pywintypes.error: (-2147467259, 'Shell_NotifyIcon', 'Unspecified error') win10toast python - PullRequest
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/ 27 апреля 2020

Я пытаюсь создать программу, которая бы уведомляла меня, когда происходит определенное событие (присоединение к серверу Minecraft), используя модуль win10toast. Проблема в том, что примерно половина времени (и в разных средах) код выдает эту ошибку: pywintypes.error: (-2147467259, 'Shell_NotifyIcon', 'Unspecified error'). Я не могу найти ответ на это нигде. Вот код, если это помогает:

import win10toast
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from notify_run import Notify
notify = Notify()

toaster = win10toast.ToastNotifier()

def ping(message, i = 10, toast = True):
    message = "[" + str( + "] " + message
    if toast == True:
            toaster.show_toast('2B2T bot', message, duration=i)

disconnect = True
important = 101
pos = 10000
while True:
    with open("C:\\Users\\Penguin\\AppData\\Roaming\\.minecraft\\logs\\latest.log", "r") as file:
      last_line = file.readlines()[-1]
    if "[main/INFO]: [CHAT] Position in queue: " in last_line:
        if (disconnect == True):
            ping("You are now connected")

        disconnect = False
        if pos != int(last_line[50:]):
            ping(str(pos), 10, False)
        pos = int(last_line[50:])
        if pos < 100 and important > 100:
            important = pos
            ping("You are below 100 in the queue!")
        elif pos < 10 and important > 10:
            important = pos
            ping("YOU ARE BELOW 10 IN THE QUEUE", 50)
        elif pos <= 2 and important > 2:
            important = pos
            ping("YOU ARE ABOUT TO JOIN PLEASE CONNECT", 50)
            ping("YOU ARE ABOUT TO JOIN PLEASE CONNECT", 50)
            ping("YOU ARE ABOUT TO JOIN PLEASE CONNECT", 50)
    elif "[main/INFO]: Connecting to, 25565" in last_line and disconnect == False:
        disconnect = True
        ping("You are no longer connected to the server", 50)
        important = 101
    elif "[main/INFO]: [CHAT] [SERVER] Server restarting in" in last_line:
        ping("THE SERVER IS ABOUT TO RESTART", 30)