У меня есть этот запрос в метабазе:
with l1 as (SELECT date_trunc ('day', Ticket_Escalated_At) as time_scale, count (Ticket_ID) as chat_per_day
FROM CHAT_TICKETS where SUPPORT_QUEUE = 'transfer_investigations'
and date_trunc('month', TICKET_ESCALATED_AT) > now() - interval '6' Month
GROUP by 1)
with l2 as (SELECT date_trunc('day', created_date) as week, count(*) as TI_watchman_ticket
FROM jira_issues
WHERE issue_type NOT IN ('Transfer - General', 'TI - Advanced')
and date_trunc('month', created_date) > now() - interval '6' Month
and project_key = 'TI2'
SELECT l1.* from l1
UNION SELECT l2.* from l2
ORDER by 1
и этот:
with hours as (SELECT date_trunc('day', ws.start_time) as date_
,(ifnull(sum((case when ws.shift_position = 'TI - Non-watchman' then (minutes_between(ws.end_time, ws.start_time)/60) end)),0) + ifnull(sum((case when ws.shift_position = 'TI - Watchman' then (minutes_between(ws.end_time, ws.start_time)/60) end)),0) ) as total
from chat_agents a
join wiw_shifts ws on a.email = ws.user_email
left join people_ops.employees h on substr(h.email,1, instr(h.email,'@revolut') - 1) = a.login
where (seniority != 'Lead' or seniority is null)
and date_trunc('month', ws.start_time) > now() - interval '6' Month
Я хотел бы разделить выходные данные UNION первого, на результат второго, любые идеи.