Вычитка моего кода с правильным использованием l oop - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 07 апреля 2020

Эта программа работает и работает правильно до конца. Когда пользователь спрашивает, хочет ли он продолжить или нет, он должен напечатать «Вы выбрали выход» после первой итерации, если он решит выйти. Проблема заключается в том, что при запросе продолжения или выхода, если пользователь выбирает выход, он возвращает основные инструкции.

не обращайте внимания на функцию продолжения, которую я закомментировал.

/*This program was created to
  generate user-entered number of sets 
  of 6 random, non-repeating numbers. 
  Bradley Ruiz
  Mr. Snedden
  Project 2

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define OFFSET 1 //Defined Constants indicating the beginning
#define RANGE 53//and ending of range of random numbers to choose from.

void Flush(void);

/*int ContinueFunc(void){
  int success = 0, numSets = 0;
  char c;

  printf("You have completed your random number generation.\n");
  printf("Would you like to continue with more sets or quit?\n");
  printf("Enter 'q' or 'Q' to quit or a new number of sets to generate.");
  success = scanf(" %d" , &numSets); //scans user input and assigns the value to success.

  if(success == 0){//checks if the value of numSets is the same as originally declared or if it has changed. 
  scanf(" %c", &c); //if it is still 0, then it scans for a character entry.

  if(tolower(c) == 'q')
  return -1; //exits the function
  }//end if

  return numSets;//if previous if statements are not true, it returns the numSets value.

int PrintRand(int COUNT) { //Declaring my PrintRand function taking in an integer variable named COUNT returning no value.
    uint64_t nums = 0; //declaring local variables. 64bit variable to store all random numbers generated.
    unsigned num = 0; //number that is always >= 0.
    int i, j, success = 0, numSets = 0;
    char c;
    int duplicate = 0; //variable to check for repeating numbers.

    if(COUNT > 0){
        printf("Your %2d set(s) of 6 random numbers is:\n" , COUNT);
    }//prints out the number of sets the user chose.

    for (int cnt = 0; cnt < COUNT; cnt++) { //outer loop to repeat for the number of user entered sets.
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {//inner loop to generate 6 random numbers.
            do {
                num = (rand() % RANGE) + OFFSET; //generate a random number does a modulus operation by the max value of range and adds offset to ensure number is between 1-53.

                for (duplicate = 0, j = 0; j < 6; j++)//for loop to check for duplicates.
                    // retrieving the nth number from nums
                    if (((nums >> (j * 8)) & 0xff) == num)
                        duplicate = 1;

                if (duplicate) // if there is a repeating number, it will restart.

                nums |= (uint64_t)(num << (i * 8));//if not it saves the value to nums. 

                break;//breaks out of the do while loop.
            } while (1);

            printf("%2d " , num);//prints the random number with a set width while the conditions are true.

        }//end inner loop
    }//end outer loop
    printf("You have completed your random number generation.\n");
    printf("Would you like to continue with more sets or quit?\n");
    printf("Enter 'q' or 'Q' to quit or a new number of sets to generate.\n");
    success = scanf(" %d" , &numSets); //scans user input and assigns the value to success.

    if(success == 0){//checks if the value of numSets is the same as originally declared or if it has changed. 
        scanf(" %c", &c); //if it is still 0, then it scans for a character entry.

        if(tolower(c) == 'q')
            return -1; //exits the function
        //end if
        PrintRand(numSets);//continuation loop that calls itself if a user chooses another number of sets to generate.      

}//end of PrintRand function.

int PrintInstructions(void){//Function to print instructions taking in no value and returning in an integer value of the user input.  

    int numSets = 0; //local variables for PrintInstructions function.

    int success = 0;

    char c;

        printf("Enter the amount of sets of 6 random numbers you want to generate.\n");
        printf("Enter in 'q' or 'Q' to quit...\n");

        success = scanf(" %d" , &numSets); //scans user input and assigns the value to success.

        if(success == 0){//checks if the value of numSets is the same as originally declared or if it has changed. 
            scanf(" %c", &c); //if it is still 0, then it scans for a character entry.

            if(tolower(c) == 'q')
                return -1; //exits the function
        }//end if

            return numSets;//if previous if statements are not true, it returns the numSets value.

    }//end for

} //end PrintInstructions function.

int main() {
    srand(time(NULL)); //seeds system time so that each set of random numbers is different.
    int numSets = -99;


        numSets = PrintInstructions(); //calls print instructions function and sets the return value = to numSets variable.

        if(numSets > 0){     
        }//end if - statement that calls the Print Rand function if the numSets variable is greater than 0.

    }//end do - Loop will run until user enters the quit value.

    while(numSets != -1);// end do-while loop - Loop will run until numSets = -1 which is the quit value.

    printf("You have chosen to quit");
    return 0;

void Flush(){

    char c;

    while((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF);

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