Существует ряд (серверных) настроек, которые позволяют сопровождающему API включать и выключать функции нумерации страниц. Цитирование из документов :
PAGINATION. True if pagination is enabled for GET requests, otherwise False. Can be overridden by resource settings. Defaults to True.
PAGINATION_LIMIT. Maximum value allowed for QUERY_MAX_RESULTS query parameter. Values exceeding the limit will be silently replaced with this value. You want to aim for a reasonable compromise between performance and transfer size. Defaults to 50.
PAGINATION_DEFAULT. Default value for QUERY_MAX_RESULTS. Defaults to 25.
OPTIMIZE_PAGINATION_FOR_SPEED. Set this to True to improve pagination performance. When optimization is active no count operation, which can be slow on large collections, is performed on the database. This does have a few consequences. Firstly, no document count is returned. Secondly, HATEOAS is less accurate: no last page link is available, and next page link is always included, even on last page. On big collections, switching this feature on can greatly improve performance. Defaults to False (slower performance; document count included; accurate HATEOAS).
Если у вас нет доступа к серверу, вы не сможете отключить нумерацию страниц, глобально или на уровне конечной точки.