Доброе утро всем, я работаю над книгой "Изучение Azure в месяц обедов" и сейчас читаю о Azure Хранилище в главе 4. Я работаю над запуском python сценарий, который создаст для меня очередь хранения в azure, но каждый раз, когда я запускаю его, я получаю сообщение об ошибке с QueueServiceClient, где он говорит, что принимает 2 аргумента, но ошибка говорит, что он принимает только один. Ниже приведен пример кода ... Мой вопрос, какой из них написать?
# This script sample is part of "Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches" (Manning
# Publications) by Iain Foulds.
# This sample script covers the exercises from chapter 4 of the book. For more
# information and context to these commands, read a sample of the book and
# purchase at https://www.manning.com/books/learn-azure-in-a-month-of-lunches
# This script sample is released under the MIT license. For more information,
# see https://github.com/fouldsy/azure-mol-samples/blob/master/LICENSE
import string,random,time,azurerm,json,subprocess
from azure.storage.queue import QueueServiceClient
# Define variables to handle Azure authentication
get_token_cli = subprocess.Popen(['az account get-access-token | jq -r .accessToken'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
auth_token = str(get_token_cli.communicate()[0]).rstrip()
subscription_id = azurerm.get_subscription_from_cli()
# Define variables with random resource group and storage account names
resourcegroup_name = 'azuremol'+''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(6))
storageaccount_name = 'azuremol'+''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(6))
location = 'eastus'
# Create the a resource group for our demo
# We need a resource group and a storage account. A random name is generated, as each storage account name must be globally unique.
response = azurerm.create_resource_group(auth_token, subscription_id, resourcegroup_name, location)
if response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 201:
print('Resource group: ' + resourcegroup_name + ' created successfully.')
print('Error creating resource group')
# Create a storage account for our demo
response = azurerm.create_storage_account(auth_token, subscription_id, resourcegroup_name, storageaccount_name, location, storage_type='Standard_LRS')
if response.status_code == 202:
print('Storage account: ' + storageaccount_name + ' created successfully.')
print('\nWaiting for storage account to be ready before we create a Queue')
print('Error creating storage account')
# Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to create a Queue
print('\nLet\'s create an Azure Storage Queue to drop some messages on.')
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')
# Each storage account has a primary and secondary access key.
# These keys are used by aplications to access data in your storage account, such as Queues.
# Obtain the primary storage access key for use with the rest of the demo
response = azurerm.get_storage_account_keys(auth_token, subscription_id, resourcegroup_name, storageaccount_name)
storageaccount_keys = json.loads(response.text)
storageaccount_primarykey = storageaccount_keys['keys'][0]['value']
# Create the Queue with the Azure Storage SDK and the access key obtained in the previous step
queue_service = QueueServiceClient(account_name=storageaccount_name, account_key=storageaccount_primarykey)
response = queue_service.create_queue('pizzaqueue')
if response == True:
print('Storage Queue: pizzaqueue created successfully.\n')
print('Error creating Storage Queue.\n')
# Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to drop some messages in our Queue
print('Now let\'s drop some messages in our Queue.\nThese messages could indicate a take-out order being received for a customer ordering pizza.')
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')
# This basic example creates a message for each pizza ordered. The message is *put* on the Queue.
queue_service.put_message('pizzaqueue', u'Veggie pizza ordered.')
queue_service.put_message('pizzaqueue', u'Pepperoni pizza ordered.')
queue_service.put_message('pizzaqueue', u'Hawiian pizza ordered.')
queue_service.put_message('pizzaqueue', u'Pepperoni pizza ordered.')
queue_service.put_message('pizzaqueue', u'Pepperoni pizza ordered.')
# Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to count how many messages are in the Queue
print('\nLet\'s see how many orders we have to start cooking! Here, we simply examine how many messages are sitting the Queue. ')
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')
metadata = queue_service.get_queue_metadata('pizzaqueue')
print('Number of messages in the queue: ' + str(metadata.approximate_message_count))
# Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to read each message from the Queue
print('\nWith some messages in our Azure Storage Queue, let\'s read the first message in the Queue to signal we start to process that customer\'s order.')
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')
# When you get each message, they become hidden from other parts of the applications being able to see it.
# Once you have successfully processed the message, you then delete the message from the Queue.
# This behavior makes sure that if something goes wrong in the processing of the message, it is then dropped back in the Queue for processing in the next cycle.
messages = queue_service.get_messages('pizzaqueue')
for message in messages:
print('\n' + message.content)
queue_service.delete_message('pizzaqueue', message.id, message.pop_receipt)
raw_input('\nPress Enter to continue...')
metadata = queue_service.get_queue_metadata('pizzaqueue')
print('If we look at the Queue again, we have one less message to show we have processed that order and a yummy pizza will be on it\'s way to the customer soon.')
print('Number of messages in the queue: ' + str(metadata.approximate_message_count))
raw_input('\nPress Enter to continue...')
# This was a quick demo to see Queues in action.
# Although the actual cost is minimal since we deleted all the messages from the Queue, it's good to clean up resources when you're done
print('\nThis is a basic example of how Azure Storage Queues behave.\nTo keep things tidy, let\'s clean up the Azure Storage resources we created.')
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')
response = queue_service.delete_queue('pizzaqueue')
if response == True:
print('Storage Queue: pizzaqueue deleted successfully.')
print('Error deleting Storage Queue')
response = azurerm.delete_resource_group(auth_token, subscription_id, resourcegroup_name)
if response.status_code == 202:
print('Resource group: ' + resourcegroup_name + ' deleted successfully.')
print('Error deleting resource group.')