Резервное копирование
При необходимости измените значения в разделе констант, например, если у вас есть заголовок или заголовки в первой строке, тогда вам не нужно l oop через эти ячейки.
Аргумент After в Find - это просто начать поиск с первой ячейки в столбце. Это может быть опущено. Внимательно изучите другие аргументы Find, потому что они могут пригодиться в будущем.
Сделайте несколько комментариев, или через некоторое время вам будет очень трудно понять код.
Option Explicit
Public Sub Projecs()
Const rowSrc As Long = 1 ' Source First Row Number
Const rowTgt As Long = 1 ' Target First Row Number
Const colSrc As Long = 1 ' Source Compare Column Number
Const colTgt As Long = 1 ' Target Compare Column Number
Const NoC As Long = 4 ' Number of Copy Columns
Dim wsSrc As Worksheet ' Source Worksheet
Dim wsTgt As Worksheet ' Target Worksheet
Dim rngTgt As Range ' Target Column Range
Dim lrSrc As Long ' Source Last Non-Empty Row
Dim lrTgt As Long ' Target Last Non-Empty Row,
' Target First Empty Row After Last Non-Empty Row
Dim i As Long ' Source Rows Counter
Dim Count As Long ' Copied Projects Counter
' Beware, you are using CodeNames, not the names in the TABS.
' Which is great. Now you can change the names in the Tabs and
' the code will still run perfectly.
Set wsSrc = Sheet2
Set wsTgt = Sheet1
' ' This might work ...
' wsTgt.AutoFilterMode = False
' ' Calculate Last Non-Empty Row in both Worksheets.
' lrSrc = wsSrc.Cells(wsSrc.Rows.Count, colSrc).End(xlUp).Row
' lrTgt = wsTgt.Cells(wsTgt.Rows.Count, colTgt).End(xlUp).Row
' ... but better is:
' Calculate Last Non-Empty Row in both Worksheets.
lrSrc = _
wsSrc.Columns(colSrc).Find(What:="*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
lrTgt = _
wsTgt.Columns(colTgt).Find(What:="*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
' Lesson: You better always use the Find method to calculate the Last
' Non-Empty Row especially when there is autofilter envolved where
' it becomes a MUST.
' Define Target Column Range.
Set rngTgt = wsTgt.Cells(rowTgt, colTgt).Resize(lrTgt - rowTgt + 1)
' Loop through cells in Compare Column of Source Worksheet.
For i = rowSrc To lrSrc
' Check if current cell of Source Worksheet can NOT be found
' in Target Column Range.
If rngTgt.Find(What:=wsSrc.Cells(i, colSrc), After:=rngTgt _
.Cells(rngTgt.Rows.Count, 1), LookAt:=xlWhole) Is Nothing Then
' Add current project to the count.
Count = Count + 1
' Calculate Target First Empty Row After Last Non-Empty Row.
lrTgt = lrTgt + 1
' Write values from Source Row Range to Target Row Range.
wsTgt.Cells(lrTgt, colTgt).Resize(, NoC).Value = _
wsSrc.Cells(i, colSrc).Resize(, NoC).Value
End If
MsgBox "Copied " & Count & " projects to production"
End Sub
Вот версия ячейка за ячейкой. Он работает нормально (больше не добавляет дубликатов), но проблема «крошечного» автофильтра по-прежнему сохраняется.
Я добавил строку кода, исправляющую проблему «крошечного» автофильтра в Target Рабочий лист прямо перед MsgBox. Ранее, когда значения в Target Worksheet были отфильтрованы (номера строк были синего цвета), тогда новые добавленные значения (строки) не были отфильтрованы (номера строк были черными). Я переписываю, потому что добавлена только одна строка значимости.
Option Explicit
Public Sub Projecs()
Const rowSrc As Long = 1 ' Source First Row Number
Const rowTgt As Long = 1 ' Target First Row Number
Const colSrc As Long = 1 ' Source Compare Column Number
Const colTgt As Long = 1 ' Target Compare Column Number
Const NoC As Long = 4 ' Number of Copy Columns
Dim wsSrc As Worksheet ' Source Worksheet
Dim wsTgt As Worksheet ' Target Worksheet
Dim rngTgt As Range ' Target Column Range
Dim lrSrc As Long ' Source Last Non-Empty Row
Dim lrTgt As Long ' Target Last Non-Empty Row,
Dim frTgt As Long ' Target Empty Row After Last Non-Empty Row
Dim i As Long ' Source Rows Counter
Dim j As Long ' Target Rows Counter
Dim Count As Long ' Copied Projects Counter
' Beware, you are using CodeNames, not the names in the TABS.
' Which is great. Now you can change the names in the Tabs and
' the code will still run perfectly.
Set wsSrc = Sheet2
Set wsTgt = Sheet1
' Calculate Last Non-Empty Row in both Worksheets.
lrSrc = _
wsSrc.Columns(colSrc).Find(What:="*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
lrTgt = _
wsTgt.Columns(colTgt).Find(What:="*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
' Lesson: You better always use the Find method to calculate the Last
' Non-Empty Row, but especially when there are autofilter or hidden rows
' envolved, when it becomes a MUST.
' Define Target Column Range.
Set rngTgt = wsTgt.Cells(rowTgt, colTgt).Resize(lrTgt - rowTgt + 1)
' Calculate Target Empty Row After Last Non-Empty Row.
frTgt = lrTgt
' Loop through cells in Compare Column of Source Worksheet.
For i = rowSrc To lrSrc
' Loop through cells in Compare Column of Target Worksheet.
For j = rowTgt To lrTgt
' Check current cell in Source Column against current cell
' in Target Column. If they are equal then exit the loop.
If wsSrc.Cells(i, colSrc) = wsTgt.Cells(j, colTgt) Then Exit For
' When a for loop finishes without exiting, the value of the counter
' is by one greater than the last element i.e. Target Rows Counter (j)
' is equal to Target Last Non-Empty Row increased by one (1).
' Check Target Rows Counter against Target Last Non-Empty Row.
If j > lrTgt Then
' Add current project to the count.
Count = Count + 1
' Calculate Target First Empty Row After Last Non-Empty Row.
frTgt = frTgt + 1
' Write values from Source Row Range to Target Row Range.
wsTgt.Cells(frTgt, colTgt).Resize(, NoC).Value = _
wsSrc.Cells(i, colSrc).Resize(, NoC).Value
End If
' If data in Target Worksheet is filtered, then include
' the newly added values (rows) in the filter.
If wsTgt.AutoFilterMode Then wsTgt.AutoFilter.ApplyFilter
MsgBox "Copied " & Count & " projects to production"
End Sub