('asia-east2').firestore.document
('Users/{followerUserId}/following/{followeeUserId}').onCreate((data, context) => {

//get follower and followee Uids for identification
const followeeUid = context.params.followeeUserId
//for identification and notification payload data (Intent Extras for client)
const followerUid = context.params.followerUserId

//Get Follower user details that needs to be duplicated to the Followee's following 
//Sub Coll
//And also added to the notification Payload data
return admin.firestore().collection('Users').doc(followerUid).get().then((doc:{ 
exists: any; data: () => any }) => {

//Extracting this separately as this need not be copied to the Followers sub-    
const followerImageUrl = doc.data().DOWNLOAD_URL

//This data will be copied to the followers sub collection
const followerData = {
  name:  doc.data().name,
  uid: followerUid,
  userName: doc.data().userName,

//get the notification token of the followee to identify & send notification to his 
return admin.firestore().collection('Users').doc(followeeUid)
.doc('theNotificationToken').get().then((notificationTokenDoc:{ exists: any; data: () 
=> any }) => {

  const followeeNotificationToken = notificationTokenDoc.data().notificationToken

//Create the Notification Payload content
const notificationPayload = {
notification: {
  title: 'You have a new follower!',
  body: `${followerData.userName}`,
  clickAction: ".People.PersonProfileActivity",
  image: `${followerImageUrl}`
data: {
  ACTIVITY_NAME: "PersonProfileActivity",
  //The below field name to be same as the one used in the client
  PERSON_NAME_INTENT_EXTRA: followerData.name,
  PERSON_USERNAME_INTENT_EXTRA: followerData.userName,
  //If the app is in the foreground then this channel will be used to trigger a 
notification and this channel has to
  //be created at the client else, this will fail
  CHANNEL_ID: "Follow Update ID"

//random 11 digital Notification Doc Id
const randomNotificationDocId = (Math.random() * 100000000000).toString()

const notificationObject = {
message:`${followerData.userName} started following you`,
receivedTime: Date.now(),
//This is needed for client to access this doc and update the wasClicked field
notificationDocId: randomNotificationDocId,
senderName: followerData.name,
senderUid: followerData.uid,
//this will be false by default, will turn true at client when clicked
wasClicked: false,
//this type has be same as in the client
notificationChannelId: "Follow Updates",
intentToActivity: "PersonProfileActivity",
intentExtrasUid: followerData.uid,
intentExtrasName: followerData.name,
intentExtrasUserName: followerData.userName,

const promises = []
  //Add the follower to the followee sub-collection
  const p = admin.firestore().collection('Users').doc(followeeUid)
  //Add the notification doc to the user's notification sub collection
  const p1 = admin.firestore().collection('Users').doc(followeeUid)
  //Send the notification to the user
  const p2 = admin.messaging().sendToDevice(followeeNotificationToken, 

  return Promise.all(promises)


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