Теперь в версии 0.39 DBD :: File эта часть выглядит следующим образом:
sub file2table
my ($self, $meta, $file, $file_is_table, $respect_case) = @_;
$file eq "." || $file eq ".." and return; # XXX would break a possible DBD::Dir
my ($ext, $req) = ("", 0);
if ($meta->{f_ext}) {
($ext, my $opt) = split m/\//, $meta->{f_ext};
if ($ext && $opt) {
$opt =~ m/r/i and $req = 1;
# (my $tbl = $file) =~ s/$ext$//i;
my ($tbl, $dir, $user_spec_file);
if ($file_is_table and defined $meta->{f_file}) {
$tbl = $file;
($file, $dir, undef) = File::Basename::fileparse ($meta->{f_file});
$user_spec_file = 1;
else {
($tbl, $dir, undef) = File::Basename::fileparse ($file, $ext);
$user_spec_file = 0;
-d File::Spec->catdir ($meta->{f_dir}, $dir) or
croak (File::Spec->catdir ($meta->{f_dir}, $dir) . ": $!");
!$respect_case and $meta->{sql_identifier_case} == 1 and # XXX SQL_IC_UPPER
$tbl = uc $tbl;
!$respect_case and $meta->{sql_identifier_case} == 2 and # XXX SQL_IC_LOWER
$tbl = lc $tbl;
my $searchdir = File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute ($dir)
? $dir
: Cwd::abs_path (File::Spec->catdir ($meta->{f_dir}, $dir));
$searchdir eq $meta->{f_dir} and
$dir = "";
unless ($user_spec_file) {
$file_is_table and $file = "$tbl$ext";
# Fully Qualified File Name
my $cmpsub;
if ($respect_case) {
$cmpsub = sub {
my ($fn, undef, $sfx) = File::Basename::fileparse ($_, qr/\.[^.]*/);
$fn eq $tbl and
return (lc $sfx eq lc $ext or !$req && !$sfx);
return 0;
else {
$cmpsub = sub {
my ($fn, undef, $sfx) = File::Basename::fileparse ($_, qr/\.[^.]*/);
lc $fn eq lc $tbl and
return (lc $sfx eq lc $ext or !$req && !$sfx);
return 0;
opendir my $dh, $searchdir or croak "Can't open '$searchdir': $!";
my @f = sort { length $b <=> length $a } grep { &$cmpsub ($_) } readdir $dh;
@f > 0 && @f <= 2 and $file = $f[0];
!$respect_case && $meta->{sql_identifier_case} == 4 and # XXX SQL_IC_MIXED
($tbl = $file) =~ s/$ext$//i;
closedir $dh or croak "Can't close '$searchdir': $!";
#(my $tdir = $dir) =~ s{^\./}{}; # XXX We do not want all tables to start with ./
#$tdir and $tbl = File::Spec->catfile ($tdir, $tbl);
$dir and $tbl = File::Spec->catfile ($dir, $tbl);
my $tmpfn = $file;
if ($ext) {
if ($req) {
# File extension required
$tmpfn =~ s/$ext$//i or return;
# else {
# # File extension optional, skip if file with extension exists
# grep m/$ext$/i, glob "$fqfn.*" and return;
# $tmpfn =~ s/$ext$//i;
# }
my $fqfn = File::Spec->catfile ($searchdir, $file);
my $fqbn = File::Spec->catfile ($searchdir, $tbl);
$meta->{f_fqfn} = $fqfn;
$meta->{f_fqbn} = $fqbn;
!defined $meta->{f_lockfile} && $meta->{f_lockfile} and
$meta->{f_fqln} = $meta->{f_fqbn} . $meta->{f_lockfile};
$meta->{table_name} = $tbl;
return $tbl;
} # file2table
Насколько я вижу, две опции f_ext работают как положено.