Следующий код, содержащий экзистенциальные типы, не компилируется
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
module TestGadt () where
-- |Symbol only for arithmetic
data ArithSym = AInt Int | ASym String
-- |Symbol for arithmetic or strings or anything else
data GSym x = GInt Int | GStr String | GOther x
data Expr x = EAdd (Expr x) (Expr x) | E0 x deriving Functor
-- |Concatenate the string literals
concatStrings :: Expr (GSym x) -> Expr (GSym x)
concatStrings = undefined
-- |Add the integer literals
addInts :: Expr (GSym x) -> Expr (GSym x)
addInts = undefined
-- |Do some transform according to the sizes
otherOpt :: (e -> Int) -> Expr e -> Expr e
otherOpt symSize = undefined
-- |Configuration to optimize an expression with symbols of type e.
data OptConfig e = OptConfig {
ocSymSize :: e -> Int,
ocGSymIso :: forall e0 . (e -> GSym e0,GSym e0 -> e)
-- ^ this should be existential
-- |Optimize given the configuration
opt :: OptConfig e -> Expr e -> Expr e
opt oc =
otherOpt (ocSymSize oc)
. fmap (snd $ ocGSymIso oc)
. addInts
. concatStrings
. fmap (fst $ ocGSymIso oc)
arithConfig32 :: OptConfig ArithSym
arithConfig32 = OptConfig {
ocSymSize=const 4,
ocGSymIso=(\case{AInt i -> GInt i;ASym s -> GOther s},
\case {GInt i -> AInt i;GOther a -> ASym a;_-> error "unreachable"})
-- XXX: ^ ""Couldn't match type ‘e0’ with ‘String’"" even though e0
-- should be existential!
arithOpt :: Expr ArithSym -> Expr ArithSym
arithOpt = opt arithConfig32
Но если я изменяю экзистенциальный на GADT, он делает:
-- |Configuration to optimize an expression with symbols of type e.
data OptConfig e = OptConfig {
ocSymSize :: e -> Int,
ocGSymIso0 :: GIso e
-- ^ this should be existential
data GIso e where
GIso :: (e -> GSym e0,GSym e0 -> e) -> GIso e
-- |Optimize given the configuration
opt :: OptConfig e -> Expr e -> Expr e
opt oc = case ocGSymIso0 oc of
GIso (fromE,toE) ->
otherOpt (ocSymSize oc)
. fmap toE
. addInts
. concatStrings
. fmap fromE
arithConfig32 :: OptConfig ArithSym
arithConfig32 = OptConfig {
ocSymSize=const 4,
(\case{AInt i -> GInt i;ASym s -> GOther s},
\case {GInt i -> AInt i;GOther a -> ASym a;_-> error "unreachable"})
-- XXX: It works now?
Может кто-нибудь объяснить мне, почему одна проверка типов но не другой