Я пытаюсь позвонить по URL. И затем я получу ответ в формате XML, и на основе того, какой ответ я получу, он успешно создаст Tables
в базе данных, используя Microsoft SMO (Server Management Objects)
, что позволяет мне создавать и генерировать базы данных и столы. но по какой-то причине он вставляет любые данные в таблицы, и они NULL
Снимок экрана
![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/FmSjb.png)
<ICECAT-interface xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://data.icecat.biz/xsd/files.index.xsd">
<files.index Generated="20200219011050">
<file path="export/freexml.int/EN/1424.xml" Product_ID="1424" Updated="20200218012414" Quality="ICECAT" Supplier_id="1" Prod_ID="C4811A" Catid="846" On_Market="1" Model_Name="11" Product_View="513730" HighPic="http://images.icecat.biz/img/gallery/1424_6912543175.jpg" HighPicSize="2478427" HighPicWidth="2598" HighPicHeight="3276" Date_Added="20051023000000" Limited="No" >
<M_Prod_ID Supplier_id="11" Supplier_name="Cisco">C4811A</M_Prod_ID>
<Country_Market Value="NL"/>
<Country_Market Value="BE"/>
<Country_Market Value="FR"/>
<Country_Market Value="UA"/>
<Country_Market Value="GB"/>
<Country_Market Value="DE"/>
<Country_Market Value="BG"/>
Class Module1
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim url As String = "http://data.Icecat.biz/export/freexml/EN/daily.index.xml"
End Sub
Public Shared Function ProcessXMLFeedURL(MyURL As String) As Boolean
Dim OK As Boolean = False
Dim rssReq As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(MyURL)
Dim username As String = ""
Dim password As String = ""
Dim encoded As String = System.Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(username + ":" + password))
rssReq.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + encoded)
'//Get the WebResponse
Dim rep As WebResponse = rssReq.GetResponse()
'//Read the Response in a XMLTextReader
Dim xtr As XmlTextReader = New XmlTextReader(rep.GetResponseStream())
'// Set up the connection to the SQL server
Dim MyConnectionString As String = "Data Source=......"
Dim Connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(MyConnectionString)
Dim MyServer As Server = New Server(New ServerConnection(Connection))
Dim db As Database = New Database(MyServer, "xxxxx")
'//Create a new DataSet
Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet()
'//Read the Response into the DataSet
'// Parse tables
For i As Integer = 0 To ds.Tables.Count - 1
Dim Mytable As Table
Dim MyTableName As String = ds.Tables(i).TableName
If Not HaveTable(MyConnectionString, MyTableName) Then
'// Create the table
Mytable = New Table(db, MyTableName)
Catch ex As Exception
Dim ii As Integer = 0
End Try
'// Create the columns
Dim Mycolumn As Column = New Column()
For Each dc As DataColumn In ds.Tables(i).Columns
Mycolumn = New Column(Mytable, dc.ColumnName)
Mycolumn.DataType = getdatatype(dc.DataType.ToString)
Dim PrimaryKeys() As DataColumn = ds.Tables(i).PrimaryKey
Dim PrimaryKey As DataColumn
For Each PrimaryKey In PrimaryKeys
Dim Myindex As Index = New Index(Mytable, PrimaryKey.ColumnName)
Myindex.IndexKeyType = IndexKeyType.DriPrimaryKey
Myindex.IndexedColumns.Add(New IndexedColumn(Myindex, PrimaryKey.ColumnName))
End If
Using MyConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(MyConnectionString)
Using bulkcopy As SqlBulkCopy = New SqlBulkCopy(MyConnection)
bulkcopy.DestinationTableName = "[" & MyTableName & "]"
Catch ex As Exception
Dim iw As Integer = 0
End Try
End Using
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex '// Do errorhanddling here
End Try
Return OK
End Function
Shared Function getdatatype(Mydatatype As String) As DataType
Dim dty As DataType = Nothing
Select Case Mydatatype
Case Is = "System.Decimal"
dty = DataType.Decimal(2, 18)
Case Is = "System.String"
dty = DataType.VarChar(500)
Case Is = "System.Int32"
dty = DataType.Int
End Select
Return dty
End Function
Shared Function HaveTable(MyConnectionString As String, TableName As String) As Boolean
Dim OK As Boolean = False
Dim dbConn As New SqlConnection(MyConnectionString)
Dim restrictions(3) As String
restrictions(2) = TableName
Dim dbTbl As DataTable = dbConn.GetSchema("Tables", restrictions)
If dbTbl.Rows.Count > 0 Then
OK = True
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Dim ss As Integer = 0
End Try
Return OK
End Function
End Class
Может кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, помогите мне!