Как это сделать, я новый Soap API, любой пример кода $ soapClient = new SoapClient ("http://website.com/EComintegration/IntegrationService.svc?wsdl");
// Prepare SoapHeader parameters
$sh_param = array(
'UserName' => 'admin',
'Password' => 'admin');
//'ClientID' => 1,
//'OutletID' => 1,
//'TerminalID' => 1);
$headers = new SoapHeader('http://website.com/EComintegration/IntegrationService.svc', 'UserCredentials', $sh_param);
// Prepare Soap Client
// Setup the RemoteFunction parameters
$ap_param = array(
'Location' => 2,
// Call RemoteFunction ()
$error = 0;
try {
$info = $soapClient->__call("GetInventory", array($ap_param));
} catch (SoapFault $fault) {
$error = 1;
alert('Sorry, blah returned the following ERROR: ".$fault->faultcode."-".$fault->faultstring.". We will now take you back to our home page.');
window.location = 'main.php';
if ($error == 0) {
$auth_num = $info->ItemName;