Используйте оператор continue
от man bash
continue [n]
Resume the next iteration of the enclosing for, while, until, or select loop. If n is specified, resume at the nth enclosing loop. n must be
≥ 1. If n is greater than the number of enclosing loops, the last enclosing loop (the ``top-level'' loop) is resumed. The return value is 0
unless n is not greater than or equal to 1.
или break
, если вам необходимо выйти из l oop
break [n]
Exit from within a for, while, until, or select loop. If n is specified, break n levels. n must be ≥ 1. If n is greater than the number of
enclosing loops, all enclosing loops are exited. The return value is 0 unless n is not greater than or equal to 1.