Я обновляю код следующим образом, надеясь, что он будет вам полезен:
Sub AddAndSumMissingDictionary()
Const NETSEXP_SHT4 = "H"
Const MEMBER_SHT4 = "G"
Const cTotalExpected = 0
Const cTotalNets = 1
Const cTotalNetSplitAVC = 2
'Workbooks & Worksheets
Dim wb As Workbook, wbNew As Workbook
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws3 As Worksheet, ws4 As Worksheet
Dim WkSht_Src As Worksheet
Dim WkBk_Dest As Workbook
Dim WkSht_Dest As Worksheet
'Array you Requested
Dim ArrMissingDictionary() As Double
Dim lMissingDictCount As Long
'Iteration Rows & Ranges
Dim iRow As Long, iLastRow As Long, iTargetRow As Long, iCopyRow As Long, NbCont_SHT3 As Long, AmCont_SHT3 As Double
Dim NbCont_SHT4 As Long, AmCont_SHT4 As Double, NbResults As Integer, AmResult As Double, pct_change As Double
Dim msg As String, i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim count As Long, countWB As Integer
Dim Rng As Range
Dim r As Long
Dim d As Long, dE As Long
'Initializing Variables
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws1 = wb.Sheets("BrokerSelect")
Set ws3 = wb.Sheets("ContributionSplitReport")
Set ws4 = wb.Sheets("ContributionExceptionReport")
Dim dict As Object, dictEXP As Object, dictRESULTP As Object, dictRESULTN As Object, dictMEMBER As Object, sKey As Double, ar As Variant
Dim sEXP As Double, sRESP As Double, sRESN As Double, sMEMBER As Integer, arEXP As Variant, arRESP As Variant, arRESN As Variant, arMEMBER As Variant
'Initializing Dictionaries
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dictEXP = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dictRESULTP = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dictRESULTN = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dictMEMBER = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Set Missing lMissingDictCount to 0
lMissingDictCount = 0
'Get the Last Row
iLastRow = ws4.Cells(Rows.count, MEMBER_SHT4).End(xlUp).Row
'Iteration Process
For iRow = 18 To iLastRow
sMEMBER = ws4.Cells(iRow, MEMBER_SHT4) ' column "G"
sKey = ws4.Cells(iRow, NETSCONT_SHT4) ' column "I"
sEXP = ws4.Cells(iRow, NETSEXP_SHT4) ' column "H"
'Checking Existance of Dictionary Entry
If dictMEMBER.exists(sMEMBER) Then
'I think this should be like this
dictMEMBER.Key(sMEMBER) = dictMEMBER(sMEMBER) & ";" & iRow 'dictMEMBER(sMEMBER) = dictMEMBER(sMEMBER) & ";" & iRow
dictMEMBER.Key(sMEMBER) = iRow 'dictMEMBER(sMEMBER) = iRow
If sKey <> "0" Then
pct_change = (sKey - sEXP) / sKey
If pct_change > 0 Then
dictRESULTP.Add d, pct_change: d = d + 1
ElseIf pct_change < 0 Then
dictRESULTN.Add dE, pct_change: dE = dE + 1
End If
End If
'Increment lMissingDictCount
lMissingDictCount = lMissingDictCount + 1 'UBound(ArrMissingDictionary, 1) + 1
'Adding the Array:
ReDim Preserve ArrMissingDictionary(2, lMissingDictCount) 'Increasing the Array Row while keeping its content
ArrMissingDictionary(cTotalExpected, lMissingDictCount) = ws4.Cells(iRow, NETSEXP_SHT4)
ArrMissingDictionary(cTotalNets, lMissingDictCount) = ws4.Cells(iRow, NETSCONT_SHT4)
ArrMissingDictionary(cTotalNetSplitAVC, lMissingDictCount) = ws4.Cells(iRow, MEMBER_SHT4)
'If dictMEMBER(sMEMBER) does not exist I want to append the cell value (irow, i) into an array.
End If
Next iRow
'In the end i want to sum the value of the array
'I'm reusing the iRow again
Dim dTotalExpected As Double, dTotalNets As Double, dTotalNetSplitAVC As Double
For iRow = LBound(ArrMissingDictionary, 1) To UBound(ArrMissingDictionary, 1)
dTotalExpected = dTotalExpected + ArrMissingDictionary(cTotalExpected, iRow) 'Sum Missing on Col "H"
dTotalNets = dTotalNets + ArrMissingDictionary(cTotalNets, iRow) 'Sum Missing on Col "I"
dTotalNetSplitAVC = dTotalNetSplitAVC + ArrMissingDictionary(cTotalNetSplitAVC, iRow) 'Sum Missing on Col "G"
Next iRow
'You can affect the dTotalExpected, dTotalNets and dTotalNetSplitAVC for your purpose
End Sub
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